Chapter 13

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Chapter 13- Calm and Composed

     Chase felt the worry emanating from Sarah through their mental link, and through her, John's outward composer of trying to keep his little girl calm, although inside he was frightened himself.

   "Dad, where's Chase?" Sarah whined with despair. 

   John grabbed her hand and led her through the house to the kitchen, gesturing at the table for her to sit down. "Everyone needs a bit of alone time, sweetie, I'm sure he'll be back soon," he replied, a bit anxiously.

   "But he's been gone for hours!  Usually he leaves for maybe an hour - max!  Do you think something could have happened?"

   "Honey," John said, doing his best to act calm and teasing, "What could possibly happened to him?"

   "I don't know!" she yelled shrilly. "He could be hurt..."

   "Sarah," John said firmly, crouching in front of her with a humorless grin. "That boy is already dead, you realize? He can't be hurt, he's probably up in Heaven right now, doing angel stuff?"

   Sarah's face drooped and she looked agitated. "'Angel stuff'? Really dad?"

   John ruffled his daughter's hair. "Sarah, watch your attitude."

   "Yeah, she does have a bit of a problem showing respect, doesn't she?"

    "CHASE!" Sarah immediately jumped up and ran to Chase, giving him what would be a crushing hug, if she had any muscle.

    "Hey, squirt, how are ya?" Chase asked with a smile.

   "Worried!" she scolded. "From now on, tell me where you're going, okay?"

   "What, now I need your permission to go to Heaven?" Chase scoffed, sticking his tongue out.

   "Chase," John said, cutting off any response Sarah might have had, :is, one, dead, and two, an adult, so he does not need your permission, little girl, but," he continued quickly as Sarah began to open her mouth, "this brat does depend on you a little bit, so a fair warning would be... we fair, wouldn't it Chase?"

   Chase nodded, feeling his face hat up with guilt. It was true, Sarah had begun to rely on him, and he needed to make her feel safe, as was his duty. He felt ashamed at being scolded by a man who was, in all rights, younger than him.  Although Chase thought, John is pretty level headed guy. I wonder how he got so wise? Chase suddenly felt a flash of admiration for the father. He must have toughened up from the loss of his wife and being the sole caretaker of a little girl, guiding her through things that he didn't understand himself.

   "I'm sorry," he said, suddenly wanting to earn this man's respect, "I should have shown more thought. I'll give more warning in the future." John nodded, apparently satisfied. Chase felt pleased.

  "Where were you, anyways?" Sarah asked, her suspicious gaze raking his form for any clue as to where he might have gone. She found none.

    Chase shrugged. "Wish I could tell you, but I can't."

   Sarah fumed. "You can't, or won't?" she asked through gritted teeth.

   Despite John's presence, he rounded on her. "Listen, what happened is confidential. Believe or not, there are some things you are too young to, or too uninvolved in, to understand. I will NOT tell you, GOT it?"

    Her eyes rounded in surprise. "I g-got it," she said, her small voice quavering.  Chase sighed inwardly, although he did not show it on his face. He knew he would have to apologize and make it up to her later, but now she needed to be forced to understand.

   John's eyes darted between the two of them, seeing all and understanding everything. He had kept quiet, but felt that now was as good a time as any to intervene.  "Hey, uh, Sarah, why don't you get ready for bed?"

   She nodded and turned to the stairs, casting a fearful glance at Chase. She retreated from the room, and the two men heard her brush her teeth rapidly and jump into bed, her little feet pitter-pattering against the floor.

   For a moment there was only silence. Then John broke that silence. "Chase?"

   Chase gave an exhausted sigh and turned weary eyes onto the father. "Yes, John?"

   John hesitated, then, "What happened? Really? You can trust me."

   For a moment, only a moment, Chase doubted that, and considered not telling him, but then he remembered the wisdom he saw in the father's eyes, and how he had cared for him. All doubts were erased. So he told him. He told him of Colt and Trevor, of a future battle he expected, of the death that would surely come. He said all this in a flat, emotionless voice.

   For a moment, John wasn't sure what to say. Here was a boy that was bringing possible trouble onto him and his precious daughter. But also this boy would protect them, no matter what. "Don't worry, son. Everything will be alright. You have people who care for you, and that's where you'll find the strength to fight whatever battles lie ahead. I believe in you." He said this, and turned, retreating to his own bed.

   Tears brimmed in Chase's eyes, and he let them spill over. He had never felt so comforted in all his life. But he had a job to do. Wiping the tears from his eyes and smiling, he flashed into Sarah's room. There he found her, as usual, dead asleep, and snoring a little. Perching himself onto her windowsill, he guarded her, and waited... and watched... and thought.

   Eventually a shape slowly came to his attention and pulled him from his reverie. The shape took form, and that form was his mentor, Jackson. The young angel felt nothing. This did not surprise him.

  Jackson flapped his wings and floated inches away. "I heard what happened," he said in a grave voice, "and I know it's hard, but you must hold strong, for her sake."

   Chase said nothing.

   Jackson sighed. "I can't assure you of everything, or anything for that matter," he said, as if reading Chase's mind, or as if he ha screamed it in his face. "All I know is that the next few weeks are gonna be hell, and you must find a way to cope. Must. For that is your duty. You will be presented with hardships and must fulfill your promise as a Guardian Angel, so says the Gospel Christ. You will battle, and choices will be made. What choices will you make? That is for you to decide."

   And with that, he floated back, locking their gazes, until he faded into nothingness, being swallowed by the night.

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