Chapter Ten

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Peyton's POV

"We have another fair show today?" I asked Jack. We were sitting in the back room. Jack was on his laptop, not paying attention to the irrelevant reality show I was making him watch with me.

"Tomorrow." He said, distracted by whatever it was he was doing on his laptop. I guessed twitter, but it could have been anything.

I looked out the window next to me and saw that we were finally on the highway. Finally. It was like we were in the middle of nowhere for forever. It kinda creeped me out if I'm being honest.

"Six Flags?"

Jack looked up and squinted his eyes at me. "You know we can't play at Six Flags anymore."

I laughed and nodded, remembering. Don't get me wrong, I was there and I was totally pissed because I almost got pepper sprayed. But thinking about the fact that they're banned from playing these ever again was kind of funny. And when Alex started yelled and cursing at security I was pretty much crying from laughter. Wow. I'm a terrible person.

"Riiiight." We left the conversation at that. I kept watching the dumb, but entertaining, reality show. Jack kept his eyes glued to his laptop. And I don't know what the guys were doing outside, but I heard a lot of yelling. So I suspected video games. I mean, what else?

My phone, which was laying on my stomach, began to buzz. The screen read 'Smiley Riley', with the smiling face. He was requesting a FaceTime. I probably had some serious bed head, but oh well. I slid my finger across the screen and held my phone at a more appealing angle. Riley's face appeared on my small screen.

"Hey!" I smiled.

"Nice hair," Riley commented.

I stuck my tongue out at him, but laughed. "Shut up and say hi to Jack."

I sat up and scooted closer to Jack, getting both of us in frame.

"Hey Jack." Riley said.

"Bye Riley." Jack stated, still distracted by his computer. I rolled my eyes and got up to walk out of the back room.

"He's so mean." I said. I hopped up onto my bunk and closed the curtain. Enveloping me into dim lighting. "So, what's up?"

"Well, I was watching some movies, but I got really bored," Riley complained. "So, I called you."

I fake pouted. "I thought you were going to say something like 'I wanted to see your beautiful face,' but okay. Whatever." I teased.

"Oh, yeah. That too." Riley teased back with a wink. I laughed and now realized how cold it was on the bus. I grabbed my blanket and covered myself with it. It probably looked like I was in a cocoon. "But, besides your beautiful face... I-"

"Hey, has anyone ever told you that you look like Greyson Chance?" I asked randomly. I never really noticed until now, I guess. But he does look like an older version of him.

Riley was taken aback from my random question, for a second. But he then chuckled and nodded.

"Yeah, a thousand times. Him and Justin Bieber." Riley paused. "Oh, and Logan Lerman. If I had Connor's eyes, though."

I pursed my lips and nodded. "Yeah... Yeah, but from when he was in Percy Jackson. Not so much now, unless you got a haircut." I gasped from excitement, startling Riley. "Ooh! Can I cut your hair?!"

"No," a wide eyes Riley said.

"Please! I'm really good at it!" I whined. The truth is I didn't really want to cut Riley's hair because it was so perfect, but the idea of doing it sounded fun. But Riley shook his head.

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