Chapter3-passing notes

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(F/n)'s p.o.v
As students flooded into the classroom Armin comes in all giddy and jumpy. My expression reads conflicted and confused. I hate when my feelings get all bunched up in me and I don't know how to feel about things anymore. I haven't felt like this since my parents died in front of me and my siblings and I were taken away together but later separated. I was snapped back  to reality when I saw Armin sit in front of me instead of beside me like he normally does. He had on that smirk he gets when he has come up with a masterplan. I was slightly worried by this smile. Foolish of me to think what's the worst thing that could. All the seats were filled up except two one to my right and one to my left. Look at my luck the last two people to enter were Levi and mystery boy. Who would've thought. They both smiled at me then took their seat. Levi took the seat to the right and mystery boy took the seat to the left. My (cheek color) started to turn bright. Thank goodness that neither of the 2 boys were looking at me. Mr. Smith started by doing roll call.

"Here" he said
"Present" I replied
" for the last time eyebrows it's Levi." He said in a calm voice. I giggled and I swear I saw Levi smile which is really rare. Then eyebrows I-I mean Mr. Smith said " well I know you're here." The whole class giggled and he continued down the list. When he came to the end he asked " is there anyone I didn't call on?" The mystery boy stood up and said "me." Mr. Smith then said "Ahhh I see we have a new student today. Please. Introduce yourself to the class." "Well. My name is Eren. Eren Jaeger." He said. As soon as he finished our science teacher Ms.Zoe came in out of breath screaming " Something in the Chemistry lab exploded and now a students face is purple!!" She exclaimed loudly. Mr.Smith quickly ran out the class room and Levi yelled " NO RUNNING IN THE HALLWAYS!!!" Everyone in the classroom busted out in laughter. Mr.Smith called back with " Detention Ackerman!!!!" The laughter stopped and the awwwwww you just got in trouble started. I felt this was my chance to talk to Eren. I turned to him and said " So that's your name." you say curiously."All day everyday" he said smoothly. "Ahhh you got jokes huh." I said playfully. "Sure . I got a few." Well lay'em on me." I said "If they totally stink I will helps you modify them." I say. As soon as he tries to get started with more our teacher comes in with purple stained hands. "last time I help Hanji" he mumbled looking at his hands. Somewhere near the end of class Armin passed me note which Is rare because Armin cares deeply about his education. I could tell he was super bored. The note said

Hey (nickname) I was wondering if you wanted to hang at my place this afternoon noon? I just got dog that i think you would like she is really sweet?

I wrote in response

Dude I would love to hang with you and your new dog!! What is her name?

I passed the note back he read it then mouthed the word Clover. When I looked down at my paper to write some answers down I saw a lined paper and on it said

So where were we? I have jokes, riddles and pickup lines which one do you want?

I was about to reply when Levi snatched the paper from my hand and immediately wrote


I looked at it and Even was looking at too. He was ready to snatch but Mr. Smith yelled "(f/n)! Passing notes huh? " "detention with Ackerman this afternoon noon!" Levi smiled then asked " you were serious about that?" "yes" Mr. Smith replied. All of a sudden Eren stood up and said "No it was my fault I gave her the note!" he blurted. "Who else was involved with the note?" said angry eyebrows. Armin raised his hand and the teacher went nuts and gave us all detention together. Then the ball rang and we were dismissed. By now Levi was all pouty again (he is so cute when he pouts you thought) Armin had his creepy idea smile and Eren had a little smirk. The girl with short black hair was death staring again. I seriously need to see what her deal is.

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