A forgotten tag

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Hey everybody this is the author/ Taylor in the book! BTW tell your fans if you love this book and vote and comment it all means so much to me. Plz keep on reading. Thank you! I means so much to me that you are seeing this right now and I am also going to kindly ask that you guys give me some ideas for the kind of plot you want as the reader. I also think I am going to start doing a kind of thing where I don't write more until the book gets a certain number of views. This pushes you guys as readers to tell everyone that you know to read this book. Now to the actual point. I am going to do a tag that Natsumi_Dragneel123 had asked me to do a long time and I never got around to it so here you go!

#1 What was my first anime movie?
Well I am sort of new to the anime world so I haven't watched a movie yet but my first anime was Attack on Titan. But I have my friends Akiko_Centile and AnimeIsLife4eves for getting me into the anime life style.

#2 cake or anime?
I choose anime hands down any day!!

#3 Which do I prefer?
Natsumix Freed or Natsumix Levi?
I say Natsumix Levi because Natsumi and Levi are awesome and awesomeness should be with awesomeness.

#4 pink or blue?
BLUE! Forever!!! Sorry if this offends anyone but pink is a terrible color unless it is representing cancer.

#5 Fairy Tail or One piece?
Fairy Tail straight up because I love the ships except one which will be answered next.

#6 Nalu or Gruvia?
Nalu not just because Gray is MY bae for life but Nalu is just super Kawaii!

#7 anime guys or real guys?
Isn't the answer obvious ANIME GUYS DUH! Because every real guy I know is a total idiot dope and super dumb( there are a few smart ones but ultimately stupid).

#8 demon at dragon?
Idk because both are super awesome I will have to say dragons because when I think of demon I think of something awkwardly disturbing.( don't ask)

#9 Magic or swords?
I say magic because magic could easily mean swords!

#10 Sasuke x Sakura or Naruto x Hinata? For real though don't you dare make me choose!

#11 Levi or Gray?
GRAY!!! All the way I love him to pieces!!!!! Plus my BFF would kill me if I said Levi.

#13 Natsumi (person who tagged me) or cake?
I choose Natsumi because Natsumi is a real person that I can be friends with but if I tried to be friends with cake it would make me look and sound fat.

So originally she had forgotten 12!

Now 13 facts about my self.
1. I love the color blue. But I hate indigo.
2. My fav animal is a monkey specifically finger monkeys!
3. I like Fifth Harmony music.
4. My favorite foods are Macaroni and sushi but not together.
5. My dream job is to be a Marine biologist.
6. My favorite drink is Lemonade.
7. My favorite movie Jurassic World!
8. My all time favorite song is Angel with a shotgun by nightcore! GO LISTEN TO IT! It is awesome.
9. My favorite app is obviously Watt pad!
10. My favorite sport is swimming.
11. I am not a girly person even though I have those moments.
12. My favorite anime is Fairy Tail.
13. My board game is Monopoly.
Now I will make up 13 lovely questions and then tag 13 lovely people.

1. What is you favorite anime!
2.What is your favorite ship or OTP?
3. What is your favorite word?
4. What is your favorite food?
5. What is your dream vacation?
6. What is the saddest movie you have ever seen?
7. What is your favorite emoji ?
8. Favorite thing to do with free time?
9.  If you could take an exotic trip where would you go?
10. What kind of electronics do you have?
11. Do you have siblings if you don't do you why are why not?
12. Where is the place where you have the most fun?
13. What is your fav color?

Here are the people I am going to tag
1. Mikasa_Falling_Stars
3. fashiongurl132
5. AnimeIsLife4eves
6. KianaJeager

So yay people that is my tag and all of these questions provided by Natsumi_Dragneel123 and go follow her account and read her books because she is totally awesome and if you want tell ALL your followers about and don't forget to give me ideas that you want in the book. Go follow all the people I tag!
          - yours truly ratherbereading45/ Taylor in story. Love all of your support! 😜

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