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I'm sorry I had to end it like that... I wish I could have made it a happy ending but All I can really say is sorry... Please don't kill me for the sin I have committed. I still have more to commit. Like writing more fanfiction. Although most of them will end happy. This will most likely be my last sad ending one. Most likely. Mwahahahahahaha.
Okay, I hope you enjoyed this (as much as you could with all the depressing scenes) and I'll probably have a new book up soon. Most likely not Percico but still interesting.
Okay, Persephone is gonna be OOC here, but I've always thought she would be the best to break the news as she's the only one other than Hades who would have seen Nico in the underworld and let's face it, Hades would be shit at comforting Percy.
Here's the epilogue.
we are all pieces of what we remember. We hold in ourselves the hopes and fears of those who love us. As long as there is love and memory, there is no true loss
~City of heavenly fire
It had been a month. A month since Nico had died. A month since the entire camp found out and mourned the hero that had brought the one thing that ended the war between camps. A month of people avoiding Percy, not that he really cared. He was drifting along, not really alive but not dead. It was hard to stay focused. It was hard to breathe most days, knowing his love was gone.
He had half a mind to storm the underworld and threaten Hades until he brought back Nico, but Nico would probably break one of his arms for being so idiotic and March back down to the underworld.
He'd gotten into the habit of stargazing, because it reminded him of Nico. It was really one of the last things he had of the son of Hades.
So here he was, sitting on the dock, staring at the stars. It was almost peaceful, he could almost pretend his heart wasn't broken.
He didn't notice the beautiful woman standing behind him, watching him with a sad expression. She had a faint glow to her, as though she was otherworldly.
Percy jumped and turned around seeing the woman.
"Lady Persephone... What are you...?"
"It's my time to be up here with my mother... It's painful, watching you. I think all the gods are thinking that as well. Your father wishes he could send something to ease the pain. So he sent me."
Percy blinked in confusion.
"I've seen Nico down there. He's okay, Percy. He still loves you, but he wants you to be happy. 
You're not, I can tell. Percy, Nico isn't truly gone. You hold him in your heart."
Percy unconsciously gripped the front of his t shirt where his heart was.
"Maybe he's gone physically, but he's still there. In memory. He's not gone as long as you remember him." Persephone stared at him sadly.
Percy blinked away the tears that were gathering in his eyes.
"I didn't just come here for that, Percy."
Percy now was confused. What else would a goddess do for him? They never seemed to care much for the demigods when they lost a friend or a family member.
"The stars, they're beautiful, aren't they?" Persephone smiled softly.
"They're even more beautiful now." She pointed at the sky.
Percy followed her finger and saw it. A star twinkled brighter than the others.
"There's your memory. As long as you still love Nico, and as long as you see that star, he's not really gone."
Percy was transfixed with the star. That was his Nico. His memory. Maybe Persephone was right. Nico wasn't truly gone. That star was still there. So Nico was too.

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