[ 14 : A Tragedy ]

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They sat in the middle of the flowery meadow.
She smiled and stuffed a sandwich in his mouth.
Her golden blonde hair fluttered in the wind with the flower petals.
He kissed her, they broke the kiss and laughed.
Everything was beautiful again.
The light had came back into his life.
He wasn't alone anymore.
Neither was she.
[ ... ]
The next month and a half of summer ended in what seemed to be a day.
Lovino's life was filled with joy and agony, pain and perfection, his life changed for both the better and the worst.
But every single day with Antonio made it better.
It started to rain, the autumn weather was pleasant and beautiful.
Lovino kicked a rock into the street, he walked around in the rain, sulking.
"Don't be sad, Lovely~" Antonio walked next to him with an umbrella.
"Thanks." He said flatly.
Feliciano and Ludwig ran around in the rain.
"Oi! Bastard brother! You're going to slip!"
"No I'm not-" Feliciano tripped and fell on his face.
Lovino laughed out loud while his brother whimpered in pain.
He eventually stopped laughing and kept walking with Antonio.
"You have to be honest, that was hilarious."
The Spaniard shrugged.
[ ... ]
The next day was back to school day.
Lovino groaned in disappointment, "Whyyyy!"
Feliciano just rubbed his eyes, his face still hurt from yesterday.
"Hehehe..." his brother smirked.
They both got to school early, Feliciano jumped into Ludwig's strong arms and Lovino casually walked over to Antonio.
"Happy about the first day?" Antonio smiled.
"No." Lovino scoffed.
"Brighten up a bit." The Spaniard patted his head and went over to Gilbert and Francis.
First class was a drag, Lovino had to write a three page essay about his summer and what happened (which he, of course, didn't want to talk about). It was also Antonio-free.
The next class was fine, he was stuck with Francis and Feliciano, though. They wouldn't shut the fuck up.
Third class was great, it was a music class with Roderich, Antonio, and Gilbert.
Lovino hated Gilbert and anything that had to do with him (other than Antonio and Roderich) but the Austrian helped with-*cough* gave him the answers to *cough*-anything he didn't know, which was everything because Lovino doesn't know anything about music.
"I'll pick five people to come up and share what musical instruments they're good with." The teacher was too goddamn perky.
The first two people were average, Lovino didn't really care. Roderich was picked and showed everyone how good of a violin player he was (Lovi almost cried, that man is an angel on earth with that thing).
Gilbert showed that he was the opposite of a demon with the flute. Roderich stared with a flushed red face the whole time.
The teacher scanned the room and set her eyes on the Italian, "Lov-"
Saved by the motherfucking bell.
Lovino sighed in relief, he almost made a complete fool of himself in front of everyone, in front of Antonio.
"You are an angel on earth, how the fuck did you do that?"
Roderich gave a modest shrug.
"You're good too, your voice is amazing." Antonio winked and Lovino's heart stopped for a second,
"No I'm not," he looked at the floor.
The next two classes didn't really matter.
Science and math? Pssh, who fucking needs those? Not me.
It was the last class that mattered.
The Italian sat in his seat, waiting for this hell to be over.
The window crashed in little pieces, something was thrown in.
Antonio's eyes widened, he jumped out of his seat and covered Lovino.
"What are you-"
A loud, ear-piercing blast destroyed half of the room.
Lovino looked up, Antonio stared into his eyes.
Tears filled his eyes, "What happened?" He whispered.
The Spaniard sat up, the Italian looked around the room.
The whole thing was on fire, students screaming, bleeding, burning.
Students dead.
It wasn't that big of a bomb but it killed 10 people and wounded 25.
Lovino felt like screaming, he stared at the situation, dead-eyed and confused.
Antonio picked him up.
"We need to leave, this isn't going to be the first."
He ran off with him.
Some other students crowded the halls, Lovino sighed in relief when he saw Francis, Roderich, Gilbert, Feliciano, and even Ludwig out and running.
More bombs dropped.
The cries of people dying and being hit filled the school.
All the survivors escaped and ran.
Antonio and Lovino went over to the lonely hill with the single tree.
"What even was that...?" The Italian stared at the ground.
The Spaniard slowly unfolded his wings, the tips and some of the back side was burned. Those beautiful coffee colored feathers were burnt.
Lovino gasped and covered his mouth at the sight of it.
"T-Those bombs were the size of cough drops, but it set everything on fire." Feliciano tried to comprehend what just happened.
"They weren't human bombs." Antonio sighed.
"What do you..." Feliciano took a step back, he bumped into the tree and gripped his hair.
"No no no no! This can't be happening! Hell is attacking!?" The Italian panicked.
"Oh, no! Hell isn't attacking. A demon probably just got its filthy hands on some explosives and found a place to test it on."
"Ding ding ding!" A blacked haired bastard with shining purple eyes appeared out of nowhere.
"I got bored. So I decided to get my hands on some old explosives and see what would happen." He snickered.
Lovino's pupils shrunk, he grabbed the bastard by the neck.
"YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY?!" The Italian screamed.
"Lovino stop-"
"NO! I'M GOING TO KILL THIS DAMN BASTARD IF ITS THE LAST THING I FUCKING DO!" Lovino slammed the demon against a tree.
He kept on slamming him against the tree until blood stained the spot.
Lovino kicked him to the floor and punched him in the face repeatedly.
"Please... Don't kill me..."
His tone darkened, "Tell me, do you know what burning flesh smells like? The sounds of young people screaming in fear and agony? The pain of having the person you love so much almost die protecting you and get scarred while doing so? You deserve to die for that." He sliced the demon bastard's throat, blood sprayed everywhere.
Lovino looked back at Antonio and Feliciano, who were both horrified.
His brother ran off crying.
Tears streamed down Antonio's cheeks.
Lovino had just realized what he done.
"I..." He looked at his bloodstained hands and shirt.
The Spaniard hugged him.
Lovino cried out, "Why aren't you running?!" he screamed.
Antonio didn't say anything.
"Why aren't you screaming at me?! Telling me how much of a monster I am?!"
He sniffled, "Why don't you hate me...?"
Antonio softly brushed Lovino's cheek, he smiled sadly and sighed.
"I will never hate you, I'll keep on loving you no matter what happens. You never understand that, Lovino. If you ever leave, then I'll have nobody."
"What about Gilbert and Francis?" the Italian calmed down.
"As much as it pains me, I know that they'll be moving on. Gilbert is now spending his time with Roderich and I've seen Francis with a gorgeous, gorgeous young lady who he loves deeply."
"Are you telling me that I'm not gorgeous?" Lovino bit back a grin.
Antonio laughed, "No, no, you are much more than gorgeous. You are extraordinary, exquisite, pulchritudinous." he winked.
"Wow, I'm surprised people still use that word." Lovino rolled his eyes and smiled.
His smiled faded, he looked at the gory mess.
"What if we were normal humans. Mere mortals who didn't know a thing about these Angels and Demons? What if we were perfect? Good enough? Had better lives, have been better people? I can't believe I'm a winged creature from heaven who is monstrous and imperfect." he sighed.
"Lovino," the Spaniard looked at the Italian in the eyes.

