Chapter 11

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Chapter 11-Over the Horizon

   A cold wind rushed over Chase's fair skin.

   Dusty, variegated leaves gently blew through the air, blowing towards a nearby pond that last night's rain had created as a light mist settled over the land. They rested on the surface, almost seeming relaxed. Chase smiled bitterly and shook such thoughts from his head. It was far from the time for fanciful thinking.

   The earth below him crunched and churned as he approached Old Wisconsin Resting Place. It was a small little graveyard located next to a run-down and abandoned church on the corner of a long-forgotten suburb of Boston. There were a hundred, maybe fifty more graves scattered in the field, although vines and moss had overtaken many of them, and those that hadn't were weather-worn and cracked. Just a bunch of meaningless people, who lived meaningless lives, and died meaningless deaths thought Chase grimly.

   He had always wondered why it had been named Old Wisconsin Resting Place when it was in New York. A play on words, perhaps. Whatever the reason, it was why he searched for someone, anyone, in the state of Wisconsin.

   He approached the very back row of graves, to a grave third of the farthest left, and brushed away some leaves, to find his name engraved dully onto the gray stone:

                                                HERE LIES CHASE J. ARCHER

                                                 GOOD SOUL, GOOD HEART

                                                 LOVING SON, LOYAL FRIEND


   Chase's breath caught in his voice as he choked back a sob. Here was where the end of his life had been finalized. This grave broke any illusion of life, for it was hard proof that he would never get to experience all the splendors and even pains of life. He would never again laugh with friends and family, never feel nor give love, never get to live his life to the fullest, he never really even got the chance to say goodbye to those he cherished...

   He fell to his hands and knees and ran his fingers over the cold, hard stone, running them over the words, feeling the small cracks grind against the tips of he fingers, until his hand fell onto the ground. He gazed down at the dirt, knowing that his lifeless, soulless body was laying some six feet below, unknowing, uncaring. If he could just reach down and grasp his body, bring back life into it, he could escape this misery and pain...

   "Nothing you do will change it, you know."

   Chase wasn't surprised, or shocked in any way. Even if he hadn't expected him to come, he was too numb to really care who was watching him. Nor was he embarrassed about crying, for he had no more tears to give. He slowly rose to a standing position and turned to face Trevor's mocking face.

   "You know," Trevor continued, casually yawning, scratching his cheek and glancing around, "I can't count the many times I've seen pathetic fools beg for their life, but if I had a penny for every time I saw a frightened and stupid little boy begging for his life back in death?" He took a few steps forward and glared into Chase's eyes. "Well...then I'd have a single penny."

   Chase sighed. "What do you want Trevor? Shouldn't you be out reaping more innocent souls for your own sick pleasure?"

   Trevor grinned sadistically. "Caught me on break. But I didn't come here to trade blows, I came to offer a proposition."

   Chase's eyebrows shot up. "That's a switch." He crossed his arms. "Yet I think I'll humor you. What's with this proposition?"

   "There's a lad. Alright look," Trevor approached Chase with his arms spread, "We both know it's impossible to cleanse your soul after death. In life, yes, but in death? Come now. So I offer you the Wings of Death. You can reap the souls of those whose time has come to a close and make a few... valuable friends on the way."

   Chase gave a disgusted look. "You're a freak, and I find no pleasure in your murder. I'll redeem myself no matter what it takes, and that's the last of it."

   Trevor gave a low, long sigh. "You can try and trick yourself all you want, but you are a smart man, Chase. I know your faith in this pointless quest has shaken. You are closer to reality, to the truth, than you realize. We are more powerful than life, than death, than even God." Trevor leaned in close to Chase to whisper. "All of it can be yours. I'll even help you. You're a lot more like me than you know."

   Chase pushed him away. "Get away from me, you monster."

   Trevor shrugged. "Last chance!"

   "I refuse. You see, the difference between you and I, is that I am not as weak as you. The very nature of life, of living on God's earth, is to earn one's place in Heaven. To be given trial upon trial, and still remain righteous and true to God. I am his servant, and always will be. I will not be as easily swayed and fooled as you-"

   The back of Trevor's hand came down hard against Chase's face. A flash of light and severe pain followed, and once he regained his vision he found himself on the ground, coughing and spurting. He hadn't felt pain like this since before he died. Angels weren't supposed to feel pain...

   "You see now how far from weak and foolish I am. I came here and so compassionately gave you a place at my, at our side, and you so arrogantly and selfishly refused." Trevor unfurled his wings and floated feet above his ground. "I see the day before me when you beg for my favor, and on that day I shall laugh. I take my leave now, Chase the Black-Winged Angel, to let you foster your hatred and be corrupted by sin. Burn with this world, for I shall forsake and forget you."

   Chase struggled to his feet, feeling shamed and angry having been so easily overpowered and defeated. As he regained his composure, a feeling of dread dropped into the pit of his stomach as he heard Trevor shout, "Oh and Chase? I should tell you how much I truly adore children!"



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