Chapter Twenty Four

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Peyton's POV

Later that day I walked off the bus, in search of Riley. This could be a really big mistake, or kind of funny. I wasn't just going to ask him about Ella and Connor. Maybe it was wrong that my curiosity about that girl he was talking to the night before was getting the better of me, but I just couldn't help myself.

I found him and Toby skating around the lot.

"If I had known, I would have brought my board on tour with me, too." I pouted. I leaned against PTV's bus, which seemed empty. I never knew where those guys were. Toby skid to a stop in front of me and smiled.

"You skate?" He asked. He sounded surprised, although I had no idea why.

"I like longboards better, but, yes. I skate." Riley came towards us then, riding slowly. I nodded at him. "I need to talk to you."

"Uh, oh." Toby said. He kicked himself forward on the board. "I'm out."

I made a face as he rode away from us and Riley stopped in front of me. I squinted up at him, the sun hurting my eyes. Wherever we were, the sun was being brutal.

"What's up?" He asked me.

I grimaced, suddenly feeling embarrassed. "Ella, um-"

"Is wondering if Connor has a thing for her?" Riley interrupted me with a smile.

I smiled back at him and chuckled. "Um, yeah, kinda. I know, this is weird, but... Connor is just sending her all these mixd signals, and I'm her best friend and... Mind helping me out?"

"It's not weird, Pey." Riley said simply. Was it weird that a pang went through my chest when he said my name? "Connor doesn't play games. Well, he doesn't mean to play games, at least. He's just not very good with expressing his feelings."

"You're not either right now." I poked him in the chest and he smiled at me. I smiled back. "Come on, Riley, spit it out. Does he like her or not? It's not like she's looking for a relationship, or anything."

"That's just it." Riley spoke slowly. "Connor doesn't play games."

I opened my mouth to say something, before actually listening to what he was trying to tell me. Ever since Ella started dating she's been all about playing games, no strongs attached. Unlike me, she somehow never gained the title of being a slut, mostly becuse she dated outside of our high school. But, if I had to be honest, Ella does get around.

"Right..." I said slowly. "I guess that answers my question..." There was a moment of silence betwen us before I spoke again. "So, what'd you do last night, before we left?"

Riley shrugged and took a second to answer. "I just took some pictures with some fans, talked for awhile."

"Flirt for awhile?" I asked with a smile and an eyebrow raised. Riley looked confused, but he didn't say anything. I got the answer to my second question. "I'll see you later, Riley.."

I pushed myself off of the PTV bus and started walking towards my own. I was only a couple feet away, a smile on my face because I knew Riley was still standing there. Condused, and speechless. That wasn't my intention, exactly, but it was nice to know I could do that.

"I don't really like playing games either, Peyton." Riley called out after me.

"I do!" I shouted back, without turning around. He didn't say anything more, but I knew he was smiling. And I had an odd sense of satisfaction from the encounter. I wasn't too sure why, though.

Then, another pang went through my chest. The thought of game playing. This is why I never thought too deeply about Riley and I-when I could help it-because that's what we had been doing. Playing games. And I never really realized it until now. I thought we were just having fun, and it turns out that we were just messing with each other's heads the whole time.

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