chapter 34

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hyuna's condition grew worse as days passed on and she grew weaker as well because of the lack of nutrition she was consuming. she stayed home most of the time in her room and left only when it was necessary. 

"where's taehyung? did he leave me?! where is he?"

taehyung rushed as soon as he heard hyuna cry out for him. a look of relief replaced her anxious one as she ran to hug him. taehyung was surprised for her sudden action but couldn't deny the fact that he enjoyed it. she was finally beginning to acknowledge him.

"i thought you were gone... i thought you left me too."

hyuna's grip around taehyung tightened as she buried her face into his chest. she was so glad that taehyung offered to stay while her parents were out on a business trip or else she would've gone to do something extreme.

"i'm right here, hyuna. do you finally want something to eat? i can make you some cream soup if you want," taehyung suggested, caressing her head.

hyuna shook her head rapidly and finally released taehyung. however, despite letting go, she grabbed onto his hoodie with her left hand as if to signal for him to stay right next to her. taehyung noticed her fragile hand and saw how thin her fingers became. he was worried about her health but secretly indulged on how much hyuna relied on him. her porcelain figure made her even want to protect her more. make her his. and only his because no one in the world cared for her as much as he did.

"a-actually... can you go to the convenience store and get me some... ramen?" she asked, which shocked him.

'it's her first food in 3 days and she wants cup noodles? though, i know that if i refuse, she'll probably not eat anything for another whole day,' he thought before nodding with a smile.

and after he put hyuna to sleep, taehyung grabbed his coat and left the house to quickly buy hyuna's favorite cup noodles. the door closed behind him and a few minutes later, hyuna woke with a startle. panic filled her entire body as she immediately thrashed around, looking for taehyung to calm her down.

"t-taehyung?! TAEHYUNG-AH?! KIM TAEHYUNG, WHERE ARE YOU! WHERE ARE YOU TAEHYUNG? please don't leave me alone.. please don't leave me here... eden... where are you..?"

the window beside the bed swung open. the broken girl pulled herself up to the ledge and looked outside. the sky was turning into a beautiful mixture of orange and purple, but all she could see in front of her were blurry spots that distorted the view. her mind spun as she couldn't even process the words spilling out from her mouth.

"why can't i just have a normal life?! all i wanted were some close friends, decent grades, and live in a warm house. is that so much to ask?" she cried out, clasping her hands together.

tears streamed down her eyes as she wailed. not caring about the snot dripping down her nose or the pieces of hair sticking onto the sides of her face, hyuna cried until there wasn't as single tear in her. sooner or later, hyuna stopped crying and sniffled. as she was about to close the window ledge to stop the cold wind from blowing inside, she missed the handle and tripped. her whole body flipped over and she fell out.



taehyung was humming as he returned with two cups of noodle, one for him and one for hyuna. he occasionally felt guilty for tampering with hyuna's phone but he knew that everything would get better soon and she would return back to school. with him right beside her. as he approached the front porch of hyuna's house, he choked on his own spit at the grotesque sight in front of him. the velvet blood stained on the gravel was still fresh as taehyung's body shook with shock and dismay. his grip on the plastic bag disappeared as he dropped to the ground. the expression on her lifeless face drove him to the limit. he couldn't believe it; he refused to believe it. how could this have happened?

taehyung didn't realize the warmth that he felt from her only a few minutes ago would be his last. if only he hadn't left, he could've prevented this. now, it was too late. both his and hyuna's hopes were shattered. and taehyung was left to hold the blame.

 and taehyung was left to hold the blame

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the day of hyuna's funeral, the three students sat together in a row. all of them were silent, staring at the picture displayed in the front of the casket. it was hyuna in her happiest moment. the photo was taken in summer when the crew traveled to the ocean. taehyung remembered that photo because he took it with his brand new camera.

"my poor baby! my one and only daughter! how could this happen to you?" the group heard hyuna's mom nearby.

all of them were sitting on their knees and hands placed formally in front of them. none of them spoke a word nor dared to look at one another. it was eden who then broke the silence.

"if only you would've come to me. maybe i could've done something. i would've helped you with the pain. i could've been with you... it's my fault..." he sobbed, slamming his fist on the floor.

"you're right. it is your fault."

even yeonhui looked at taehyung and was surprised how calm he was at this situation. she thought that it would be him wailing and bawling his eyes out.

"what..?" eden said with a shaky voice.

"it is your fault," taehyung repeated. "if only you went to her in person instead of sending some shitty message, maybe she would've been here. alive."

eden stared at the ground, his bangs covering his face. slowly, he got up and faced taehyung with pure anger in his face.

"i never told you that i sent a text message... it was you all along wasn't it you fucker? you tampered her phone and deleted it before she could've even see it."

taehyung avoided his words.

"you think i'm the bad guy here, don't you? i'm not, kim taehyung. if you want someone to blame, blame that sick bitch yeonhui. i'm not the one that started this. and even if i had ignored her and rejected all her messages, can you honestly blame me? who wouldn't have in this fucked up situation?! it's not my fault. and if you want someone to take revenge, why don't you take a good look at yourself in the mirror? because it was you that made her turn away from me. you were the one that blocked all the help she needed. thought you were her knight in shining armor? what you did was sick."

taehyung stood up as well to match eden's level.

"i'll prove you wrong."

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