Chapter 5

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Chapter 5- Angles have rules

"So," asked Sarah.  "Tell me again why you dont like rules..." Chase was sitting in her fathers' favorite chair.  

"I've never been a big fan of following them.  They make me nervous!"  said Chase with a smirk on his face.  "Besides, I have enough rules I have to follow from the big man himself"  he said as he pointed up.  

"Oh yeah, the big man"  she said smiling as she pointed up as well.

 "I only listen to the big man, my brothers and sisters,  and now -  you...I suppose I will follow your rules" he said. 

"You have a brother?"  she asked surprised.  "I didn't know that!  How come you don't tell me that kind of stuff?"  Sarah seemed hurt and angry.  

"Sarah, all of the Angels are my brothers and sisters.  I wasn't fortunate enough to have real brothers and sisters growing up. Actually, I have a best friend up there, his name Jackson."

"You must have alot of brothers and sisters."  she said.  

"Yeah, but  we just call ourselves brothers- and dont ask why!"  explained Chase. 

"Okay, besides- I wasn't going to anyway. "  Sarah was lying when she said that but she didnt want Chase to know what she was thinking.  

"Lying is a sin"  he said.

"Busted!"  said Sarah with a smile on her face.  

"Sarah, on the more serious side, I need to tell you my rules so you understand me better!"

"Yes of course!"  she said.  Sarah was excited to hear Chase's rules, perhaps her rules and his were similar.  They weren't at all.

Rule 1- Always follow His rules to the best of your ability.   

Rule 2- Always pray every night to keep clear thoughts.

Rule 3- Stay on your mission and protect the one that need protecting.

Rule 4- Always strive for the truth and honesty in all mankind. 

Rule 5- Always be with your loves one in Heaven but like me , I can't find my father.

Rule 6- Always be nice and respect people and angels.

"And the last rule Sarah, and a very important one is  number 7."  

"Never tell anyone that you have seen a  Guardian Angel or you will lose your's!"  said Chase looking at Sarah.

"I won't!  I haven't!"   said Sarah.  

"I know and I'm happy about that!" said Chase.  

"Chase,  how long have you had these rules?" 

"Thousands of years!"  Chase looked very stearn.  "There was a certain Angel who broke the rules a long time ago.   We had to make some changes and banish him."  Chase pointed down below...

"Ohhh"  gulped Sarah.  "I sure hope you follow all the rules.  I'd hate for something bad to happen to you!

"Don't worry Sarah, I'm good that way"

Sarah wanted to change the subject.  "So, school ends in one week and then I'll have a lot of time!   We can go to the beach, hangout, get ice cream.  Oh-and my birthday is June 16.  We can have a party!"  she said excitedly.

"Hey mine was July 22!  Kind of cool huh?"   A sad look came over Chase' face, he was disappointed he could no longer be on earth to do kid stuff anymore.  Sarah noticed his sadness. 

"You okay?  You look a little sad."

"Yeah, I'm fine.  So, school ends in a week, won't you miss your friends?" he asked.

"Well yeah, but I can see them anytime.  No homework!"  she said.  Sarah was looking forward to a great summer with her new friend Chase.

"We'll celebrate your birthday together Sarah!"  said Chase.  He could stick around for her birthday but he really wasn't sure exactly how long before anything bad things happen.

 "Chase,  when you were alive do you remember your birthdays?"

"Yeah, as a matter of fact,  on my 10 birthday I got a puppy and my dad gave me a ride on the firetruck!"  he said smiling remembering fondly of that great day. 

"Oh my gosh!  That is so awesome!"   

"Yeah, it was!  Hey, your dad will be walking through the door in about 5 seconds.  4,3,2,.... "

The front door opened and in walked Sarah's dad.  John came through the door and immediately sat down on the couch between Chase and Sarah.  He groaned as if it hurt for him to sit.  

"Hey Dad, how was work today?"

"It was okay Sarah,"  he said as he kissed her on the forehead.  "I'm  just a little tired that's all."  

"That bad huh?"  interjected Chase.

"Yeah, pretty bad!"  said John looking at chase knowing the truth about him as an angel. 

"I saw that fire on t.v., it looked pretty bad!"  said Chase as he could feel John almost looking right through him.

"Alot of people were injured, some died today..."  John hung his head and took a deap breath.

"So,  let's change the subject.  What did you guys do today?" 

"Just hanging out, you know.."

"I helped Sarah with a little homework." said Chase.  

"Good!  School ends here pretty soon huh?"

"Yes!"  Sarah said with a smile.

"Chase, when does your Dad return?"

"I'm not really sure, I think like a year."

"Wow, that's a long time."

"Yep, you get use to it!   Well, I gotta get moving.  See you later!  Bye Sir!"

"Later Chase!  Thanks for the help!"

"Goodbye Chase"  

And Chase was gone.  Through his thoughts he let Sarah know that he would return as soon as he could.  Sarah could hear the faint sound of wings flapping and knew that Chase had left both her house and her mind. 

"So Sarah, what are your big plans for your summer vacation?  Any ideas?"

 "Just hanging with friends, maybe a sleepover, my birthday, pool party and thats it!  said Sarah.

"Well, I think that's plenty.   We do have plans  to go see your cousin in Washington."  


"Really!" said john smiling as he hugged his daughter.  After the long hug,  John pulled away.   " I also want you to keep a promise on the trip."  

"What promise?"  asked sarah. 

"I'll tell you after dinner" 

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