"Trust me when I say this, being imperfect is what creates and destroys us. One of the reasons why I love you oh so much, is because your weaknesses act likes your strengths. You're beautiful and way more than extraordinary. If I had one wish in the world, it wouldn't be to have a billion dollars, it wouldn't be so I'd be famous, hell, it wouldn't even be to bring my dad back. If I had one wish in the whole entire world... it would to be with you, a breathtaking, dazzling, fascinating, impeccable person like you, Lovino. It's funny because, you're perfect, but flawed. We all are, it doesn't matter what you are. If you're a human, an angel, a demon, anything! We're all flawed and imperfect but at the same time, we're also beautiful and amazing."

"We're imperfect for a reason,"
Lovino smirked, "Because being perfect is boring?"
Antonio slightly laughed, "No. Because there will always be something wrong, the world isn't perfect. The people on the world aren't perfect. Nothing is, and that's what makes us up."
He brushed a strand of hair out of Lovino's face, "Not even angels are perfect."
[ ... ]
They laid next to each other on the hill.
Lovino rested his head on Antonio's chest, hearing his delicate heartbeat and his gentle breathing.
"Imagine we lived in some other place. I did something horribly wrong and you hated me? You screamed and shouted at me, you hurt me, you told me that you never wanted to see my stupid face ever again-"
"Don't think about that." The Spaniard sighed.
Lovino felt hot tears forming in his eyes, making his vision blurry.
"In what world in which do you think I would deliberately hurt you?" His expression turned cold and serious.
Lovino wrapped his arms around Antonio's stomach, he pulled him close and stuffed his face in his chest.
"A world where you hate my guts and will always do..."
Antonio sighed, he pet Lovino's hair. He barely heard a 'purr' coming out from him,  Antonio's lips curled into a huge smile.
"Dammit." Lovino murmured.
"yoU'RE so ADORABLE!" The Spaniard hugged him tightly.
The Italian wiggled out of Antonio's grip, he literally clawed and hissed at him.

Almost done with this and now I'm thinking about writing a fem!Ereri fanfic. What's wrong with me? ((Many things)) I told you to shut it, Satan-San. Also I'm sorry for making this chapter longer!!!

Your perfect imperfections [An angel!Spamano fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now