18. This stupid oblivious twat

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Shaheen: Karim Parim

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Shaheen: Karim Parim

Have you landed in Dubai?

We're still meeting right?

Because WE HAVE TO


If you cancel, it will break my heart

Sorry, if I'm being chep

Chep means obsessive

Actually, stuck like a chewing gum would be more like it

An unwanted piece of chewing gum

Are you coming alone?

Then I'll spam you some more to keep you company




Also, I need your phone number for when we finally meet

We'll need to coordinate and stuff

And while I know Snapchat is our thing, having each other's number would make it easier

IT'S SO WEIRD we're friends without ever actually even talking over the phone?

Karim smiled at the snapchat messages. Hearing from Shaheen really made him happy for some reason. She'd sent a picture of her number with a doodle of him and he screenshotted it, immediately saving her number and sending her his.

He blushed as he tried to imagine meeting her. Did it even matter if Raphael and Jese were here too? They wouldn't actually accompany him to his meeting with her. And whatever, all he needed was to be a part of her life. If that meant falling in love with her every second then so be it. If it meant unrequited love so be it.

Night passed like this. So did the next morning. And then the dread set in.

It started when he watched Shaheen's YouTube reaction video to a footage of Raphael practicing with Toni at RM which had been released a last night.

There she was, radiant sunshine, confidently talking through the camera, addressing her fans, talking about him. His best friend, Raphael Varane, who didn't even give a damn about Shaheen, who was happy in his oblivious little world. And there she was fangirling over him.

She was excitedly talking about his defensive skills, his posture, his smile ("...And look at Raphael's beautiful smile everyone. Isn't he just absolutely amazing? I die every time.", his attractiveness ("Guys, this Frenchman is hot af.") and about Karim? Not one little word. Did he even mean anything to her?

So what if her YouTube channel was a Raphael-based one? HE WAS JEALOUS AF.

No, it was time he listened to Jese and kept Raphael out of the way for tomorrow. After that, he would personally make it up to his best friend. Promise.

"Jese," he called discreetly across his room to the other in the suite.

Both Jese and Raphael looked up from where Raphael was teaching him how to play Chess.

"Yes, Karim?"

"Isco wants to talk to you," Karim gestured at his phone and gave a small tilt with his head which he thought Jese would immediately understand.

Instead, he pouted, "Are you sure? Because I have my phone right here and he's not called or texted me recently."

This stupid oblivious twat. Why did Isco send him for back-up?

"Isco wants to talk to you on my phone. He says that yours is not reachable so just talk to him, okay?" Karim said through gritted teeth while Raphael looked over the chess board thoughtfully.

"Oh," Jese winked, "is it about Hashtag Sharim because-"

Karim cut him off quickly, "Uh, I don't know, why don't you talk him?"

He sighed, "Okay, just a sec, Raphael, I'll be back. Don't cheat while I'm on the phone."

His chess opponent laughed, "Okay, dude."

Jese walked into Karim's room where he was roughly pulled to one side, "Wha-why are you-?"

"Shut up and listen to me, please?" Karim pleaded.

Jese nodded and whispered, "So is Isco really calling me or was that-?"

"It was an excuse to get you here so that we decide what we're going to do with him tomorrow."


Karim rolled his eyes, "Now, do you have a plan or are you just going to play chess with him?"

Jese spluttered, "I-I was getting to know the enemy!"

"He's not the enemy, he's just...I don't know, let's just focus on the problem at hand?"

Jese nodded furiously.

"Can you think of something?"


"Why are you here, bruh?"

Jese giggled and finally admitted, "Actually I am here to help you but the thought of Raphael cheating on the game is distracting me."

Ya Allah, is he sent here to test my patience?

[ Jese bruh XD

Hope you guys enjoyed this update! Tell us how you feel about it :)

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