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Letter 7
Date: 24 December 2015
(A/n: couple of days late but oh well)
Dear Luke,
Its Christmas Eve and I'm sitting here alone with a bottle of wine. My back is leaning against the couch, my knees bent and my feet against the ground. Its my first Christmas Eve where I've been alone in a few years. My Facebook news feed is filled with christmas eve celebrations. Sigh. Last year that was me and you Luke. I miss you so much. I wish you were here with me right now. You're the only person I want right now.
Last year:
'Come on Eb!' you call impatiently.
'Okay okay I'm ready!' I announce, giggling.
I'm dressed in a tight black dress that reached just about my knees, and a pair of black heels on my feet. My eyeliner is winged, and my eyeshadow smoky. My lips as red as crimson, eyelashes overdosed with mascara. Emerging from the bathroom, I walk slowly towards you, not wanting to trip. Your eyes widened as you saw me, and your hand flies up to cover your mouth.
When I reach you, I take your hand away and replace it with my lips.
'Ready?' I ask.
'Ready. You look beautiful tonight' you tell me.
I smile and you take my hand in yours. Together we walk to the car, hand in hand, and you take the driver's seat. I take the front passenger seat, and you drive off to the party.
15 minutes later
'Hey Luke! Hey Eb!' Mikey calls from his front door.
'Hey Mikey,' you and I greet at the same time.
The three of us laugh and go inside the house. Again, we hold hands as we go meet some friends. The first ones we see are Ash and Cal. They wave good-naturedly and motion us to come over. We say our hellos and I sit between you and Ash. I don't know why but I always felt closer to Ash than Cal or Mikey.
'You look nice,' Ash tells me.
I blush and thank him. You grip my hand tighter, confusing me.
'You ok, Lukey?' I whisper in your ear.
'Yep' you answer, smiling at me.
'You sure?'
'I just want to make it clear that you're mine'
'I know I am'
(A/n: aw luke is jealous)
'Who wants drinks?!' Mikey asks.
'Me!' we all chorus at the same time.
He leaves to go get us some shots and I put my arm around you. You do the same. The colourful-haired guitarist comes back with the drinks and we all take one. I gulp mine quickly, and take another one.
'Woah, Eb, slow down with the drinks' you whisper.
You drink yours, and I drink my second one anyway. Soon enough, we're both getting kind of tipsy.
'10 seconds til midnight!' Cal anounces.
'10!' we all chant.
And we immediately kiss.
I will always love you,
Ebonie xx
(A/n I know the countdown is meant to be new years eve but I thought it was cute)

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