Chapter ten

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DING DONG BITCHES! IM BACK! And I just quoted supernatural. Today is a good day. Mwahahahahaha. I've been on break this week and felt like writing. So, anyone ready for Trials of Apollo? No? Me neither. I'm not ready for high school swim team Percy and teenage Nico who hopefully won't be so depressed. I won't be happy if there's a shitload of solangelo because as you know, I hate solangelo. That ship is the stupidest thing ever. I mean it's way too rushed for Nico to just randomly get over a five year crush and be like "Welp, imma gonna go fuck that Apollo kid because you don't swing for this team so you're not my type anymore." no. That doesn't happen. But seriously where is my swim team Percy? I want him in a speedo. Then my life will be mostly complete. I still am waiting for Percico. Then it will be complete.
I need to stop taking anime suggestions from tumblr because I got obsessed with a volleyball anime first and now it's a baseball one and I don't even like sports but if you asked me I could literally explain the entire rules and game of either sport to you. I've literally become obsessed with those two animes and now I can't help but wonder why my school doesn't have a boys volleyball team. Apparently it's because we don't live in Cali. That's literally the reason I was given. We don't live in California so we don't have a boys volleyball team but we have a girls one. That's so fucked up I swear to god. I don't even understand that... Like... There's a girls one, but not a boys one because... We don't live in California... Okay...? And then there's the fact that we have a boys baseball but no girls one. I'm starting to wonder if my school is biased on sports for genders... If a guy wants to play volleyball, let him fucking play volleyball. It's not that big of a deal. Make a fucking team. Jesus Christ...
Anyway so more Percico with angsty Nico. My favourite Nico if you haven't noticed...
QOTD: anyone have schools that are weird about which genders play which sports? Because seriously what the fuck is up with my school?
Weird quote because it mentions two people that are irrelevant to this book but pretend it's saying Percy and Nico, not Jace and Alec. I couldn't find a better quote for this chapter and this one mentioned the idea I was trying to get at, just about two other people. Again, pretend it's Nico and Percy. Not Alec and Jace. I'm in an emotional mood because Shadowhunters had a shitload of Malec so here's more feels to make you cry. Although this is just going to make you hate me once the book ends...
If Jace was gold, catching the light and the attention, Alec was silver: so used to everyone looking at Jace that that was where he looked too, so used to living in Jace's shadow that he didn't expect to be seen. Maybe it was enough to be the first person to tell Alec that he was worth being seen ahead of anyone in a room, and of being looked at the longest.
And silver, though few people knew it, was a rarer metal than gold
~The Bane Chronicles
Nico sat in the corner of the dining room with Reyna, watching the arguments go on and on about the quest. Because he and Reyna were not of the Seven, they weren't taking part in the discussion as much. Percy seemed to be attracting everyone's attention as he laid out a plan for the next step. Everyone's attention was on him as he spoke, and Nico was so used to watching Percy give out orders that he just listened from the shadows. It didn't really matter that they were dating now. Percy was the leader, Nico followed. Or at least, that was how Nico saw it, because he was so used to do it. Percy was the one that drew everyone in, attracted the attention of everyone, and seemed to shine with a victorious light that made everyone believe in him. Nico was one of those people.
"We have no way to travel with the Parthanos fast enough." Jason threw his hands up in frustration.
Reyna glanced at Nico. She knew he could travel quite fast through shadow travel.
He didn't make a sound, just stared intently at Percy. Everyone seemed to be at loss, and Nico, himself seemed to have forgotten the fact that he could travel through shadows. He was used to just listening to Percy's ideas and going with them.
Percy sighed.
"We'll figure it out soon enough. Right now we've got to move towards Greece."
Everyone agreed and stood up, Leo mostly moving to steer the ship, the rest leaving to their rooms. All that was left was Percy and Nico. Percy was staring at Nico, his brow furrowed.
"You can shadow travel far distances, can't you?"
Nico shrugged.
"I guess..."
Percy frowned.
"Then why didn't you mention anything?"
Nico ran a hand through his hair.
"I'm not a part of the Seven. I shouldn't interrupt your battle discussions to throw in an idea that probably wouldn't work well."
Percy stood up moving towards Nico.
"You are a part of the group, a part of this quest. You are allowed to voice your ideas."
Nico sighed.
"I didn't want to interrupt you."
Percy sighed.
"It wouldn't matter! To me, your ideas mean the world. Your help here should matter just as much, if not more than mine. Because you can do something none of us can do! You're more important here!" Percy leaned over to place a hand on Nico's cheek, forcing him to look up at him.
"Why is it every time we go to battle, you always stay in the shadows and follow orders from me?"
Nico blinked.
"Because you're the one who knows what to do."
Percy rolled his eyes.
"That's not true. Half the time I'm flying blind. I'm not some Golden Boy here. I'm just trying my best."
Nico scoffed.
"You are the Golden Boy. I'm the Silver Boy, if you want a name to it. Not as important as you."
Percy glared at Nico.
"That is not true. Just because you may be 'Silver Boy' or whatever doesn't mean you are less important than me in a war. Or in any situation. You deserve to be heard more than i do." Percy held Nico's face in his hands, looking straight into his eyes so Nico would know he meant every word.
"Because you're input means the world to me and it's just as important as if I made some amazing battle plan. Being 'Silver Boy' is just as important to me being 'Golden Boy'. And your advice is more special to me than anyone else's."
Nico leaned into Percy's hand on his cheek.
"Why would I be? Why would I be more special than someone like Annabeth's advice or Jason's? I'm not that smart, I'm not special at all. I'm just... Me."
Percy leaned down, making their foreheads touch.
"Because, Hazel once told me. Silver is a much rarer metal than gold is."
And he closed the distance, kissing Nico with so much passion and love that Nico nearly melted.
Percy kissed him with every meaning in the world. Everything he said was put into the kiss, every passionate feeling.
Percy pulled away after three minutes and stared at Nico.
"I may be the Golden Boy everyone wants, but Silver Boy deserves to be seen and heard way more than Golden Boy needs to."
Nico closed his eyes, leaning his forehead on Percy's and holding onto Percy's hands on his face.
"Next meeting, please don't be silent if you have an idea. You deserve to be heard." Percy whispered.
Nico nodded slightly, not breaking their position.
Staring into Percy's eyes, he almost started crying. But he didn't, just held Percy's hands tighter.
Percy may be gold, the one who led everyone, but Nico, was silver, the one who helped Percy in any way he could. And maybe, silver could shine just as much as gold does.
I'm sorry I had to come out with those names... Nico and Percy, the Gold and Silver Boys. That sounds so much like superhero names that I just had to put them there because I'm a dork and I love superheroes and I'm a dork (I'm gonna repeat that one cause it's pretty much the reason) can anyone imagine a superhero AU? Because now I am... GIVE IT TO ME
Golden boy sounds like Harry Potter as well... Now I want a Hogwarts AU as well... So many fanfictions that I want but don't have...
Also, that last sentence... It's a hint at what's to come.

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