Ballrooms and Besties

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Taylor's p.o.v
After gym we all got showered but I showered when everyone had left the showering area. I have this thing where I like my privacy! "Where have you love rival?"Juvia asked. "What are you even doing here! You didn't do anything but get thrown away by MY BOYFRIEND!" I screamed at her. "Looks who is edgy today." Mikasa said. "Looks like you need a relaxing girl day with us!" Sasha screamed. "No I have ballroom dancing lesson with Gray today." I said all dreamy like." I'm coming!" Juvia yelled." "Umm no one invited you!" I said "Well we are not passing it up we are all totally coming with." (F/N) said." You wanna dance with the devil huh?" I said. "Uhh what do you mean by that?" (f/n) asked." If you guys want to tag along at ballroom dance lessons I get to pick your pairs." I said with a mischievous look in my eyes and extreme smirk on my face. "No harm in that I guess." Jalynn said.We walked out into the hallway and saw all the boys talking together. "Hey babe. Ready to go." Gray asked. "Umm not yet we have a few tag-a-longs with us today." I said." Where you guys going exactly?" Natsu said "None of you business because you can't come!" Gray said "Now now Gray let's not be rude." I said placing my hand on his chest." I don't like where this is going." (f/n) said." Oh there's nothing to worry about." I said " That's a lie ." I mumbled. "What?" Gray said "Uh nothing." I said." Yeah okay." he said"You know me too well." I say "Anyway we were going to a ballroom dance lesson." I say excitedly. "Hahaha Gray you take ballroom dancing." Natsu laughed hysterically. "I'm glad you're laughing because pretty soon you'll be a taking ballroom dancing too !" I say all evilly. "WHAT!" Natsu yells." Don't worry I am pairing you with Thatiana." I whisper in his ear. "Ooookkkk!" he says with a little drool. "So I guess the rest of don't have a choice on coming either do we?" Armin asked. "I'm glad you get me blondy." I said." Hey!" he said "Get over it or die your hair!" I said " To Levi's car everyone!" I screamed. "I love how you just volunteered my ride like that." Levi said sarcastically." I know I love  it too!" I screamed "I'm driving cause I bet you have no idea where you are going." I said while jumping in the driver's seat. "Bae you don't even have a license." Gray said." Yeah I know living on the edge let's go!" I said anxiously." No! My car I drive!" Levi said angrily."
Well what are we waiting let's go!" Thatiana said.
   The ride to the studio
     Thatiana's p.o.v
   The whole ride to the studio was awful yet fun because most of it was engulfed in the loud Fetty Wap song playing on the radio Natsu and Gray fighting each other Armin mindlessly staring at Saphira while she waved her hand in front of his face and don't forget Taylor in the front seat yelling directions in Levi's ear and slapping him upside the head when he made a wrong turn Jalynn and (f/n) were screaming the songs on the radio and Juvia was getting on Taylor's last nerves ( I should had any left for Juvia)I was just sitting there quietly working on lyrics for my new song the one that says how I feel about Natsu and Eren was just peacefully sleeping. We were a rowdy bunch but we are perfectly imperfect. I might put that in my song! Dang it we are here!

     Taylor's p.o.v
We finally arrived the studio! I thought we would never make it cause Levi has no sense of freaking direction. Juvia kept talking to me and I would I don't care and continue yelling at Levi and then she would get upset because I was ignoring her so she would call me love rival behind my back and u would think. Bitch you can't whisper. Then Gray would momentarily stop his stupid ramble with Natsu to defend me then automatically got back to the fight that started for nothing. We finally arrived and Saphira called first dibs on going inside.

