Chapter 6

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Chapter 6- John promise

After dinner,  John had told Sarah that she would get to go visit her cousin in Washington during  Summer vacation.   

Sarah was excited, she hadn't seen her cousin since she was two years old.  Her Dad had also told her she would be able to bring Chase with her.   Of course,  Chase had heard about the vacation plan even though he hadn't seen Sarah in two whole days.  

  Chase knew that when he was with Sarah, she was safe.  Chase had little time left with Sarah and he still hadn't found out enough information on his father.  He was spending alot of time with her and although he enjoyed it and knew it was necessary, he was torn.  He had talked to his mother not too long ago and she apologized to him profusely for his death and the death of his father.  His mother had missed him but said she was proud of the way he was protecting Sarah.

  He had kissed his mother on the cheek before he left to visit Sarah.  Chase appeared back into his car.  Of course, no one had seen him, but he had always looked to be sure.  He started the car and headed for Sarah's house.

  Sarah opened the door and smiled.  She was happy to see him.  She was always happy to see him.  She gave him a big hug and said: "you're back!"  He smiled:  "yes".   "It's weird", she said. "My dad asked where you were, he never asks that..."

"Huh, what do you know about that?"  said Chase, feeling quite good about himself.  "You can tell your dad I went to visit my dad" he said.  "The one here on earth, " he said rolling his eyes.

"Hey- did you? ...  "Yes, I heard,  and- it will be fun going to the fire house with you for the first time!"  Sarah smiled at the fact that he always knew what she was going to say.    "Show off!"  yelled sarah going into the kitchen grabing a coke.  "Yeah, just like  old times.  I've been there before, you will like it!"  said Chase.   "Hey,  do angels do training?"  asked sarah. 

"Yes, I've  had a little..."  said Chase.  "Oh,  no wonder!"  said Sarah.   "No wonder what?" asked Chase.  "It's no wonder you're so weird!"   said Sarah smiling.   "Who's  weird?   asked Sarah's father walking in the front door.  

"Chase is!"  said Sarah.  John let on a half smile.  "Sarah, that's not very nice, why are you calling  Chase weird?  Chase - are you weird?"   "Dad,  I know but he is sometimes!"  said Sarah.  "I'm good with it John."  said Chase as he glared at Sarah.  

"Alright then, now that the weirdness is over, are you two  ready?"  asked John.  "Yes we are!" said Sarah as she pounded her fist in the air.  "Where are we going?" asked Chase.  "To the fire house Chase.  I thought Sarah would have told you."   "She did,  I forgot!  You know, with being weird and all."  said Chase.  "It's fine come on son let's go!"  said John as he stood up gathering his things.  As they walked out  the door,  Chase had a smile on his face. 

As they arrived at the firehouse, they were all greeted immediately by the dalmation who seemed very friendly.  Chase noticed that it was red white and blue.  There was a firetruck outside getting washed by all the Fireman.    "Tom, Grey, Danny, Nate, this is my daughter Sarah and her friend Chase.  Kids, meet the guys!"  said John.  One of the Fireman spoke up:  "Oh John I see how you are, just in time to help us finish cleaning this rig!"  "No no", said John. "It's my day off fellas - sorry about your bad luck!" "Hey Chief - you remember Sarah right?"  "Why yes I do!" said Tom.  "How you doing princess?"  "Just fine sir, thank you!"  Tom reached out his hand to shake Chase' "and you big fella?"  Chase smiled and shook his hand, "good Sir, thank you!"

"You two want to take a look around?"  "Sure!" said Sarah as she grabbed Chase's arm and took him inside.  Sarah took Chase on a mini tour of the firehouse, Chase was impressed with Sarah's enthusiasm.  

Sarahs' father stayed outside and talked with his buddies and then yelled in: "Hey you two, times up!  Big day tomorrow with exams right?"  Sarah poked her head out and gave her Dad a grumbled look.  "Yes Dad, I know..."

The three of them said their goodbyes to the men out front and proceeded home.  Sarah grabbed her books and  said goodbye to Chase.  "Goodnight John, thanks for taking me to the firehouse."  "Sure thing kiddo, see you later."  said John.

Chase watched  Sarah as she studied and then stood guard as she fell asleep.  He noticed the stars were particularly bright that night and left when he knew Sarah was asleep.  She looked so peaceful.  He wished he could feel the way she looked when she slept.  

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