Chapter 4

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Chapter 4- Sarah rules

"Hey Sarah I am coming over..." Chas said into Sarah's mind. "Ok, thanks for the warning..." thought Sarah. It was strange enough that Chase could pop in and be visible anytime he wanted but the messages he could send just through her thoughts still took some getting used to. Chase appeared. "Hey" he said. "Hey there! Okay Chase, I wrote down some rules for you." she said as she held up the piece of paper. Chase was surprised. He figured after the day they had yesterday, Sarah was just a little confused. He didnt like the idea of rules. "Great!" he said sarcastically. Just flipin great thought chase. "Goody!" he couldn't hid the sarcasam. Sarah didn't seem to notice. She sat down on the couch and guided him to do the same. She seemed in good spirits and excited about her "rules".

"Ok, so - are you ready for this?" I mean to hear the rules?" she asked. "Do I have a choice?" he asked slightly annoyed.

"Actually, no you don't. Okay, just be quiet and listen!" Sarah was acting very bossy and Chase was not use to seeing her like this.

"Okay fine, let's just get on with it huh?" said Chase. He had moved farther away from Sarah, now sitting in the corner.

"So, was your death gruesome? Did you die instantly? Were you in pain?"

Chase glared at Sarah. "I told you I would tell you soon. But I will tell you, it was painful!"

Sarah looked at Chase wanting to hear more..."That's awful! Hey - why don't you like my rules anyway?"

Chase looked at Sarah and said: "My rules are way better!"

"Your rules? Ha - I'd like to hear those!"

"Just to let you know, Angels have rules and each Angel has their own set for each person they are in charge of. Therefore, I have a set of rules for you! Don't worry, I'll tell you next time I see you!" Chase left the room.

"No interruptions okay? Just listen and then we can talk after..."

"Fine, no problem." he said.

"Okay here we go-" Sarah said as she unfolded the paper

Rule 1- Before you pop in on me and scare me half to death, you have to tell me in my mind.

Rule 2- If I ask you a question, don't get so annoyed with me and be nice!

Rule 3- I want to know more about you, and I want you to talk to me about your past. Whatever happened, you can tell me.

Rule 4- Whenever I sleep, you can't watch me. It's a little creepy.

I don't do that, I just wander outside the house chase quickly said

Rule 5- I want you to stop being so shy around my dad and being invisible to him.

Sarah proudly put her paper down and looked at Chase. "Well...what do you think? My rules are fair don't you think? I mean, I just figured that these would help our friendship and everything...." Sarah was babbling. Now that she had said the rules out loud, she was a bit nervous as to Chase' reaction. Chase was spacing out and she wasn't sure if he was listening or not. "Uh, helloooo, earth to Chase!" She was waving her arms frantically. "Are you listening to me? Did you hear anything I said?" Her nervousness now turned into anger.

Chase quickly turned his head to face her. "Uh, yes I heard you, sorry I was just thinking..."

"Where did you go? You looked out of it!"

"Okay, first of all, I heard what you said. But then an Angel starting talking to me at the same time you were talking. He was reciting a poem I had heard when I was little."

Sarah was very quiet and looking at him to continue talking.

"Angles Of God, My Guardian Dear,

To whom his love, Commited me here,

Ever this day, Be at my side,

To light and guard and to rule and guide..."

Sarah had tears in her eyes. "That was beautiful!"

"Yeah, it is!" said Chase.

"Who said it to you? It's happy and sad at the same time. "

"Yeah, as a matter of fact she is happy and sad. She (Angel) gets to see her husband and daughter again. I don't know why that popped into my head while you were talking but I'm glad it did. And- I did hear your rules Sarah, I was listening to you. I think your rules are fine. I understand and I am good with whatever."

"Hey Chase, why do they call you the (Dark Angel)?"

"It's a little complicated. But, basically it's becuase I died a horrible death. When I went to Heaven, I had a hard time accepting my fate. I was deemed a (Dark Angel) because I was angry and confused and you are my first mission. Keeping you safe is my priority and I can't mess this up. Although we did kick some ass against the demons though didn't we?"

"Well, you're doing great so far Chase, I'm so glad you're here. You're my best friend! Did you just swear? she laughed.

"Is that all you heard?" he asked smiling.

"Yes I did, but it's okay, You won't get punished or anything..." Sarah asked nervously for her angel swearing

"So Chase, are you ever going to tell me how you died?" asked sarah.

"I will soon! I promise!" said Chase.

"So, was your death gruesome? Did you die instantly? Were you in pain?"

Chase glared at Sarah. "I told you I would tell you soon. But I will tell you, it was painful!"

Sarah looked at Chase wanting to hear more..."That's awful! Hey - why don't you like my rules anyway?"

Chase looked at Sarah and said: "My rules are way better!"

"Your rules? Ha - I'd like to hear those!"

"Just to let you know, Angels have rules and each Angel has their own set for each person they are in charge of. Therefore, I have a set of rules for you! Don't worry, I'll tell you next time I see you!" Chase left the room.

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