chapter 8

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Chapter 8-Secrets' out

"What?  How did you know that Chase is an Angel?  And - now that you do know about Chase, I might lose him!" 

"Sarah,  relax okay- I use to have a guardian angel when I was younger and besides,  you didn't tell me!"

Chase intervened:  "He's right Sarah, relax I am still here for you." 

"Okay" said Sarah, still thinking how her Dad could possibly have figured out her secret.  "Dad, how did you know?"

"Well", said John.  "I couldn't put my finger on it at first, but your behavior changed, you were a little distant, but still in good spirts and always preoccupied.  It was the same way with me when I first met Jackson-my guardian Angel".

 Chase' face got beat red with anger at the mere mention of Jackson' name.  Chase left suddenly without so much as a goodbye. "Did I say something wrong?  Where did he disappear?" asked John.

"He went to Heaven" Sarah said wondering if he was going to come back.

(Up in Heaven) Jacskon was sitting on top of a hill watching the mortals down on earth.  People flying kites, couple kissing, children playing when his thoughts were interrupted by the sound of wings.  

"Why didn't you ever tell me that you were John's Guardian Angel?" Chase said angrily.

"Because I figured that would interfere with your job with Sarah!" Jackson said defensively.

Chase, trying to contain himself and his emotions asked softly:  "So, do I continue my job with Sarah?"

"Absolutely, until things are settled, you are to continue to stay with her, Chase - I have accepted this curse to save you.  After all, you are my brother.  Are we cool?"

"Yeah, we're cool.  I gotta go back and see Sarah and John.   We'll talk later okay?"

"You got it!"

And with that, Chase disappeared and left Jackson.

(Earth) "Hey Sarah",  said Chase as he flased back into the living room, sorry I left so suddenly."

"Geese Chase, you are still sneaking up on me!  But, I do understand why you left, so no worries okay?"

John interrupted:  "I'm glad you're back Son, how did things go up there?  I'm assuming you talked with Jackson right?"

"Yes sir, I did.  Jackson did tell me to tell you hello."  Chase said, still trying to hold everything together.

 "So", said John.  "How is Jackson doing?"  

Sarah interjected:  "So Chase, are you still going to be my Angel?  Are we going to hang out still?  I don't want you to leave!"

Chase motioned to her to calm down.  "First of all, Jackson is doing fine, secondly, yes Sarah-I will still be here for you until someone tells me otherwise.  Plus, I know your birthday is coming up right?" 

Sarah nodded her head with a smile...."absolutely, isn't your birthday coming up too?"

"Yes it is" said Chase.  "However, we won't be celebrating my birthday.  "I am a dark angel, remember?  I don't have feelings like humans, no heart."

Sarah glared at chase with a stern stare which slowly turned into a smile.  "Well, we will just see about that now won't we?  Dad, tell Chase that we will be celebrating his birthday!"  Chase looked at John empathetically.  "Sorry, Chase but I have to agree with my little girl on this one, a Happy Birthday to you it is!"

"Thats' black mail!"  screamed Chase.  

John quickly changed the subject:  "Alright - Sarah, you make popcorn and I will grab a movie!  Go on now!"  

Chase didn't look happy and disappeared.  John and Sarah looked at each other.  "Well that was rude!"

"Get used to it said John, the way I remember things, it happens alot!" 

Hey readers I have another story called werewolf vs vampire. so please read

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