Chapter 12

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Chapter 12-Question  unanswered

   Feeling lost and, even abandoned, Chase found his way into the crumbling ruin of Old Wisconsin Cathedral of the Faithful, pushing open the small square doors into the prayer room. It appeared to be underfunded and lightly attended when it was still in business. When Chase looked up, he could see through the broken-through roof the Clock Tower, which was oddly enough still pristine, well-functioning and moderately clean.

  Glass and broken wooden parts were scattered everywhere, including the door that led to the praying chapel below for the priest through hard time. As he looked in the front of the Jesus statues of he thought back as he heard the story on how the lord died, but he didn't hear the footstep of the priest behind him.

   "It's good to see you again, my son."

   Chase whipped around and found himself confronted by a very elderly man, at least in his hundreds. Almost every inch of him was covered in wrinkles and spots, with no hair to be found. Chase relaxed. No threat posed he thought.

   "I'm sorry, but what do you mean by 'again'?" Chase asked.

   The old priest held up a hand. "Ah, it has been some time now, hasn't it? Sometimes I forget that I am a very old man, but I assure you, I know you, and you I, for I was the one who baptized you."

   Chase's stomach clenched. He was torn between disbelief at this man's ridiculous claims, dread at having to relive his past, and hopeful that he might have some answers. It had been about a hundred years, and there was no reason for him to lie. As far-fetched as the priest's claims were, he figured he might as well give it a chance. "What is your name?" Chase asked him.

   The priest smiled knowingly. "Name's do not mean anything, they do not set one's nature as many believe, they are frivolities. If you changed your name to Henry Pumpernickle tomorrow, would you be a different man? I shouldn't think so, however I realize that we should have some way of recognizing friends from enemies and people from animals and pillows from sheets so I do not discount the minor value names place upon society, therefore you may call me Lainocik." He proffered a hand.

   A bit perplexed and befuddled, Chase shook it, mumbling, "Chase."

   A smile split Lainocik face, obviously amused by Chase's reaction. "Yes I know, Chase Archer, the Accursed Angel, the-one-who-was-meant-to-be-doomed, correct?"

Yeah but I plan on changing that lainocik said chase as he stood their looking at the old man. Well good but do you what to know why the colt planed your death or why you decided to take the job from the Jesus or wherever the beard guy is said lainocik's.

   "First of all, who is this cult? Second of all, why did they try to kill me? Third of all, if you ever disrespect my Lord and Savior by calling him a 'bearded guy' I will make sure you're life is painful and hellish and that you die a slow and torturous death," Chase ranted in long, ragged breaths.

   Lainocik smiled menacingly. "You cannot threaten me, boy, for there is nothing in death nor hell that is worse than all the tragedies in life."

   Calming himself, Chase asked, "Alright, old man, can you just tell me what all of this is about?" Its about the colt on why they choose your death because of the prophecy said lainocik with a smile. Then tell me before we waste time said chase. See right there boy in our world we have all the time in the world but when your with your human there is not so much time is there said lainocik. Chase looked down not knowing but what to say, until he had one.

   "Explain about the cult, because the more evasive you are about it, the less time you have," Chase said coldly. He was through of being played with. Now was the time for him to finally get some answers, whether they were willingly given-

   -you're a lot more like me than you know-

   -or not.

   Just please tell me about the damn colt already and who is prophecy yelled chase getting angry. Well I think that we should kill you because you are the angel of death and the prophecy shell be completed said lainocik with a smirk on his face. Well then here is god sense in you yelled chase as he threw the holy water in the lainocik face. Lainocik scream in agony and hatred towards heaven as his flesh is slowly burning off on the demon face. Chase stood their in awe as the demon last flesh hit the cement floor of the church floor. 

Chase looked at the dark skeleton with dark mist surrounding it as he looked the demon black eyes.  Look at what you done to me yelled lainocik. I am not the one who deicide to be evil and collected souls and beside it's your time to go said chase. The prophecy will be completed said lainocik. Before chase could speak he saw the dark mist that made the room black and they crawled towards lainocik and more angles of death came from above lainocik and grab him and about to drag him to hell.

Chase was about to leave but lainocik last words stop chase in his tracks. I will drag you and that little girl to hell and punished you all to hell and your world yelled lainocik. Not today, tomorrow, or ever because I will fight to keep sarah safe from danger like you said chase as he disappeared out of the church. As chase walked out of  the cemetery he heard lainocik last scream as he went down to hell. Chase looked up as he heard the whispers in heaven  and nodded and walked away leaving a firing blast of fire engulfing the church. 

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