chapter 4

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the girl reached back to her home and dashed upstairs. her mom was probably out getting her weekly medicine from the local pharmacy so the girl knew that she didn't have to worry about her coming home soon.

once she arrived at her room, she yanked her hoodie off and threw it on the bed, not caring that it was only sixteen degrees inside the house. she was only in her navy tank top as she walked downstairs. reaching for her brush on the living room table, she brushes her pitch black hair twice then drops it on the floor. she didn't even bother looking at brush since she thought she would vomit just at the sight.

the girl knew because she lacked the right nutrition, her body was deteriorating. but she couldn't stop it since she enjoyed this. this satisfied her.

"where's the cup?" she whispered, searching for the cup of noodles.

finally, she found it rolling under the kitchen chair and grabbed it swiftly. ripping the plastic seal around the cup, she opened the lid.

the smell of chemicals rose to her nose and she stumbled back.

"what the hell? this is gross," she commented, holding the bridge of her nose.

after a couple of deep breaths, the girl slowly went closer to the cup and peeked what was inside. dry noodles that were stuck together and a small silver packet were sitting there, waiting to be made.

she bit her lip as she reached for the silver packet. it has been long indeed since she's had instant noodles so she completely forgotten how to make them. she thought about searching it up on the web but then thought it would be too much of a bother and just went with her heart.

she opended the silver packet and another rush of salty chemicals erupted towards the girl's nose.

"fuck, ew," she cursed, gagging.

getting the courage, she held her breath, she dumped the contents inside the noodles, and threw the package out. after that, the girl searched for the water pot in the cabinets and found it being in the third one.

as she was about to reach for the handle, her phone rang and she sighed with disappointment. jogging back up to her room, she grabbed her phone and looked at the caller id. it was an unknown number so the girl was hesitant to receive it but then again, it didn't hurt to try.

"hello?" she muttered.

"oh, hi! do you speak korean?" a deep yet young voice boomed from the speaker.

he definitely was not skilled in english, the girl could tell. and by the way that he's asking her if she could speak korean, he was korean.

"no," she replied.

after a moment of silence, the boy's voice came back again.

"um.. did you take my ramen? earlier?"

the girl deadpanned. he was seriously calling her for the ramen? although she did kind of steal so she felt bad too.

"um yeah. i apologize about that. what can i do to make it up?" she sighed.

"treat me to ramen," he quickly said.

the girl wasn't sure if she heard that clearly.


he repeated,"treat me to ramen. right now. i'll be waiting at the same 7/11."

with that, the boy hung up.

the girl looked at her phone with slight confusion and groaned.

"why did i pick up that phone call?"

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