Chapter 14

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Chapter 14- A Time for Peace

          John sighed.

         He sat in his favorite arm chair in his den, downing a bottle of spirits.  After everything that had been happening, he needed a drink. There was too much to worry about than he would have liked. Chase, and everything he was dealing with was rough, but he hoped it wouldn't bring Sarah to danger. He wanted to help the boy, but his first priority was to his daughter. That's what his wife, Nikki, would have wanted.

         Every time he thought of his wife's passing, it brought a hard lump to his throat.  He tried to move on, find someone else, but he couldn't stop thinking of her.  It seemed almost impossible to move on. He took another swig of his drink.  "To you, my dear"

         Familiar footsteps came from somewhere behind him. "Just so you know," Chase began, "Sarah is out with her friends." John slowly turned around. "I found out after I returned to Heaven for a bit."

         Noticing the melancholy tones of the boy, John asked, "Everything okay? You seem a little down." Chase didn't respond at first. Instead, he made his way over to the window and looked out for what seemed like hours. Finally, he said, "When are you leaving for your trip?"

          "Next week," John told him, a little concerned.

         Chase sighed, then walked to the front door. "Be right back."


       Sarah blinked. She saw Lily waving her hand in front of her face, desperately trying to get her attention. "Sorry, Lil," Sarah said, stretching and yawning. "What's up?

Lily triumphed. "I've tried to get your attention for like an hour!"

Sarah rolled her eyes. "Doubtful."

"Anyways, what were you thinking about?"

Sarah didn't want to tell her, but eventually decided it would probably be better to talk about it. "Just about many different stuff, I guess." She shrugged.

Lily leaned forward. "Like What?"

"Like the fact that I'm going to see my Grandpa and Grandma soon, all the way in California."

Lily leaned back in her seat and started fiddling with her paper. "Oh. When are you leaving?"

"A week," Sarah told her.

"How long?"

"Not sure, two weeks, maybe more."

"Oh." The pair were silent.  It was an awkward moment between the two girls.  Sarah feeling guilty about leaving her closest friend behind ad Lily not wanting her to leave but knowing that Sarah probably hadn't seen her grandparents in a long time.  Sarah thinking that Lily was mad at her then getting mad at Lily for doing so, then feeling guilty because she knew that if Lily was mad at her for leaving it was only because she cared.

"So, how's Chase?" Lily asked, obviously trying to get away from such an uncomfortable subject.

"He's a bit upset," answered Sarah quickly, "missing his parents and all."

Lily kept staring at her, obviously expecting more of an elaboration. "I mean what is he doing?"

"Well," Sarah started, scratching her neck....

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