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(A/n: this chapter is going to be half prose, half letter)
Today was the day. The date with Liam. We both agreed to go out for lunch as friends, but we both knew it wasn't just a friendly lunch. I picked out a cute dress and wedges for today's events.
*half an hour later*
'Ebonie!' Liam greeted when he saw me.
'Hi Liam', I replied with a smile.
We sat down and ordered our meals. He started up some small talk, asking how I was finding London and giving me some tips. We compared London to Australia- he had been there before. Our meals arrived, and we ate as we talked.
'So what was your ex like?'
I gasped, surprised that he would bring it up.
'Excuse me?' I asked Liam, almost choking.
'You know, the one who passed?' Liam asked.
I looked at him straight on, trying to decipher whether he was serious or not.
'At least tell me his name'
'Luke', I told him hesitantly.
'I knew a Luke back in Australia. Played guitar, tall as a giraffe and liked to sing'
At this point, I was surprised that I hadn't choked yet. I left the table and found somewhere to sit nearby. Dialling my best friend's number, I cried into the phone.
'Grace grace this was a mistake' I sobbed.
'Ebonie what happened?' Grace asked.
'Liam asked me about L-him'
I couldn't bring myself to say his name.
'Why would he do that?'
'I don't know. But I think Liam knew him'
'Really? Ask him and make sure'
'I'll try'
I hung up and put my phone away.
I looked up and saw Liam looking down at me. His face was full of concern as he sat down next to me.
'Are you okay?' he asked.
I glared at him. Was he really that thick? To ask me about my ex boyfriend who isn't even here anymore?
'I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you,' he continued
At that point, I blew up at him.
'You think you can just ask me about him and expect me to be fine? It hasn't even been a year yet! And then you have the audacity to ask if I'M okay? How can I be? For goodness sake, I didn't even know he was dying! Not until after he passed! I loved him with everything I had, and now he's gone! And he's never coming back! Do you even understand how much I miss him and want him back?'
'Eb, you need to calm down', Liam tries to comfort.
I flinched at him calling me 'Eb'. That was Luke's thing. He was the first one who called me Eb and it will always be his nickname for me.
'Don't call me that' I snapped.
'And I do know how much you miss him. You are talking about Luke Hemmings, right? I saw your reaction when I described him' Liam asked.
I looked down at the ground and wiped a tear from my face. Hesitantly, I nodded to him, answering his question.
'How did you know him?' I asked.
'I only moved to London a few years ago. We were best friends back in Australia, at school. Inseparable. Then he met you and he was awestruck. Said that he had seen the most amazing girl and wanted to make her his. When you agreed to be his girlfriend, he told me how happy he was. Now I can see why. I always wanted him to find someone who made him happy, just like you. I really am sorry. I can see how much you loved him'
'So you knew who I was when you met me on the bench?'
'Not at first. But when you told me your name, suddenly it clicked.'
'Well what a coincidence this is'
Dear Luke,
I met one of your mates from school today. Liam. Well I met him yesterday but I didn't know who he was. He took me out for lunch (as friends) and we chatted a bit before I walked off. Liam had asked me about you and I broke down. You seem to love bringing me tears, but I still love you. When Liam said he knew you, I freaked out even more.
Do you believe in coincidences? Because I do. But I believe that meeting Liam happened for a reason. It felt like the world was sending me a message, leading me to you. Now that I've met him, I don't know where this is going or if it will get any easier. Thinking of you and talking about you will always hurt, but I think Liam will make it that little bit easier.
He told me about how you fell in love with me and how you felt when you met me. About how you thought I was beautiful and wanted to make me yours. And when you did make me yours, you were ecstatic. I love you so much, and I love that you talked about me like that. You always make me smile, even when you're not here. I wish you were here though. London isn't the same without you and although I have Grace and the boys, you're very much missing. Missing from the holiday, missing from my heart and missing from my life.
I know you've been to London before, but let me tell you about it. It's beautiful, despite the cold weather. The buildings are grand and there are cute little shops everywhere. Its not hard to love, it instantly charms you. Grace, Michael, Cal and Ash have been so fun but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't awkward. Michael and Ash remain bitersweet that they haven't won me over, even though they understand my love for you. Cal and Grace have been really supportive about everything, and they're great to be around. I'm so grateful to have amazing friends, but I miss you though.
Love you always, Eb

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