5. I've got shithead friends

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Raphael looked at Karim's phone, "Karim, man, this is how you decided to take care of Copycat Varane? Seriously?"

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Raphael looked at Karim's phone, "Karim, man, this is how you decided to take care of Copycat Varane? Seriously?"

Karim looked away guiltily, "I got scared that the guy would take my shirtless pic to the media and cook up some horrible story. I've been turned scapegoat too many times. I feel horrible now, in fact I felt horrible the second I sent it. What should I do?"

"Just forget about it, I suppose," Raphael advised. "What else could you do?"

Karim walked away thoughtfully. What else could I do?


Shaheen sighed as her eyes caught sight of the Snapchat app on her phone. After she'd been told off, and very unfairly too, by a footballer who's best friend was the love of her life, she couldn't help but feel slightly wary of the app.





Karim sat at the meeting, bored out of his mind, nodding mechanically to the assistant coach telling them various stats and strategies for the new season. Gah, this is so boring. Why is anyone even listening to him? Lemme try to distract Cristiano by winking at him? He's not looking at me. Wow how is the time not moving? Are we stuck in a time warp? Has the clock stopped? Man, I wish Raphael was here. Lucky guy, chilling in France.

He opened Snapchat on his phone and took a selfie of his bored-about-to-die face and swiped it to send to Raphael.

Shock ran across his face as he realised that he had done the fatal error of sending it to raphaelvarrane. "WHAT NO FUCKKKK. NO NO! STOPPP FOR GOD'S SAKE," he jumped up shouting and desperately trying to cancel it somehow but nope, wifi works fast only when you don't need it to and hence, his snap was delivered to Copycat Varane.

When he looked up everyone was staring at him with varying degrees of amusement to irritation.

Zidane seemed to be looking for words while the assistant coach looked close to tears for having his PowerPoint presentation so disastrously interrupted by one of their star players.

"Is there, uh, a problem, Karim?" Zidane finally breathed out.

Karim gulped, aghast, "Uh no, I just-I-umm-I missed one of those slides in the presentation so yeah, I just wanted you to replay the previous slide. Thanks. Great job. I'll sit down now."

Cristiano looked at him dubiously. Jese laughed aloud. Shitheads, Karim thought. I've got shithead friends.

"So, before I was interrupted..." and the presentation continued, making Karim mentally groan.


Shaheen sighed as she saw the new notification. karimbenzema sent you a pic!

A part of her was really insulted by what had transpired the last time and wanted to never open the snapchat but then there was that other part of her which was consumed by suspense, which wanted to know WHY THE ACTUAL HELL did Karim want to keep sending pics to her?

The fangirl side won, as always.

She opened the pic.

A super bored pic of Karim looking all cute and shit with the caption, "Wish you were here. Bored without you, bro :( "


[ benzo needs to chill the eff up and start looking clearly at whom he's sending snaps too butttt, we're not complaining as long as #SHARIM keeps doing its thang.

so, this is a heartfelt apology for not updating sooner. life just got really busy this semester/year and juggling fics wasn't easy but hopefully updates will become ordered now.

i mean, it's not like i have an exam this Friday or anything (I do, I do whyyyy)

please, please support this by voting and commenting and spreading the word. xo]

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