20. Her favourite Isco Alarcon

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That morning, Karim hadn't been the only who had woken up to the most horrifyingly giddy butterflies in the stomach

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That morning, Karim hadn't been the only who had woken up to the most horrifyingly giddy butterflies in the stomach. Shaheen had woken up to the same feeling of an intense insane joy and anticipation. Okay, so she was meeting a friend in the evening. No big deal, right?

Well, if you could ignore the fact that this friend in question was THE KARIM HOT BENZEMA. She giggled throughout breakfast with a glazed look on her face and monosyllabic answers to any questions directed her way.

By afternoon, she had laid out her clothes a couple of hours in advance and the whole house knew what was happening in the evening--her sisters, Noor, who was bored of hearing the name Karim all day long, and Chand, who was over the moon that her sister was actually meeting Benzema, and even their Dad, who was just happy that his daughter was happy.

Chand begged and begged to be allowed to come along for the meeting and promised that she'd stay away but would be her slave for life if she could just grab a picture with a Real Madrid footballer. Actually Chand secretly wanted to send a message to her favourite Isco Alarcon through the guy. Okay so she had a bit of a HUGE OBSESSION with the guy but even meeting Karim would make her day, life, whatever. Being the youngest in the family of two talented and pretty sisters, she knew her chances at attracting any guy were slim but her motives at meeting Karim or hoping to meet her heartthrob Isco were purely fangirl-innocent. Shaheen knew how much it meant to her and with a shriek of delight she told her to dress up in time because no way was she going to get late because of her baby sister.

Even Noor was caught up in the excitement by the time her younger sisters were dressing up. She helped them do their hair and nailpaint even though they didn't really require a lot of help since they were both going for a simple chic look.

By the time, they were stepping out of their house, Shaheen was wearing a number 9 jersey over pair of ripped denims, with her hair lying loose over her shoulders. A light shade of red brought attention to her lips while her eyes were lined by a thin line of kohl. She had debated over the shoes but okay, if you don't wear your favourite pair of heels when meeting a footballer, what are you even buying heels for? She settled for her black open-toed ones and immediately gained a few inches. She smiled at her sister who was also pulling on her open-toed golden stilettoes that would match her flowery long frock.

Hoping that they weren't over-dressed, Shaheen finally set off with Chand.

Mr. Raza handed Shaheen the car keys, "Don't go and crash our car please and do invite your friend over for dinner. I promise I won't talk of Barcelona...much."

"Dad!" Shaheen exclaimed as she always did when she heard her father support Barcelona instead of Real Madrid. It was true that in the house the three girl easily overweighed Mr. Raza in their madridista pride versus his Barcelona support but it was a long-standing cause for debate in the household.

He kissed his daughter's cheek, "Your mother would be proud to see you today. You've grown up so well and sensible, as sensible as a youtuber can get but you know what I mean."

Shaheen stiffened over the mention of her mother and her smile dropped just as Noor frowned and Chand burst out of the house.

"Girls, please," he began.

"Not tonight, Dad," Shaheen kissed his cheek and gave them a quick wave before slamming the door behind her.

"Dad," Noor sighed.

He shrugged, "What? I can't mention my wife nowadays?"

"Ex-wife, you mean," she said quietly.

He shook his head and walked to the drawing where he proceeded to ignore the glares of Noor on the pretext of reading a newspaper.

On the car ride, Shaheen turned up the music and both of them were relieved to listen to Drake instead of talk about what had just happened. In fact, by the time they reached the Mall, their mood was decidedly better and much of the enthusiasm and excitement had returned to Shaheen. They walked to a food court and Chand sat down glancing over the menu while Shaheen paced around, looking for him.

Where is he? Okay, fine, he's just five minutes late. I shouldn't get all worked up. He's going to be here anytime soon. Eeep! I am so excited. I can't believe I'm finally meeting him. What did I ever do to deserve such luck? Please, please, Shaheen, don't do anything awkward and scare him off.

Her heart was still hammering ten minutes later and she couldn't contain it any longer. She picked up her phone and snapchatted him a pic of the food court.

Shaheen: I'm at the food court

You're late, you bald fucker

If you don't get your ass here real quick, I will eat your share of fries when you come

I will eat them

I will eat your share of the pizza too if you don't reply asap

Are you stuck in traffic?

Are you lost?

Ya Allah, I hope you're not lost

Please call me if you're lost

Ugh what if you don't have internet?

What sort of loser—

Okay I'm messaging you instead of snapchatting, kay?

Karim's phone pinged with her texts—

Shaheen: Hey, Karim

Uh, just messaging to check up on you

Are you okay?

Are you coming?

Are you lost?

It feels so weird to text you instead of snapchat you stuff

Um, call me?


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