Chapter Eighteen

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Peyton's POV

"Do you think it was a good idea, leaving them alone?" I asked Riley as we crossed the street in front of his house.

"What are you, their mother?" Riley taunted.

I laughed. "Shut up." I shoved him playfully and he laughed, putting his arm over my shoulders and pulling me closer.

We continued to walk on the quiet sidewalk. I had no idea where I was going and Riley didn't offer any explanation. But that was fine by me. I liked just walking with him. Everything was nice and quiet. That is until we passed an obvious college kid house.

"Someone's having a rager." I noted. I could smell the alcohol from out here.

Riley chuckled. "Yeah, that's Kevin. He likes to throw a lot of parties."

I raised my eyebrow. "Friend of yours?"

"Yeah." Riley looked at me curiously. "Why?"

"I just can't imagine you at a party like this." I shrugged.

Riley smiled. "I don't, really. Parties like this aren't really my thing." He paused. "Do you want to go in?"

I wrapped my arms around his torso and looked up at him. "No. Is it wrong that I like having you all to myself sometimes?"

Riley wrapped his other arm around me and put his forehead against mine. "Is it wrong that I like the sound of that?"

I giggled and nodded. Riley smiled and closed the distance between our lips. I smiled beneath the kiss.

"Is that Smiley Riley making out in my front yard?!" A male voice yelled out.

Riley pulled back from me chuckling and I looked over at the door to see a tall, muscular guy with a red cup in his hand. He had blonde spiked hair that reminded me of Jason. I cringed slightly.

"Hey, Kev." Riley said. He glanced at me. "This is Peyton."

"What is a pretty girl like you doing with... Riley?" Kevin joked a little too loudly. Although if by the smell of his figure approaching us didn't give it away, I don't know what did. Kevin was high.

I laughed. "I ask myself that question everyday."

Kevin laughed too. "Funny girl. You got yourself a keeper, Riley." He paused. "Are you guys coming in?"

"Nah." Riley shook his head. "We gotta go. But I'll see you around."

"Alright, man." They did some guy handshake. "See you, Peyton." He took the hand that wasn't holding Riley's and kissed it.

"Bye." I waved as he walked back up his walkway. I laughed as Riley and I continued walking in our original direction. "He was high."

"Yes he was." Riley agreed.

"But he wasn't acting very high? He was acting pretty normal, except for kissing my hand." I noted.

"No he wasn't." Riley agreed again. "He's kind of a pothead. I guess you can say he has a high tolerance to it."

I laughed and nodded my head. Wow. Riley is friends with a pothead. I didn't see that one coming. But then again it's not like Riley has ever done anything like that, or does anything like that. Not that I know of, anyway. Even if he did, though, I wouldn't judge. It's whatever.

There are just so many things that I don't know about Riley. And I keep finding out new things that shock me everyday. It's different, and exciting. But also a little scary to think about. I may know a lot about Riley, but I think he knows more about me than I know about him.

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