34. You want too much drama

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"What are you doing?" Shaheen asked, stepping into the kitchen

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"What are you doing?" Shaheen asked, stepping into the kitchen.

"I did say that I would cook up some ch—" Karim stopped mid-sentence as he caught sight of her.

Shaheen had changed out of her wet clothes and had worn one of his long, huge t-shirt—mementos from a rapper friend of his—that he had laid out for her. Her hair was no longer dripping wet but still hung in damp strands. He had never felt this close to her, as they stood together in his kitchen. Suddenly he was aware of his own flimsy t-shirt that matched hers in colour, of how few layers of clothing separated them from each other.

For once, no screen separated them, they weren't angry or hurting or hiding. They were just themselves and each other's presence felt like an eternal comfort. He stiffened and could feel a hot blush creeping up his face when she closed the gap between them quickly.

"I—" he stuttered.

She ducked behind him, towards the stove, a lilting mischievous laugh covering the air around them and he couldn't help but shake his head, "You take pleasure in making me uncomfortable."

"Of course, Karim Parim. You're adorable when you're flustered and shy, but flirting can wait...are you making chicken kebabs for me?"

He grinned, "I told you I would treat you to chicken kebabs when you came over."

It was her turn to look surprised, "Yeah, but I didn't think..."

"That I would remember? That I was in earnest? That I could actually cook? Babe, there are so many talents of mine, you're not yet aware of."

She blushed deeply, "Er—yea—"

"Who's blushing now?" he smiled triumphantly. He leaned forward, not leaving her eyes for a moment—

The shrill ringtone of Karim's phone interrupted them and he groaned, straightening back, "See this is the reason I hate phones."

She stifled a smile, "You better check it."

He flounced over to it, looking very irritated, "Its Jese."

"Pick it up," Shaheen prompted. "He might be in trouble."

Karim rolled his eyes, "More like, he is trouble. Hey, Jese."

"Karim, thank God, you picked up. For a second I had horrible visions of you getting drunk and trying to commit suicide."

"Uh, no I'm alive," he deadpanned.

"Good, good. But you sound different. You sound a bit high. So, you are drinking?"

Karim mentally groaned but answered patiently, "No. I'm fine. Seriously, you needn't worry."

Shaheen cried out, "Karim, they're burning!"

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