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He sat at his desk with a nervous look on his face. His face was pale, his eyes were emerald green and his hair was messy and brown. He's gorgeous. But I have a boyfriend, I shouldn't be looking at him and picturing us doing sexy things in a bedroom, but god damn he is att rac tive. I didn't even know his name.
Nice one Riley, nice one.

My nerves piled up as I caught him staring at me, multiple times.

It was lovely you know, to have someone interested in you. My boyfriend doesn't actually care about me. All he cares about is his stupid other girlfriend and sex and stupid blowjobs. You're like fourteen dude, seriously?

But god damn, green eyed boy's smile is amazing I wish I could plant a mirror in front of him so he could see what I see in him.

I broke up with Noah that night. He just got too into sex and drugs, that I didn't want to carry on anymore. The funny thing is that he didn't care and moved onto another guy already. Shocker.

This also gave me more of a chance with the sexiness that sat behind me in Chemistry.

I figured out his name was Oliver.

Hello Oliver, I'm Riley Turner, and I'm your worst nightmare.

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