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"I want your love and I want your revenge.
you and me could write a bad romance."

I heard the lyrics blasting from the speaker. I thought of Noah as I drove to who knows where. The weather was surprisingly and unexpectedly beautiful out. I had my window rolled down and my music blasting on a bluetooth speaker.

Out of nowhere, the music stopped and I saw Riley's name appear on my phone. I clicked accept.

This is the first time we've spoken on the phone in two years.

"Hey babe." I said to him, focusing mostly on the road in front of me.

"Hey darling, where are you?" His concerened voice turned more curious.

"I don't even know." I said to him truthfully.

"Please come home soon, I miss you." Riley told me.

"Fine my love, I'm turning around." I said to him, halting the car and driving the opposite way. I'd already stopped off to see my father and Noah, so I assumed that was good enough.

"I'm not hanging up until you're on the driveway." Riley's voice said to me.

"I'm on the driveway." I lied, hoping he'd believe me.

"Liar." Riley half laughed at me.

"Okay, I'm not but you're interupting my music, I'm not five years old." I told him.

"Fine. Drive safe, I love you." Riley said, his voice was happy.

"I love you too." I said before hanging up and blasting 'Save Me A Spark' by Sleeping With Sirens.

I didn't even know where I was, but I liked it. I liked being by myself, blasting music and not having a care in the world.

After about an hour, I pulled up onto the driveway and Riley ran outside to greet me.

"I was only gone a few hours, you couldn't have missed me that much." I said to him while locking my brand new Ferrari.

"Well, I did. We have the house to ourselves again, Angela and my dad went to run errands, Vanessa is at a friend's house and Jordan went out with my grandparents. We're going for dinner soon though." Riley explained to me, barely before I got inside the house.

"You're rather talkative, you alright?" I asked him, pulling him into a hug and lifting him above me.

"I'm fine now." He said, leaning down and kissing me. The sun shone directly on us just at this moment.

We were going back home to Buffalo tomorrow, and I honestly wasn't sure I wanted to. I felt like my home was in New York City. My dad and Noah are here, Riley's here, Times Square is here. I just can't go home yet.

At least until New Year's.

I spun him around multiple times, until he complained about being dizzy.

I rolled my eyes before walking inside, carrying him bridal style.

"Okay, now time for what I got ya." Riley told me, rubbing his hands together.

"Can it wait until tomorrow? I've had a hard day and this is all so overwhelming for me still." I told him and he nodded, smiling.

I attacked him in a kiss, then in a hug, and repeated the motion. I love this guy so much ,it should be illegal.

"It was literally a bong and something else but okay." Riley said through staggered breaths.

I smirked at him and the next thing I knew we were smoking marijuana in his bedroom. Sorry mom.

We laughed at literally everything and I had the best time in a while.

"We should go downstairs. We're going for dinner and yes you're coming." Riley told me as I opened my mouth to speak.

I rolled my eyes and he kissed my neck.

God damn.

I sat beside Riley in MY brand new car.

"Floor it baby!" Riley screamed and I sped down the freeway.

We decided to go to Montana's. I'd never been but oh well.

I got stuck on a ride with Riley, but I guess it was okay.

"So hey, after dinner, wanna go get away for a while?" Riley winked at me from the passenger seat.

"What are your intentions?" I asked him, smirking a tiny bit.

"Don't you think you'd look good with a lip piercing and some colour in your hair?" He asked me.

"Fuck yeaahhhh." I cheered,before following Rick's minivan into the Montana's parking lot.

Only a few more hours, and I'd be completely different. Well, not completely different. Just a bit different.

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