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*a/n: I wanted to do a non-letter chapter so here it is*
Date: 21/2/16
I miss Luke. Today I spent some time with Michael, and he took me out for lunch. As friends of course.
'How have you been?' Michael asked.
'Oh yeah just living life to the fullest!' I told him, sarcastically but in a playful way.
He laughed, and so did I. Michael always has that ability of making me smile, and that's probably one of his best qualities. I remember when he dyed his hair blue and got a haircut.
'Ebonie! I should dye my hair blue again'
I laughed, before saying 'do it'.
And so we went to the store and bought 'aqua blue'. After arriving home, I took the box out and read the instructions. As I dyed his hair, he took the box and looked at it.
'Garnier, take care' he said, turning his head dramatically, mocking the girls with luscious hair on the TV ads.
'Mikey keep still!' I demand, but also laughing. He cracked up too and soon we were in a laughing fit, both of us struggling to breathe.
But then he did keep still. When I was done, we both looked at the result.
'Noice' Mikey approved, looking at his reflection.
I nodded in agreement and he gave me a high five in a gesture of thanks.
'Eb?' Michael asked, bringing me back to the café we were sat in.
'Yes?' I asked.
'What were you thinking about?' the blue-haired boy questioned.
'When I dyed your hair blue'
He smiled and touched his hair, remembering.
'Remember when I made that accurate Garnier impression?'
And we both started laughing again. It feels good to be happy, although I wish Luke could be happy with me. I finished my meal and Michael did too. The waitress came over, passing us the bill. As I reached to take it, the guitarist's hand snatched it before I could. Michael gave the waitress the money and we both stood up.
'I was willing to pay, yaknow?' I informed him.
'I know', Mikey confirmed with a giggle, 'Well this was fun, we should hang out more'
'Yeah it was' I said.
We gave each other a hug and suddenly his face was close to mine. He looked at me with his green eyes and parted his lips slightly, as if he was going to kiss me. I turned away and started to walk back to my car, still surprised at his action. And annoyed. He knows I'm not over Luke, and that I won't be for a while. Then suddenly I remembered Ashton on New Year's Eve, when he wanted to do the same. 
'EB!' Wait!' his voice called out.
I looked back and sure enough Michael was chasing after me. I continued towards my car and got in it. Just as I put my key in, he taps on the window.
'Ebonie, please, I didn't mean that'
'Oh but you did. I saw the way you looked at me, with those eyes.'
'Don't go yet'
'You're doing it now. Stop looking at me, with those eyes'
'I'm sorry I just can't help but look at your beautiful-'
'Excuse me?'
'Oh crap, I'm so sorry'
I sighed and drove off, leaving him. I just had to get away and go home, eat some icecream and cry over Luke. As usual. Why would Mikey like me anyway? I'm no special, I wonder how long he has felt this way? Was I still with Luke when he started liking me? Or was it after Luke was gone?
*Cal, I really messed things up with Eb. I tried to kiss her and she turned away and got mad.*
I laughed a little at my phone, reading the messages. Only Michael would say 'crap s**t balls' in the same sentence. But then my amusing side wore off and I started to feel upset again.
Yeah, good one, I sent him.
Michael: Eb, I'm so sorry. I know you're not over Luke and I didn't mean for that..almost-kiss to happen.
Me: Michael, just don't.
And so I put my phone down and cry even more. Why do I keep hurting people in the process of hurting myself? Michael is, or was, a good friend and I don't want to lose him. But he and I both know that I'm not ready and I'm not over Luke.
Michael: Ebonie, please, don't be upset with me. I'm sorry.
Me: I know you are but please just leave me be for a bit.
Michael: I can't. Not while you're hurting.
As soon as I sent it, I felt regret mixed with relief. I do need to have some space but I didn't need to be so harsh with him. So I apologised to him via text, but I wasn't going to let this whole 'almost kiss' thing go. I looked through my contacts list and pressed a name.
'Hey, I miss you. Today Michael tried to kiss me and I don't know what to think. I feel upset, angry, confused, sorry a-and I just need you here right now. I know you can't possibly be here but I need someone right now and I probably sound stupid but I miss you and I want to see you and I just need you. Please', I sobbed into the phone. I was a mess and I needed to let it out. I don't know what my next move is going to be, but all I know is that I will always love him.

(A/n: who do you think Ebonie called? Or is it obvious? Anyway, keep reading and  voting, I love you all)

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