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'we are the new Americana

high on legal marijuana, raised on

biggy and nirvana, we are the new americana'

That song blasted through my alarm clock to help me wake up. Halsey is one of my favorite artist along with Demi Lovato; yes I am a Lovatic...but anyways I like Blink 182, Greenday, My Chemical Romance, Mice of Men, ATL, Avril Lavinge, etc...But anyways it's a new day. The first day of the second marking period of my senior year to be exact.

'its probably a good idea to wake the girls up' I thought.

You see, the girls and I have our own apartment, while the guys have their own which happens to be right next door. I got out of bed and raced to my closet. Right now its 5:30. I know what your thinking THAT'S WAY TO EARLY WHY IS SHE ALREADY UP? good question its because we have four bedrooms but one bathroom, so I like to get in there before it becomes hell. Also, I get up so I can make breakfast for everyone. Anywho, I decided to wear a white and grey sweater with leggings and black heels with a black hat and my shades. I grabbed my clothes, walking to the bathroom, knowing that no one was up. I got in and did all my necessities then quickly got out and decided I would loosely curl my mid length brown hair. For makeup, I decided I would go more for the natural look(mostly because Luke says I look better with the natural look). I decide to curl my eyelashes and add mascara to make them look longer and I added red lipstick to end the look. I also added my silver eyebrow spider bite thing's. And yes, I brushed my teeth before applying makeup. Right now, it's only 6:15, so I decided against waking the girls up right now since I know how cranky the girls get. I decided I would start breakfast. I made up the batter for the blueberry, strawberry, chocolate chip, and original pancakes and waffles. I then started the eggs, bacon and sausage while starting the pancakes and waffles. We have three of, like, those breakfast grill things, plus waffle makers. I then got out the orange and apple juice plus milk and made myself a protein shake. By the time I was done, the guys and two of the three girls were already at the table eating. The guys must have smelled the food in their apartment. ''Thanks for making breakfast, Astrid'', Luke said in his hot, husky morning voice. "No problem, Lucas'', I said while ruffling his hair and walking to go wake Chloe up. As I was walking, I heard Luke grunt in playful annoyance. He hates when we call him Lucas; especially me because I call him that the most. I ''sneak'' over to Chloe's bed, and by sneak I mean I yell then jump on top of her. "Does that mean breakfast is ready?", she said groggily. "Yes'', I giggled slightly. Chloe and I are closest with each other because we've known each other longer. Ava Jade or AJ and Rebel are closest but we're all VERY close, like, attached to the hip. I was too busy thinking that I didn't even notice Chloe had me in her arms and we were walking to the breakfast table. "Great breakfast, like usual, sis'', Ashton said, then each boy walked by and gave each one of us a kiss on the cheek, like they do every morning. ''Alright ladies, its 6:45. Go and get ready, we leave at 7:20'', I said. ''Yes, mother'', they all said in unison. You see, we live like three minutes from the school, but I like to make sure we get there early. At 7:10, the boys are here and go immediately to the couch. Well, all except Luke, who helps me pick up breakfast like he does every morning. At 7:15, the girls come out. Chloe wearing black pants, black heels, a black crop top and black shades like me, with a black book bag. By the way, I am using a white book bag today. Chloe decided to wear red lipstick like me and black eyeliner. Do you see the pattern? Chloe and I dress alike. But anyways, Chloe decided to loosely  curl her hot pink tip dyed blonde hair. Chloe is wearing her black eyebrow ring and her black lip ring(just like her brother). Rebel came out wearing a white shirt and a brown leather jacket with dark blue skinny jeans on and black heels with a white bag like me, and black and white shades. She decided to straighten her dark brown hair and make her part go straight down the middle of her head. She added a silver nose ring to her right nostril. She was wearing more of the naked look with a touch of lip gloss and eyeliner. AJ came out wearing a white sweater with a blue and white polka-dotted shirt with a purple skirt and white flats. She had a brown leather book bag. She had her silver nose ring in. She let her hair naturally wave. After they came out, Chloe went to her boyfriend Michael, AJ went to her boyfriend Calum, and Rebel went to her boyfriend aka my brother Ashton. They do this every morning just to show me what it would be like to date Luke but he probably doesn't like me like that. Probably like a best friend or a sister, but not as a lover. By that time it was 7:20. "Okay, now get into the cars, my munchkins'', I said motherly like. "Yes,mother'', they all said in unison. I took my Mustang, while Chloe took her Mercedes. Luke, Calum, and AJ rode with me while Michael, Rebel and Ashton went with Chloe. After school, Ashton, Rebel, and Michael come with me, while Luke, Calum, and AJ go with Chloe. That's just how it's always been. Chloe and I pull up to the school and go to our lockers, which just happens to be right next to each other. The locker order goes Ashton, Rebel, Michael, Chloe, Me, Luke, Calum, and AJ. We all have choir first hour, so we all just walk together. After we get all of our stuff for choir, we just hang out until the bell rings. We technically start school at 7:40, it's just that at 7:30, we are allowed to go into our classes. Right now it is 7:25 which means my rival and her posse are going to come and harass us any minute now, and that stresses me out. Apparently Luke notices, so he pulls he into a hug. I just snuggle up into his chest, due to height difference. "Aww..what's wrong with the poor baby?", I hear an annoying voice exclaim. Brittany and I actually used to be great friends until she was recruited by the populars. Well, that and the fact that we both like Luke. Her other friends are Stacey, Casey,(who are twins) and Bridget. You see, Bridget likes Michael, so she hates Chloe and Chloe hates her for liking Michael. Stacey likes Calum so she hates AJ and AJ hates Stacey for even thinking about liking Calum. Then Rebel and Casey are another story. You see, they're like Bridget and I, except Casey was always popular. Casey hates Rebel because she's dating Ashton and it's REALLY obvious she likes Ashton. So Rebel hates Casey for throwing herself at Ashton. ''Just get out of here Brittany'' Luke snapped. ''Oh but Lukey...''. "Quit calling me that, I'm not your Lukey, I despise you.",Luke said with gritted teeth. "This isn't over'', she screeched and her and her crew marched off. ''Thank you, Luke'' I said as I gave him a hug. "Anything for my girl'', he said as he playfully punched my cheek as I let go. The bell rang. ''Forget it, I'm just gonna say it GOALS AF why won't you two just date already?". I looked down as I started to blush red. "Aww they are both blushing'', Ashton said, which made me blush even harder. "Can we just go to choir before we are late?", I said walking quickly ahead of the gang. If only he knew how much I really wanted to be with him. The hallway we have to walk down is pretty empty because not a lot of people go down this hallway for their first hour. Suddenly, I felt this headache like one I've never had before. I got down on my knees, holding my head screeching. I felt the whole gang surround me asking if I was okay or not. Then the headache disappeared as quick as it came. ''Yea, yea I'm fine now''. The girls looked at each other with a confused expression, whereas the guys looked around with a worried expression but not like oh no she just had a major headache but now she's instantly okay no, no like a expression I can't read. ''Lets get to class''. The rest of the day went smooth sailing. Except I hate how I have to go down to the college for my last two hours, then have to drive back to the high school and pick everyone up. My last class was canceled so I got to go home and chill before I had to pick up the others. I was there for about twenty minutes before I heard an alarm going off in the boys room. Since I have a spare key to their apartment, I walked in and checked out what was going on. But all I could find was a laptop. So I opened the laptop and all I found was a new scan and, like, a police radio thing saying that there was crime.I sat there for about five minutes and it said that it was covered. Five minutes??? Regular police cannot handle five gun man with five hostages in five minutes. I have to pick everyone up in twenty minutes so... I connected my phone with the police station radar thing and the new scan on the laptop so I can find out what's going on. Because that is unnatural. And I know what your thinking ISN'T THAT DANGEROUS GOING TO A CRIME AREA? And the answer to that question is: yes, but that is what it takes to be a good journalist. After the copying and everything is finished, I drive to the school and pick up everyone. After we all head to the girls and mines apartment, I ask everyone ''So, how was your guys day?". I say it in a motherly tone on purpose. "Well mother, I had a very splendid day because I got a 100% on my biology test'', Calum said, very proud of himself. ''Woah woah woah wait a second!!!'' AJ said. ''What'', everyone else said in unison. ''If Astrid is the mommy, does that make Luke the daddy??''. I was about to respond until Luke came over and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. ''Yes, yes that does, dear daughter of mine''. ''Wait, does that mean it's official!?!'', Michael said with excitement. My eyes were growing wider by the second. I was about to say something until my phone started to ring. "Excuse me for a second'', I said to everyone as I stepped into my bedroom and shut my door. It was my boss. See, I work for Saturn, which is a big news station in Australia. You are probably thinking, oh, she must be an intern. Well, that's not the case. I was an intern until I gave my boss such a stellar article that she gave me a part time/ on call job.

