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'everything is blue

his pills

his hands

his jeans

and now I'm covered

in the colors...'

I turn down my alarm clock so I don't wake up the girls. Even though it is the second day of the second marking period, they gave us half a day and with our school, we go for the second half of the day. The day before school started, the girls and I agreed since it was going to be a half day, we would all wear sweats. For some reason, it doesn't feel as quiet as usual. I know, feel quiet? That sounds so stupid, your probably thinking, but when it IS quiet in this house, you get a sort of feeling. But anyways, I get out my black Ugg boots, black shirt, and black sweat pants. Even before I got to the bathroom, I decided I would have black eye shadow, black mascara, and black eye liner. I'm also going to put in my black eyebrow ring. I'm going to have pink lips and black rose earrings. I soon got into the shower and did my necessities in the bathroom. I decided to throw my ''lushes'' brown hair into a cute messy bun. I then walked out into the living room to see all of the girls awake and ready looking, like they've been waiting for me. But not in a good way. Chloe was wearing a black tank top with a see through white sweater over it and blue sweat pants with black converse. She had her black eyebrow ring and black lip ring in. She had her hair also in a messy bun. She was wearing silver heart earrings. She had barely any make up on; she had her natural shade lips and a little bit of mascara. Rebel was wearing pink dance sweat pants with navy and white polka dotted converse and a navy muscle-t. She had in pink rose earrings, black mascara, and a light but dark shade of pink lip gloss. She had in her silver nose ring. For her hair, she had in a sock bun. AJ was wearing a light blue hoodie that had a big light purple heart on it with matching light blue boots. She was wearing black sweat pants. She had on dark blue eye shadow, black eyeliner, and black mascara. She had a pale lip color. She was wearing black button earrings. She had in a black nose ring. Her hair was also in a sock bun. ''Why were you out so late last night?'', Chloe asked with a slightly aggravated tone. ''Oh my gosh, it was amazing...'' I said, then I told them the whole story. ''That is so awesome, I wish I was there'', Chloe said with excitement. "No, that was dangerous, what the hell were you thinking?'', Rebel said very annoyed. "Exactly! Do you want to get yourself killed?", AJ said very aggravated. ''What all I was thinking was that my job could possibly be on the line if I didn't do it!'', I said very aggravated. "Okay, we get it, just PLEASE be more careful next time," Rebel said. ''Don't worry, I will'', I said with forgiveness. "Guys, what are we going to do for the next four hours until we have to leave for school?", Chloe said with a bored tone. "I'll call the guys over'', AJ says. You see the thing is, I have a grudge against the boys right now especially Luke. The reason why is because he has been so different lately, like distant and we used to be attached to the hip but now he always runs off when we have plans. And that really aggravates me; I've talked to the girls about it and they totally understand my grudge. They've noticed the guys distant behavior but they're just not as stubborn as I am. You see, if there is something BIG that someone is not telling me and especially if the person that isn't telling me is an important person in my life, I will hold the biggest grudge against them. But I will hold an even BIGGER grudge against said person if I have to find out the secret from somebody else. I know what your probably thinking: Is she seriously that stubborn? Well...the answer is yes, I am that stubborn. I soon hear eight feet speed into our apartment and the door shut. And I suddenly looked up to see everyone cuddling except Luke and I. I look over to see Luke in a big chair with a pouty lip and puppy dog eyes looking at me with his arms out wide. So I got up from my spot and was about to snuggle with him until I remembered the grudge I was holding against him. So my sudden happy face soon turned into my mad grudge face. And I'm pretty sure everyone noticed. ''Why are you holding a grudge against me, bug''. You see, "bug" is one of the nicknames Luke gave me. Chloe and her big mouth soon answered for me ''She is mad at your distant behavior''. Luke gave all of the guys a worried look; all of the guys had sad looks on their faces. ''What happened Luke; cat got your tongue?'' I sneered because I never call him Luke so when I said that EVERYONE cringed because I was beyond mad right now. As soon as I said that, I stormed out of the building. Not just the apartment but the whole building. I ran, I don't know why but I ran. Sometimes if I get really mad, I just run then that turns into a jog then a walk then me going back to the apartment. So as of right now, in the process, I am half running, half walking. ''Please give me another chance'', I hear right next to me. I didn't even realize anybody was even there. I then looked over and noticed Luke. ''And why would I even do that?'' I say with annoyance. ''Because I really need you in my life and I don't want to lose you and I know you don't want to lose me''. Everything about what he said about me not wanting to forget about him is true. "How do you know?'' I said. ''Astrid, we've been through it all together and I know your stubborn but I know your the kind of person that wouldn't give that up'' he said filled with hope.

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