Chapter 11

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Today is the day....

                     The day I must choose. I mean no one ever said I had to choose today. But today would be the easiest of them all. I decided I was going to spend part of the day with one and the other part with the other and then when its time I will have call the person I choose to come with me to the roof top. I will then tell him, whoever that I choose them. Outfit and hair above, just thick mascara and piercings.[ I heard a knock upon my door the other day, I opened it to find it staring in my face(I am sorry I had too)] but it was flowers to set, both roses. except in the center of the 12 roses was one white one. In the other set there was one black one. The guy who delivered it said ''these are for you, two different guys huh?'' its like he new. I just nodded with my jaw dropped ''Do you have any advice?'' I ask ''They probably both make you happy, but it doesn't matter how long you've known one. And I know people will be like 'do what your heat wants' but that won't help. Its not just about you. Have you seen how he treats his mother or your friends? or what he does with his friends? Those things matter two. And could you see yourself having a future with either of them, how would they react? Does he come over anyways if your sick, even when you tell him not to come. Does he take you out to eat or for ice cream even, like if you got an A+ on your paper. The little things are what count. And remember you have to have all emotion in a relationship. Not just happiness, there needs to be sadness, anger, the bad ones, but the good ones too. Does that make sense?'' by the time he was done I was smiling from ear to ear ''Perfect sense! you helped me so much is there any way I can pay you?'' I gave him a 50 dollar bill ''Thank you! But is one of those boys blonde? Ray bands? Black skinny jeans? And a nirvana shirt?'' ''Yes, why?'' ''He's coming! I see you have your purse, go run these to your counter'' that's what I did, I handed him my phone ''just in case I need more advice'' he put his number in ''Good luck! text me if needed btw I am Ryan! You look great!'' Luke walks up ''Sup!'' Ryan says then leaves ''Flower guy, Thank you for the flowers'' I say and hug him, he doesn't let go but pulls back and say ''Anything for you bug'' I see he's holding a picnic basket, I give the slant brow and he says ''you'll see'' he says with a smile, I want to kiss him so freaking bad, ''then why don't you?'' I am confused ''Huh?'' I then come to realization. Luke knows about the whole choosing thing, so does Xavier. ''or maybe I will just kiss you'' he says, he leans in and when he's almost there I run behind him. He kind out dives forward a little ''That was not cool'' ''yes it was'' I say behind him, he jumps a little bit. He turns around with this angry look, then throws me over his shoulder ''To be honest I love this'' I could feel him laugh It made my heart flutter. We went to his car, and he drove me to a park, I instantly recognized this park. Its the park that we officially met at. When we were younger obviously. ''You brought me to our park'' he then pulls out a tie. ''What's the tie for? Why can't you just tell me?'' ''Do you trust me'' ''Fine'' we get out of the car he grabs the basket and ties my eyes. We walk for a bit, his hands on my hips. ''Ready'' I just nod. ''Take it off on three'' I feel his hands leave my hips ''1'' I breath ''2'' I put my hands around the ties ''3'' I struggle to get it off but it still comes. I look around a find Luke no where in sight. I then look down and see a rose, I look up and see a rose trail. I pick up a total of 22 roses, there are big leaves in my way and I move them. I see our tree house it was all of ours we made when we were kids. I see pictures hanging of not just me and Luke, but all of us, and us with our families. I then see a later and a sign that says ''go up'' so I climb up with all 22 roses. I see Luke in the center, probably because that's where he can stand straight up with the ceiling. Its a big treehouse. But he's standing there with two white roses. ''Two white roses for my lady, I didn't think this through you know have a total of 36 roses from me. Oh well, two white roses'' I ask him ''Two?'' ''Yes two, me and you, surrounded by red, because we are not the ordinary, especially together'' I feel a tear fall down my cheek. He wipes it. I then lean up and give him a kiss on his cheek. He says ''My lady'' and shows me a picnic blanket with chocolate covered strawberries, sushi, and pizza, sparkling juice[inside joke], and candy. We are having a blast until suddenly Luke gets a call. ''Its Ash I will just ignore it'' till one turns to three and I am getting calls ''HURRY! Meet us at the bank! this will take all of us. Even the other three.'' Ash says ''Lets use my speed'' Luke says ''Or I will teleport us'' ''Teleport us to our suits then well speed in the scene'' and that's what we do. except I stay in the shadows and Luke immediately goes and he gets captured, they all are. I see Xavier. ''Aw sorry buddy did I ruin your date?'' he whispers to Luke, but with my super hearing I hear. Ash mentally talks to me ''Where are you?'' ''In the back corner'' he glances up. I then super hero like land on the floor with my knee and fist down. ''Let them go!'' I say I then hear Dr. say to Xavier ''Do it Black poison'' he shakes his head no. ''DO IT!'' he pulls out a gun and points it at me, ''NO'' I hear Luke yell, he cocks the gun and at the last second he turns and shoots doctor lightning in the shoulder, he then vanishes in thin air. I stand there shocked. He just made his boss angry, shot, they might come after him. We start fighting. We save everyone. By the time we are done, its time for my date with Xavier. ''Guys I have to go'' they all look at me with understanding eyes. ''Btw my besties, y'all look great'' Chloe had like an icey suit, AJ a red suit, and Rebel a black suit. They all give me a hug and whisper good luck. I super speed home and change out of my suit. Now time for my date with Xavier....

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