[ 1 : Unexpected Meeting ]

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He coughed blood.
"Are you done or do I have to beat you some more?"
He smiled innocently but got punched in the face again.
"I'm sick and tired of people like you. You can just smile like everything's okay. Well nothing is okay!"
He got another hit.
At this point, his vision was super blurry and the world seemed to spin.
"I swear, I'll kill every last one of you."
[ ... ]
Antonio looked at the clear night sky.
He sighed at the full moon but caught something in the corner or his eye.
Antonio quickly spread his wings and flew up to the sky, he flew a little too fast and bumped into the entity he was flying towards. The entity was a young man, he went down like a fighter plane.
Antonio flew down and caught the man, he was knocked out cold.
The Spaniard smiled at the man, his wings folded.
A silhouette sprinted towards Antonio. As it got closer, the silhouette slowly turned into a young man that looked almost identical to the one in Antonio's arms.
"T-Thank you so much! I was worried that Lovi would get hurt!" He panted in exhaustion, was the young man's house far away or did the he just not like to run?
Before Antonio could say anything, the young man picked up his friend and ran away.
The next day at school Antonio bumped into a classmate.
He never really paid attention to who was in his class, it didn't matter because his image wasn't bad, "The really nice but naive Spaniard", he could live with that.
"Are you going to move or keep staring, I have a class I have to get to." The classmate snapped.
Antonio looked down, the classmate was a young man who was half a head shorter than him.
"I'm sorry-"
"You don't have to be sorry, you just have to get the hell out of my way." He sassed.
Antonio chuckled, "Okay." He stepped out of the way.
The Spaniard could of sworn the young man blushed at him.
Antonio walked over to his good friend Gilbert. Gilbert looked a little occupied at the moment, "I told you to stop bothering me!"
His friend had been "bothering" an Austrian he liked for weeks.
Antonio's parents always told him to get away from Gilbert. Being an angel, his parents hated Gilbert's family. They could only tolerate his younger brother, who turned out a human.
"I told you to get away from me!" The Austrian grabbed Gilbert's neck and pushed him up against the wall.
He immediately let go and ran away.
"Are you okay?" Antonio asked his friend.
He only replied in an anxious chuckle.
"He's tough but only if you piss him off, either than that he's basically a pigeon." Gilbert stood up and walked away.
School eventually ended and Antonio went over to his other friend Francis' last classroom.
Francis walked out and nodded at Antonio, they both talked and laughed on the way home.
They both stopped to look at Gilbert outside of the Austrian's window.
"Hey! No loitering on the premises!" The Spaniard joked.
"Ha," Gilbert laughed sarcastically.
"You seem really hooked on this Austrian," Francis raised an eyebrow.
"Is there something that you aren't... telling us?" Antonio grinned.
Gilbert gestured the two to come over to him.
"Okay, don't let anyone know but this Austrian, Roderich Edelstein, he's actually an angel-demon hybrid."
Both Antonio and Francis' eyes went wide.
"A-Are you serious?" The cold wind seemed to hit harder.
"Yes and he-"
"Has the power to kill us all if he loses control." The French man interrupted.
The long silence was broken when Antonio's phone dinged.
Mamá: what's taking you so long?
"Oh, we need to go! Talk to you later Gilbert!" Antonio grabbed Francis' arm and ran over to the next block.
The Spaniard walked inside.
Mrs. Carriedo, Antonio's mother, whacked him in the neck with a rolling pin.
"You are late, mister." She said bitterly.
"Lo siento mamá."
" 'Lo siento mamá' my ass!" Mrs. Carriedo snapped.
Francis and Antonio did their homework upstairs.
"So do you think that 'Roderich' guy will actually kill us?" The French man asked out of the blue.
"I don't know, he seems too pure to hurt a fly. Gilbert told me that he plays the piano and eats gourmet food-"
"what the hell does gourmet food have to do with being pure?" Francis interrupted.
"I don't know!" Antonio laughed.
The Spaniard laughed and smiled everyday, you would almost never see him frown or cry.
Only a couple of people who were super close to him saw him cry, he was a complete optimist.
[ ... ]
The next day came, Antonio bumped into the same person again.
"Why do I keep bumping into you?" He grumbled.
"I don't know, maybe I'm a magnet and you're a piece of scrap metal." Antonio laughed.
The classmate didn't laugh at all, Antonio noticed a small necklace hanging from his neck.
"What's this?" The Spaniard asked.
"Oh! It's, um... I, have to go!"
Someone chuckled behind Antonio, the chuckle turned into a full on laugh.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, that's just my older brother Lovino." A young man said.
The name rang in Antonio's head.
Antonio gasped, "You're that guy!" He tried comprehend everything.
"Oh yes, I am that guy. Sorry for not introducing myself, I am Feliciano Vargas and my older brother, Lovino Vargas was that young man who ran away a minute ago."
The Spaniard stared, "Are you two twins?"
"No, Lovino is 3 years older than me."
[ ... ]
That afternoon Antonio had trouble doing homework, he couldn't get his mind off of Lovino.
Were those two Italian?
The names sounded Italian and they probably were.
They both had Italian accents so of course they were Italian, Antonio!
"God, your so stupid." He whispered to himself.
"So, are you going to do your homework or just keep drawing pictures of tomatoes?" Francis broke his train of thought.
"Y-Yes of course!" Antonio noticed that he drew tomatoes on every inch of the notes he took.
The Spaniard sighed. Francis laughed, "Are you thinking about something? Someone...?" The French man smirked.
"Of course not! I'm just really excited about pizza tonight!" Antonio lied, it was really easy to find out if he was lying, he sweat, he stuttered and his pupils would get smaller.
"Antonio, you have never eaten pizza ever since your father died 2 years ago. Now tell me the truth, what's on your mind?"
Antonio's dad died about 2 years ago in a plane accident. He owned a pizza parlor and had the thickest Italian accent you'd ever hear. As much as he loved his father, Antonio wasn't really affected by his death. His mother, though, she was a different story. Mrs. Carriedo became bitter and never invited women in the house. She was scared that her son would fall in love with a beautiful young lady and then run away with her, leaving his mother to die alone with no one else in her life. Her mother and father both died before Antonio was born and he was an only child.
"There's just this... person on my mind," he thought of Lovino.
"You mean that Italian, my cousin was married to father. We're all related, I don't get along with him but I wish his younger brother was mine."
"H-How? What?"
"I never told you because you never asked." The doorbell rang on cue and Francis packed up his stuff.
"Au revoir!" He waved.
Antonio almost felt like Francis taunted him, he sat there, speechless.

Hi, this is my second shippy shit story in probably 2 years. If you were wondering why Gilbert described Roderich as a "pigeon" it's because I think of pigeons as passive animals that don't really pick fights and fly away from everything. I know this because when I'm super bored I watch and take notes on pigeons.

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