3. I am a man of many talents

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"Oi, Rafa," Karim called to his best friend as they walked back to the locker rooms after practice

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"Oi, Rafa," Karim called to his best friend as they walked back to the locker rooms after practice.

"Nice running, Karim," smiled Raphael in his quiet way.

"Thanks. You were pretty fast yourself. Oh I've been meaning to ask, which app did you use to edit my picture that day, bro?"

Raphael shrugged, "Which day, which pic? You do realise you have an obsession with taking pictures and asking me to edit them, right?"

"Only because you have a good eye for filters," Karim said.

"Yeah, well, I am a man of many talents," Raphael winked. "Now tell me which picture are we talking about?"

"The one I put on instagram yesterday," Karim reminded him. "It racked up a million likes in under an hour."

"Yeah, I saw that one," his friend nodded, "but I didn't edit that. You edited it, I think."

"No, man," Karim shook his head, "I snapchatted it to you. You snapchatted it back to me. You sent it to me right before sending me that snap of your new poster which, by the way, was very egoistical of you."

"Nah, I told you I don't use snapchat that much these days. It keeps crashing on my phone. Plus, I don't have a poster of myself. Are you high or something? You're being weird."

Karim frowned and took out his phone, "Wait, I'll show you. See the timestamp? You did send the pic to me!"

Raphael stared at the screen and deadpanned, "Karim, who have you been snapchatting with? Because this raphaelvarrane isn't me. The spelling is wrong for one. My username is raphaelvarane."

"That's what this is," Karim pointed.

"No, the person you've been snapchatting with has double r's in Varane. It's probably a copycat account," Raphael was laughing. "I can't believe you fell for it and actually thought that it was me. You even got your picture edited. Wow, man, you are one hilarious fellow."

"Shut up," Karim pushed his friend playfully, ears reddening. "I must have added him thinking it was you. I feel so dumb...Who could this person be? Oh my God!"

"What?" Raphael asked, still laughing.

Karim groaned, "I sent a picture of my chest hair to Copycat Varane! NOOOOO...God, I feel so embarrassed."

"But why would you send me a picture of your chest hair?" Raphael wondered aloud.

"I was being funny and manly," Karim groaned again. "My life sucks. It'll be all over the papers tomorrow. I can already see the headlines: KARIM HAIRY BENZEMA SENDS FAN SHIRTLESS PICTURES!"

[ what even Karim lol XD

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