Chapter nine

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IM BACK! For now. Im still having issues with the next chapter. And I'm a terrible person. Why? Because the ending of this book is going to kill you all. I made myself cry writing it. I suck.
Anyways, I'm getting a haircut soon. My hair is like down to my butt and I've gotten really annoyed with it because it is practically impossible to wash it without having shampoo stay in it at the ends and makes my hair messy and look awful, and also, my hair makes it practically impossible for the CI to stay on. So, I'm chopping it all off. I'm going short.
I've honestly become so fucking done with one direction that I've actually unfollowed update accounts I used to like. I swear to god, it's only been a few months since the break started and Liam's already started making bloody RAP MUSIC, Harry's dating an apparent lesbian, Louis' got a son, Niall's gone completely AWOL, and Zayn has turned into a giant raging dick. I'm so done. I need another band to follow. Maybe Imagine Dragons. They don't have so much drama.
Anyways, new chapter! Yay! I'm temporarily off hiatus because I had a chapter idea but I'm still working on the rest of the chapter ideas until the end... I've got the worst writers block ever... Okay! Here you are!
Anyone got any plans for Valentine's Day? Mine are sitting alone in my room on tumblr... Because I'm forever alone. By choice.
We are all drawn to what is beautiful and broken
~clockwork prince
Nico sat next to Percy in the dining room of the Argo II, listening to everyone arguing about what the next step would be. Percy had his arm slung around Nico's shoulders as they listened. 

"How much time do we have left before the Romans reach camp?" Jason asked.

Reyna glanced at him before she looked at everyone. 

"Twelve days at most." 

Percy sighed. 

"Sometimes it's just a huge pain in the ass being a demigod." He mumbled to Nico, who laughed quietly. 

"So, we take take the Parthanos to camp, give it to the Romans, stop the war and everything will be just fine, am I right?" Percy raised an eyebrow. 

Annabeth sighed.

"No... Well, in a paraphrased version, yes. But we need an actual plan." 

"Well, at least when this is all over, we can all go back to camp together." Percy smiled. 

Everyone nodded at the prospect of having some peace at camp. Percy glanced at Nico, who was scowling. Percy furrowed his eyebrows. 

"Right, Nico?" He pulled his arm off Nico's shoulder. 

Nico sighed. 

"Percy, I get that now we're together we're expected to go back to camp together. But... I can't." 

The room was silent. Percy frowned.

"Why not? Isn't being with me enough to go back together?" 

Nico looked at him, and Percy was shocked to see Nico almost glaring. 

"That camp was the place that began with my hellish life. I lost my sister after o went to that camp, if you don't remember. I've never been accepted, at either camp. I'm a son of Hades, everyone is scared of me. No one wants me around. They all hate me because I'm not cheerful like they are. Guess what? My life is not happy. It never has been and going back to camp is not going to make it any better." Nico slammed his hands on the table. "I'm leaving." He stormed out of the dining room, leaving everyone wide eyed. None of them had ever heard the small Son of Hades yell that much, or speak that much. Percy shook out of the shock first. 

"Do the campers really treat him that way?" He said quietly. 

Annabeth sighed.

"It's not really that they hate him... He just... He's always giving off the aura of someone who would punch you if you tried to speak with him. He's always kept to himself when he's at camp, and it kind of... Frightens the other campers. They're not used to being around him like you or Jason are." 

Percy sighed. He stood up and walked towards the door.

"I'm going to try to talk with him." 

He walked down the halls to Nico's room, knocking lightly before he entered, knowing Nico would know it was either him or Jason. 

Nico sat on his bed, his head hanging, his hands in his lap. Percy sighed. 

"Nico, you know camp isn't so bad. You've got me, and Jason. And the rest of the Seven. No one there hates you for being a son of Hades. They know you never chose to be one. Hell, they live by that sentence." Percy knelt in front of Nico, and was shocked to see Nico had tears in his eyes.

"They hate me. I've never been welcome. The only reason I even have a cabin is because you forced them to build it. Even then they didn't want to." 

"Hey, if you don't want to stay in your cabin, mine is always free. It's a bit lonely, so I'd be happy to have you in there. I don't care if the rules say that's not supposed to happen. Screw the rules. My boyfriend is sad." Percy smiled softly.

Nico closed his eyes, before he looked up at Percy. 

"I'd like that." 

Percy placed his hands on Nico's cheeks, making him look straight at him.

"You're never alone, Nico. You never have been. And I know this is a bit of a topic changer, but gods, you're so beautiful..." 

Nico laughed.

"Now you're being cheesy." 

"Cheesy is my middle name." 

Nico rolled his eyes. 

"I bet it is, Perce," he quieted down for a second. "Thank you. I love you." 

"I love you too." 

Percy smiled at Nico who gave a small smile back.

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