Gym class

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The weekend was fun now back at school. "Are you ready for the partner exercises in gym class?"Armin asked me as we walk down the hallway towards the gym in are uniform. "Nope . I really don't want to be paired with Sasha, she always carries Cheetos in her pocket and whenever she moves they crunch." I said hopefully. "I hope I get paired with Saphira. To show her how manly I can be." Armin said with a real far away look in his eyes. " Saphira you mean the girl that gets this insane smile whenever we dissect frogs in biology?" I asked in extreme confusion. "Yep! That insane smile makes her all the more unique." he replied looking like he was somewhere in a dream. We are still walking but I see my friend Taylor standing at her locker with her boyfriend Gray. "Hey Taylor! Hey Stripper!"I said." What did I say about calling me stripper at school." Gray said sort of angry. "Well you always end up on your tank top and basketball shorts in gym." I say back to him." Well I think his muscular arms and chiseled abs a perfect." she says with a smile. Then comes Saphira and Armin starts to drool a little bit. "Buddy you are kinda ya know." Gray says." Oh my bad." Armin says then wipes his mouth. Thatiana comes with Natsu not far behind." Does anyone know who they are being partnered with?" Natsu asked." No." we all said in unison. "Well does anyone know who Juvia is being partnered with because she is always calling me 'love rival' and stuff. Gray never liked her. I think. Did you?" Taylor asked confused. He kisses her gently and said " not the time to talk about that." knowing she was not giving up on these questions. "Well this conversation isn't over don't think kisses are going to make me forget. Nice try though" yeah she is being partnered with 5,000 words for mouthing off." Natsu laughed. "Good." Taylor said in relief. Jalynn walks up and says hey then " What is this little cluster all about?" Levi and Eren asked. Perfect. I thought just the two people I needed. "What's it to you short stack." Taylor said being taller that Levi. "So what is it big brown eyes?" Eren asked with a mischievous grin. "Hey man back off! She's mine!" Gray said stepping in front of Taylor." Calm down Fullbuster I got my eye on someone else." Eren said calmly. "Well what are you doing in the circle?" they both asked. "Trying to figure out who our gym partners are going to be today!" Thatiana begins. "Yeah so why are we all standing here?" I dumbly asked," we will never know if we never get there." I stupidly kept talking. I have no idea why I thought going to place where I thought my problems were going start would solve the problem at hand. We all started walking towards the gym doors.
"Everyone in gym clothes already! Wow I am surprised! Circle up we are about to do partner exercise today!" Mrs. Nevada said." OK the partners are Thatiana and Natsu, Saphira and Armin, Taylor and Gray, Jalynn and Levi, (f/n) and Eren." (etc.) she yelled. Jalynn stuck her tongue out at Jalynn while Eren stuck his out at Levi.
Levi's p.o.v
I had thoughts about flipping Eren off but I didn't want (f/n) to think badly about me because she has done enough of that.
"OK everybody partner up we are starting with partner push-ups." "um how do we do those?" Taylor asked " Glad you asked!" the gym teacher yelled " partner push ups work like this. The boy is on the bottom doing the push ups  and-" she was cut off by Taylor asking " and does the girl sit on top and tell him how many to do?" "yes but the girl also has to do the next partner activity where the boy guides." Mrs. Nevada yelled. "get started!" she Barked. We all sat on our partners back.
Taylor's p.o.v.
  I sat on Gray's back knowing he was strong. I have sat on his back plenty of times because our tickle wars turn into full on wrestling matches and Gray always ends up begging for mercy (not all of the time)." When are we going to stop the push ups?" Gray asked "when I think you're tired." I replied." I am going to be doing push ups forever huh?" he asked " at least 500 or more." I said "WHAT!" Gray yelled "nothing I said is it hot in here?" I said. " Yeah. Like that is what you said." he said " shut Up and do your push ups like the good boy you are." I said with a smile. "You know very well I am not a good boy." Gray said with a smirk I knew was there.

Time skip Eren's p.o.v
  All of a sudden (f/n) starts laughing out of no where. "Having fun up there?" I asked. "I don't know I think I made a butt print in your back!" she laughed. "Yeah I think I feel your butt print too." I said." Yeah don't enjoy the feeling too much." she laughed "trust me I am not." I replied. "Can't take it Jaeger!" Mrs. Nevada screamed. "I can ta-" before I could finish she made me push up over to Levi and Jalynn and made (f/n) and Jalynn drop their feet on my back. Before me and Levi knew both girls were asleep and we were doing push-ups at coach Nevada's command.

Saphira's p.o.v
  Most of the girls were asleep on the guys back and the coach wasn't saying anything so I thought I might doze too. "Hey Armin." I said "how much longer are you good for?" I asked. "However long you need me to be good for." he replied." Ok I think I am going to doze off." I said " have a nice nap." He said
Armin's p.o.v.
Before I knew Saphira was asleep and my arms were getting tired and I was now doing push ups at coach Nevada's will.

Natsu's p.o.v
Thatiana was still sitting up but she was asleep. I thought about stopping but I was now working out under the will of our coach.

Gray's p.o.v.
All the girls in gym were asleep except for Taylor. She is kinda famous for being able to pull all nighters and pulling awesome pranks and coming to my house and crashing on my couch while snuggling her face into my bare chest. I call her blur ( got that name from Akiko_Centile 's book stuck in AOT go read comment and vote) because it is always a blur what she did to you. The coach put Juvia on my back as well and she started calling my girl 'love rival' and I told her " If you keep calling my girlfriend love rival I going to throw you off." " Ha!" Taylor screamed "Don't get all cocky." I said calmly. " Ha love rival!" Juvia said. " That is it." I said and started one handed push ups so I could hold onto Taylor and throw Juvia. It worked pretty well. Taylor and I talked the rest of of class. Then the coaches declared us the winners of the push up challenge and explained the whole reason of this was to keep the person awake. She also said the next challenge would be held next week at the next gym class. I thanked Taylor with a kiss and after school we agreed to hang with all our at Taylor's house.

  Hope you enjoyed this chapter give me any ideas for the next chapter! Comment vote and tell your fans to follow. Bye love all your guys support! Sincerely the author @ratherbereading45 / Tay! 😘😋😆😀😂😛😝🤑😜

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