Chapter 18

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Chapter 18-Live or Die

    Morning came once again extra early but they had to keep moving so they could reach their destination.  They had been driving for about two days until they arrived in another city called Chester, Montana. John had been listing to the radio while Sarah read her book.  Chase had followed behind to make sure  the trip was safe and have no problems, but he had a feeling that wasn't right so he send a message to Jackson to see if there anything wrong, but Jackson had told him  there was no threat.  Chase believed Jackson and let his guard down. This was a mistake.  

   Meanwhile, Trevor and Aero had been following the car waiting for the perfect time to strike without Chase' interference.  They agreed that killing Sarah had to be quick in order to avoid Chase.  "Are you ready Aero?" Trevor yelled?  "What's your plan Trevor?"  Trevor grinned, "I think I know of the perfect death!"   Trevor looked down on the highway and smiled as he saw a semi truck roaring beneath them.  Aero instantly knew what the plan was.  "Perfect" said Aero.  He had been patiently waiting for this moment and tonight, it was finally going to happen. 

    John was tired from the night before but seeing Chase in the rearview mirror gave him confidence to keep driving.  He didn't like them being in the wide open when it was dark out.   SLAM!   Sarah closed her book loudly, proud of the fact that she finished reading the whole thing. John must have been in a zone,  he had to concentrate on driving.  "How was your book, honey?"  "Definitely better than the movie, it was really good!"  "I personally liked the movie".  "Ha" she said, "that's because you hate to read".  The two of them laughed for a moment knowing that it was true.   Just then, a flash of light burst out of nowhere.

     Trevor, had killed the semi truck driver and the truck was heading straight toward John and Sarah.  "Let's go!" yelled Aero, smiling as he could smell victory nearing.  He would soon have their souls.  John could see the semi truck rapidly approaching .  He was confused and scared, he stepped on the gas as hard as he could, panic set in.  The semi truck was next to them.  He and Sarah had no idea what was happening and - it was happening so fast!  Where was Chase?  Who was driving that truck?  So many questions.  The truck ran into the side of their car, rocketing their car sideways and forward out of control.  Trevor hit them again and again.  

            Chase was unable to move as Trevor and Aero had tricked him by putting him into a trance.  Suspended high above the road,  Chase woke up and  saw Trevor behind the wheel of the semi.  "You'll never save them in time" yelled Aero!  Chase panicked as he saw the tiny car get tossed onto its side, landing in a ditch.    Chase popped into the semi truck and was face to face with Aero who was obviously proud of himself. "Prepare to die" yelled Aero.  "Not without a fight", Chase yelled back. 

    The two fought back and forth swinging their swords as they charged each other again and again.  Chase was no match for Aero as he was still trying to regain his strength from the spell that Trevor had put him in.  Chase had never seen anyone so full of rage as Aero.  He could definitely use this against him.  Aero had taken all of his knives and swords and thrown them at Chase.  Chase had managed to get his shield and the knives ricocheted back to Aero, stabbing him in the stomach.  Getting stabbed by your own sword was certain death.   Aero looked at chase and spluttered out how as some blood leaked out of his mouth. Chase looked at aero and smiled:  "I guess I am evil like you" said chase as he ripped his head off his body by using his sword.

    Chase could feel that John and Sarah were alive but he had to hurry to keep Trevor from finishing his mission.  Chase appeared in the truck beside Trevor.  Expecting him, Trevor punched Chase in the face and started to choke him.  Chase grabbed his knife and stabbed him in the stomach making the truck swerve.  Chase kicked Trevor in the face, but Trevor's determination was unaverred.  "I will never let anything happen to them" yelled Chase.  Trevor smirked "you can't stop me"! 

      Using every bit of strength he had, Chase grabbed his head and smashed it into the steering wheel over and over again.  With blood dripping down his face, Trevor whispered "soon, their souls will be mine".  "Never going to happen!"   Chase pressed the gas pedal all the way down and steered the truck into a path of a tree.  Chase left the truck to watch it hit the tree, flip over and burst into flames.  That was the end of Trevor.  

   Moving quickly, Chase flew down to Sarah and John.  John dragged his body out of the car and looked back inside to see blood coming from Sarah's head.  "Daddy! Where are you?  Are you okay?"     "I'm here Sarah, I'll get you out!"   The passenger door open and Chase appeared looking at John. " Are you okay?"  Chase said frantically.  "Yes, but get Sarah please!" Chase got Sarah out quickly and placed her on the ground.  She was not responding.  Chase listened carefully but could not hear her heartbeat. "Come on Sarah, I need you to wake up".  Chae started CPR, over and over but she did not move

John watch in agony as Chased tried to revive his daughter, he could hear Chase whispering "heart see moa soul hei sheia"  over and over again as Chase held Sarah in his arms.  John hung his head and cried.  Suddenly, a bright light appeared over Sarah's lifeless body.  Sarah was alive!   Her heart was beating loudly.  Before they could speak any words, the paramedics and firefighters put Sarah and John on a stretcher and went to the Hospital. 
"Thank you Chase, for everything!"  John said as the ambulance disappeared. 

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