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RAPHAEL VARANE is here. Right in front of me. Arms around me. His arms around me. This is a dream. A very very beautiful dream. Don't wake up before he kisses you, Shaheen. Don't you dare wake up.

She gave a dazed smile, her hand reaching up to his perfect face. Her fingers grazed his cheekbone and his arms slackened around her as he laughed, embarrassed.

"You must be the famous Shaheen."

Her eyes widened and she yelped, "You're real!" Jumping back she ran a hand through her hair, "God, I am so sorry for-er-that weird touching your cheek thing. Shit, this is a horrible first impression. I was..." Suddenly, she remembered.

Karim Parim is here. No, don't call him that. He isn't your friend. Don't use a cute nickname for the guy who stood you up. He's evil.

But he came.

And he can go to hell.

No, don't turn around to look at him. Control your feelings. No. Stahp. Shaheen, don't you dare turn around and let him see you miss him. Oh God, I'm turning around.

Karim was aware that someone was yelling at Isco to get down from the stage. He wanted to go and help his friend or maybe run after Shaheen to explain. He would have probably done the latter anyway.

If his worst nightmare hadn't been playing out in front of his eyes, that is.

Because yes, there was his best friend holding his crush in his arms. Okay, so they were standing apart now but she was talking to him. Something very much like jealousy spread through his veins. And then disappointment.

His heart nearly stopped when he watched her turn around. It looked as if she was about to speak something before a woman called out, "Shaheen, idhar aana zara!"

Shaheen's eyes were still on him filled with unreadable emotion and for once, he couldn't understand her. Why would she look away from Raphael whom she loved and look at him? Why did it feel as if she valued him in some way?


"Shaheen, beta, I'm calling you. Come now, we need you to video this. Come fast," the woman called out again.

Karim followed Shaheen with his eyes as she jerked out of her momentary haze. She mumbled something to Raphael before replying to the woman, "I'm coming."

He watched her disappear inside the house at the back of the sprawling lawns and ran up to Raphael who looked at him with a reddening face.

"Bro, I didn't do anything. She ran into me," Raphael said, getting all defensive.

Karim shook his head, feeling buzzed and empty at the same time, "Uh, what did she say?"

"She said she was sorry for you know, bumping into me and that we shouldn't do anything stupid. And that she would be back in two minutes. Also, we should get Isco off the stage."

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