    "Welcome back Taylor!" Ms. Renata yelled. She was a nice little Mexican lady with a huge smile. "Hi Ms. Renata I said!" I happily yelled back. Her son Sting was my first dance teacher from the age of 7-12 until Gray's mom forced him to take lessons where we started dating at the age of 13 and still going strong at 15. "It is so nice to see you again!" Ms. Renata said. "You saw me on Monday Ms. Renata." I said "and oh I brought some guest with me if that is cool I already know what they can wear." I started rambling "oh sure thing chica got get them dressed. Is this going to be a plan like when you were nine if so I do not oppose." Ms.Renata said." You know me just as well as your son knew me, after all we were dance partners." I left and got everybody cleaned up. I went to go check on the boys. "*knock knock* does everyone at least have on pants?" I asked "yeah!" came all voices  in the boy room. I walked in to see that everyone except Natsu had cleaned up very nicely. "Oh man Natsu how did you end up like this?" I asked. His belt and tie had switched place his pants were inside out his shirt was upside down and his blazer was buttoned up backwards. "Cause he's pure idiot." Gray said and everyone even I started laughing." Watch it!" Natsu said." Come at me Pinky!" Gray said." Ok stripper!" he yelled back. "Lay a finger on my boyfriend and your clothes won't be the only thing messed up." I said. "Yes ma'm." Natsu said a firmly planted his feet in the soft carpet. "Now that you are all fixed Natsu time I say partners. Natsu and Thatiana, Armin and Saphira, Sting and Jalynn. Cause Sting I know you're back here." I said." Ahhhh how did you know  I was here Ms. Love?" he asked." I know you well enough to know that you can't stay away from dance." I said "Yeah yeah come here." he said I walked over and gave him a hug and we did our secret hand shake. "Back to 9 year old tricks huh?" Sting said "yeah sure am." I said with a smile." This is not the time for catching up." Gray said." Don't worry stripper I knew you would still be around after the way you two acted when you met when we were 12." Sting said "Still the same Sting aren't you?" Gray asked." Yeah nothing has changed." Sting replied." Yeah anyway what about me and Levi?" Eren asked. "you Eren are going to  be with Juvia and Levi with (f/n)." I said "Hurry the girls are almost done with make up so when you guys get out there walk to the person I told you to and Ms. Renata and Sting will start our lesson and hopefully Gray and I will be able to help. And maybe you guys will take up ballroom dancing." I said and walked out the room to go put on my signature baby blue dress. All the girls were dressed and looked beautiful I hate to admit it but even Juvia looked nice. We walked out of the dressing room and out onto the floor. The lesson started and it was going really well. I watched the rare look of love spring into Sting's eyes while he was dancing with Jalynn. "Remember when we were 7 and we were both disgusted by the other gender?" I asked Gray as we waltzed." Yeah remember when  we were 9 and became partners?" he asked." Yeah I remember that. Remember when we met Charcoal and Tarty?" I said "Yeah I do. I was more afraid of the spider than you." he laughed. "Speaking of them." Sting said then whistled. "Oh no Sting Saphira is terr-" but before I could finish the beautiful blue pit-bull came running with the tarantula on his head everyone stopped dancing as the dog jumped up on me and the spider crawled to my head. "Hey guys I haven't seen you since I was 14! Sting where did they go." I said with lots of joy." Well they had to go away for awhile because my mom didn't want the health department and they have been here an awful lot lately." He replied. "Ok!" Gray said taking the spider off my head. Tarty wouldn't let go so he let him be. "Umm Saphira kinda passed out." Armin said rather calmly." It is because of the huge dog and gigantic spider!" I said. I had revived her but when she saw Tarty on my head she jumped up to the chandelier using the trampoline. Apparently fear makes her fly. "Here Sting go put Tarty and Charcoal away." I said hastily. He quickly ran with the spider in his hands and the dog on his heels. "Saphira just find away down. Your smart!" I shouted." I am not smart when I am afraid." She yelled back. "Then drop down I will catch you." Natsu said." Gray can you help me find Tarty?" Sting said. "That thing is lost in here?" Saphira yelled. It was in here all right Tarty was right next to Saphira's arm. "Do not look near your arms ok!" Thatiana yelled. Saphira asked why but then looked. She screamed and covered her mouth then let go. "OH MY GOSH!" I yelled. "Are you ok!" Armin yelled." I JUST FELL 50 FREAKIN FEET! NO I AM NOT OK!" she yelled! "Is something broken?" Ms. Renata asked. "Wait don't answer that let me go check our insurance!" she said and quickly left the room. "I think my left arm is broken." Saphira said...


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