Chapter 8

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                  I have been sitting in this coffee shop for about an hour now thinking about what I should do. I cannot live with an evil villain who almost killed the guys. Tonight I will just super speed all my things to the girls apartment and move back in with them. It is about 11 and Starbuck's is closing so I speed to the apartment. I am so lucky he let me design my suit. I told him if I had to wear a suit he couldn't know what it looks like. So he won't know I was there. I walk in the door. ''Oml child! you need to answer your phone next time I was so worried babe!'' he said '' I am so sorry Xavier I just went to Starbuck's to finish my article but I am really tired so I am going to head off to bed'' ''okay goodnight sleep tight, I love you darling'' I just playfully role my eyes he knows I hate when he calls me darling. I then shut and lock my door. I then open my window. I have some cloths in tubs and some in draws cause I have a lot of clothes. So I grab two tubs and sped to the girls apartment I then froze off the lock handle and open the window. My room looks untouched and the same. All the girls are sleeping I can just tell. It took me five trips there and back from each apartments. I then unpack everything by the time I am done it is 7:45 its spring break so I gave them another hour. I made sure to be extra quiet.  I did dye my hair back naturally brown so they probably won't recognize me. I am wearing a white Eiffel Tower shit with black heels and black pants and my cool round black shades. I then go into the kitchen and make breakfast for the girls and the guys. I am making bacon and sausage and eggs and pancakes with strawberries and blueberries. I then hear footsteps coming down the halls and heavy breathing. ''Slowly turn around and you will not get hit with three bats'' says AJ. So I slowly turned around with a smirk on my face and I said ''breakfast is ready''. They all had a look of shock on there faces ''Asrid?!?!?'' they all say with shock and excitement ''Hell yea its me!!!'' Chloe's face dropped as she asked ''Are you staying for good though??'' and then AJ and Rebel's faced dropped. I then smiled and said ''yes, I am staying for good'' they all ran up and gave me and group hug and started screaming. The boys busted in and Ashton said ''What's wrong? Is everyone okay?'' ''Everyone is spectacular!'' I noticed Luke was just in the background with a frown on his face. I realized the girls were hiding me. I then pushed through them and pounced on Luke and gave him the biggest hug ever. I never wanted to let go. Luke then gripped me just as tight as I gripped him. ''Bug?'' he whispered in my ear ''Hello Lucifer'' I whispered back. Chloe then ruined the moment by saying ''you forgot your heels'' she was holding them up. I didn't even realize. Luke set me down but yet he still had one arm around my waste gripping me tight. I looked up to see the biggest smile on his face and I would say that made my smile grow bigger, but I don't think that's possible. ''Okay lovebirds, I want to give my sister a hug.'' says Ashton I then give him a big hug. Then Michael and Calum say in unison ''My turn!'' they then turn around and start arguing. I just stand there with my arms open wide just until someone got the memo. Luke did so he just gave a big hug ''I've missed you so much bug, I am so sorry'' he whispered ''hey! no apologies, and I've missed you too'' I then turn to see Malum still fighting. Michael just stops and runs over to give me a bear hug ''hey!'' Calum said in a whiney voice. I then pull away from Michael and Go and give Calum a big hug. I didn't even realize the girls went to get dressed until they came back in clothes that were not pajamas. ( Chloe=beanie AJ=bow Rebel=glasses^^up top) ''You never did tell us where you stayed'' AJ said '' Oh I stayed with Xavier'' I said ''Did you guys break up or something'' Michael said I see Luke's eyes fill with hope. ''No'' his eyes drained ''Not yet'' I say and his eyes fill again ''you see you know the crime scene the other day? and the guy in the black and green, well.....'' I said '' Are you saying that was Xavier??'' Michael said, I slowly nodded my head ''I knew that guy was bad news!'' Luke said and started to do a ''happy dance'' we all just stared he then seen us and said ''That wasn't in my head was it?'' ''Nope'' I said on the brink of laughter from his happy dance. ''wait how did you know that we didn't give up your room?'' Rebel said ''Well, um a friend told me'' I started sweating from lying. ''But who none of us told anybody'' says Chloe ''and we only told one person'' says Calum ''unless...'' Luke said ''Unless I personally know the person you told!'' ''YOU KNOW PURPLE MYSTERY'' the guys screamed in unison ''the hero that saved you guys?'' ''Wait! while we are on this power subject, Astrid there is something I need to tell you..'' Me too'' AJ and Rebel said in unison. ''We have powers'' Chloe said, AJ the levitated a glass of water which was on the table. Rebel then froze the water, and Chloe melted it. ''It runs in the family...''Ashton said behind me ''or families...''  Calum said ''We think you could have it too'' Michael said '' I don't know guys...'' I said then my phone went off with the radar thing. ''Duty calls got to go'' I said ''We'll meet you there'' Luke said with a smirk. I started running at human pace ''Need a ride Calum said and pointed to his back ''sure'' I then jumped on and headed our way to a bank this time. He then put me on the second floor in the shadows. And he went down with the rest. ''Dr. Light where is your pal?'' Luke said I then seen Xavier slowly creep out of the shadows. I already put my camera and everything up so. I opened my ring and my suit zapped on me. I then swooped down and kicked Xavier. ''Ah, P.M. we meet again.'' he said with a sly smirk. I then smirk and I use my levitation and take off his mask. Everyone is just watching the scene go down. ''I knew it was you!'' I said in a different voice. ''Well, it would only be a fair fight if you took your mask off also'' he said with a venom laced voice. ''Fine if that's how you want to play'' I totally forgot the guys were behind me as I take off my mask. Xavier's face turned to shock pain and hurt. ''I will not fight you'' he said ''Why choose this path Xavier?'' Xavier then had a smirk on his face ''no one knows you are you do they?'' ''What is he talking about P.M.?'' says Calum ''C'mon join me, we can be together forever, you and me. Not against the world, but controlling it!'' Xavier said, and with every word he took a step closer until he was right in front of me. I started to lean up like I was about to kiss him, but at the last second I kicked him in the groin and pinned him down with his stomach on the ground and hands behind his back. I then used my element powers and used lightning and created handcuffs ''If you try to struggle and get out they will only zap you more.'' I then crouched down and said ''Oh wait, you taught me that'' I then slowly got up with a smirk ''Turn around'' I hear a saddened voice. I did slowly turn around. ''That's what i thought'' says Luke ''Why didn't you tell us you had powers? Why didn't you tell me? your own brother?'' he said in a slightly angry tone. I then got angry ''Really? Really you want to play that card! As i recall a couple months ago you didn't tell me about you guys. And at least it was me instead of you having to be forced.'' it went like that for a couple minutes until we came to the conclusion that everyone knows now. ''Okay now let's put Xavier in jail'' i say i then turn around and realize that he wasn't there. ''No, NO! NOOO!'' i say ''We let him get away'' i say in frustration. ''Let's leave guys'' Calum says we then head out i put on my mask though. We walk into the apartment the girls then say ''PURPLE MYSTERY'' but i was to tired and frustrated to handle it so i just skipped to the good stuff and said ''Yea yea its me purple mystery i get it your shocked but we will talk about it in the morning'' i took off my mask while saying that. I just went to my bedroom shut the door and lay down not bothering to take off my suit. I soon let darkness consume me....

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