Chapter 1. Back to where it all ended for us

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Before everything got so screwed up

"Chuck, have you seen my phone? I can't find it anywhere", Blair screamed to Chuck on her way to the kitchen.

"Here it is, honey" Chuck said while grabbing it out of Henry's hands.

"Thank you, I just called Lily and they should be here any minute. Jenny's flight was delayed, so they waited for her" Blair said walking to the living room to find a place for her new bought flowers. "We can't miss Jenny, she made Serena's dress. She actually has Serena's dress. If Jenny isn't here, I don't think the wedding is actually going to happen. Although I never thought it ever was going to, but you know.. It's Serena". She smiled at Chuck.

*Door bell rings*

"There they are. Dorota will you open the door for me please? I have to call Serena, who's having her make-up and hair done, to ask if everything is going okay" Blair said already walking upstairs.

There were Lily, William, Rufus, Rufus's wife, Jenny, Eric and suprisingly Jack and Georgina (all decided to come together).

"Oh hello dorota, it's a pleasure to finally see you again" Lily said while kissing her on the cheeks. "You need to tell me all about Vanya and the ki..-" Then Henry came running to the door to greet Lily and everyone else. "Well hello Henry! You are such a big boy already!" said Lily and they all walked to the living room after a lot of greets and hugs from Henry.

While everyone was having tea served by Dorota, all of the sudden the door bell rang again. It was Dan.

Blair was just walking down the stairs so she opened the door.

"Well Humprhey you are so late, I had a wild guess that you weren't going to show. Too bad for me you did." Blair said in a hurry. "Well I am really busy. I just got off the phone with my mom and she is going to be here later than expected, like you. And well your mom called too, she tried to reach you but you didn't pick up so she tried me because she knows I'm planning this whole thing." Dan tried to interrupt her but there was no way he could, Blair kept talking "But she isn't going to make it.. I'm sorry.. Well okay I have to make sure all the food is gonna be ready before Serena gets here so make yourself at home Humphrey." Blair took a deep breath from talking so fast. "Ehm not too much at home Humphrey.. we have spent a lot of time on this house." she quickly said afterwards

Dan needed to take a deep breath after Blairs whole speech. Then he started talking. "Ehh okay.. Blair I lost you the moment you said that my mother isn't coming. I mean why not?". Blair was already typing in Serena's number, just about the call her.

"Well she said she couldn't leave the gallery because it was too busy tonight and she has two meetings with very important people in the.. ehh.. well.. whatever she does for living." Blair said while walking away to call Serena. "I'm sorry Humphrey but I need to call S again, she still isn't here. And I have a lot to do after that. Go sit in the living room or something." she screamed to Dan while already walking upstairs again.

*A few minutes after Blairs call Serena arrived, her hair and make-up all beautifully done. Right after her Eleanor and Cyrus did as well*

Serena had a key so she immediately ran upstairs without even saying "hi" to anyone.

She opened Blair and Chuck's room and greeted Blair, who had been waiting for her. Serena sat down on the bed.

"You look absolutely beautiful S!" Blair said nearly screaming when she saw Serena. "You need to get into your dress. Or are you, please say yes, having doubts about Humphrey. Which will also be your name after tonight by the way."

Serena laughed. "Well no, but I'm just really nervous you know. Did this happen to you too?" Serena sighed.

"The first time.. you know, with Louis, it did. But not with Chuck. Probably because we were in a hurry." Blair said with a smile on her face. "But everyting is going to be fine. Despite my feelings for him, you on the other hand love Dan.. See how serious I was when I called him Dan? You two are going to be great, okay?"

"Okay. Thanks B" Serena said smiling.

*Half an hour later Nate had arrived and Jenny had helped Serena get into her dress*

Everything was ready and everyone was waiting. It was time.


There it was. The moment we have all been waiting for. Well you know how it goes from there. Serena in her golden barbie dress. Lonely boy and the it-girl get happily married. How nice to see Lonely boy finally ending up with the girl he crushed over all those many years. Well who knows if they even written their vows themselves. We'll see how long it lasts. Well you know what I have to say.

You know you love me,

XOXO who knows who I am now and who knows who I'm going to follow.

A life without Blair Waldorf.. "It's not okay"Where stories live. Discover now