(Boss=Bold, Me=Italics)   

Hello, Mrs. Knight.

Astrid, grab your notebook, camera, and recorder. You've got a case.

Oh My Gosh, really?? Thank You!

Auburn Heights Bank. 6 gunmen. You have two days to have a stellar story.

Will do!

I'm counting on you!


I grabbed everything, then rushed to get my coat. ''Where are you going?", shouts Chloe. ''Duty calls'', I shout back, already out the door. I didn't notice the guys in there. I arrived at Auburn Heights and I sneak pass all the officers and get good shots and a pretty good recording until I am grabbed from behind and a hand is put over my mouth. But before I am dragged, I notice four super heroes. One in black and silver, another in red and blue, another in red and black, and the last in lime green and yellow. Bleck! What an ugly combination! But I am being dragged to the very top of Auburn Heights. The man puts me on the edge. "This is what you get for going into someone else's business'', the vigilante says as pushes me. I knew I was about to die. But then I felt something catch me. I opened my eyes that I didn't even realize I closed to see the man in the silver and black outfit. ''Thank you so much for saving me'', I said. I felt a special connection with this man, just looking in his eyes. I probably would have kissed him if it wasn't for me being in love with Luke. The man started to lean in but I pulled back and said '' I would kiss you but I'm kind of waiting for someone so...''. ''No, no I get it''. I feel like I recognize that voice, though I know its fake but I feel like I can sense the voice behind I just can't figure out who. ''Goodbye, sir'', I said fancy like. ''Goodbye, ma'am'', he said back. I then walked back to my car and drove to the apartment. When I got back, the girls got up and asked ''Where were you and why were you out so late?''. '' I'll explain in the morning'', I said and rushed to my bedroom not worrying about my pajamas. I fell asleep thinking about the silver and black man but like I do every night, I think about...


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