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the knock was loud, repetitive and harsh.

"Closet." I whispered to him as he shut the door quietly.

I opened the door to an angry Angela.

"Have you seen my son?" She asked, but her voice sounded less angry and more tellmenowori'llgroundyoueventhoughyou'renotmyson.

"I'm sorry, I don't know where he is." I told her, a sad expression in my voice.

I wished I could tell her the truth.

"Yeah, your son and I just made out and he's hiding in my closet because we thought someone would kill us."

Yeah, no.

She looked upset, before turning and walking away.

I shut the door, glancing at Oliver with a gray sweater over his head.

I walked up to him and pulled it off of him.

"Close one." I said ,shoving the sweater on the ground.

"Tell me about it." He replied back.

"Let's go downstairs for dinner before you get in even more trouble." I told him, clutching his hair in my hands and playing with him.

He planted a kiss on my lips.

"But I don't want to eat." He pouted.

"You're eating. That's final." I said to him, gripping his warm hand in mind.

"Whatever you say, mom." He stuck his tongue out at me as I led him out the door, his hand tightly in mine.

I unlocked our hands as we approached the table, a great distance away from each other. I even had him put my headphones in his ears so it seemed even more believable.

The table was set nicely, with two pizza boxes in the middle of it. My grandparents seemed to manage to even make that seem nice.

I sat down in the empty seat beside his sister Vanessa. she is seriously the cutest thing in the world, well next to Oliver.

Oliver got two glasses and filled them up with diet coke before placing one in front of me and sitting across from me.

That gesture caused everyone to gasp.

I didn't know if it was because he sat across from me, or because he got me and him a drink, or because he still had my headphones in. Either way, it was entertaining.

Everyone grabbed a slice of pizza and dug in. I missed doing this, eating as a family.

And I got to stare at Oliver and make that lame excuse that I was staring into space, when in reality, I got lost in his perfect emerald eyes.

He smiled at me every time I did it.

I still wasn't sure how any of the parents or his siblings could catch out drift. Our feelings for each other were obvious. I guess it was just that no one would expect it, so no one would assume it.

During dinner, my grandmother reminded me that Christmas was less than a week away,I hadn't even bought anyone gifts or anything. At least I'd get to spend my favourite time of year with some of my favourite people.

Much to my surprise, after dinner, Angela didn't want to talk to Oliver about whatever that unfriendly discussion was earlier, but the downside, she wanted him to stay downstairs and help his sister with some girl problem she was having. So until then, I'd be bored out of my mind.

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