[ 3 : Flower Crowns ]

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The night was cold and bitter.
He held the only person he loved his hands.
"P-Please wake up..." He cried.
He pressed his ear against his her chest, his heart stopped when he didn't hear a heartbeat.
He let out a scream, he let sadness and despair take over his emotions....
for the only person he had ever loved died in his arms.
[ ... ]
"If you drop me I won't be able to fly to safety, I'll just fall because of those damned college students shooting me in the wing." Lovino said.
"I know, I know. That's why I'm being careful."
Antonio flew over to a lonely hill with a single tree.
He dropped Lovino in the wet grass, "Fuuuck..." He hissed in pain.
It was a freezing afternoon, the cold air was numbing for Lovino.
"Why outside out of all places? Why couldn't we go to a nice, warm pizza parlor or something?" He mumbled to himself.
"Because I can't go to pizza parlors anymore..." Antonio frowned.
Lovino stared at him with wide eyes.
"What do you mean?"
"My father died in a plane crash two years ago, he owned a pizza parlor..." the Spaniard smiled.
"But I won't let anyone or any death stop me from living my life!" He lit up.
Lovino looked at him, he didn't know they Antonio had these bottled up emotions.
The Italian shivered, "It's so damn cold..." he whispered.
Antonio wrapped him in his wing.
Lovino winced as he felt the soft feathers hit his bare skin.
The sun started to set.
"Sunsets are so pretty." Antonio said, he was making a flower crown out of daisies in the field.
The Spaniard put the finished flower crown on the Italian's head.
"What's this?"
"Just a little thing."
Lovino raised an eyebrow.
"What is-"
Antonio placed a quick kiss on his lips.
"You ask too many questions, silly!" He smiled.
Lovino socked Antonio in the nose, he landed face-first in the grass.
"Don't pull off anything like that ever again!" He snapped.
The Spaniard chuckled, "You sound like you didn't like that." his voice was muffled in the grass.
"Because I didn't, bastar-"
He wiped his lips, Antonio grinned.
"S-Stop your grinning, idiot!" He blushed.
Lovino covered his red face with his wings.
[ ... ]
Francis walked up the hill, he was out of breath and ready to collapse.
"You know... it'll be nice to have wings... so I don't have to walk everywhere..."
"Well you don't, and having a pair of wings isn't as fun as you think." Lovino huffed.
"Why aren't they fun? You can fly and not worry about things like traffic!" Francis objected.
"I almost got hit by a plane, is that fun?" The Italian raised an eyebrow.
"Fine, fine... I like being a human."
Lovino slapped Francis.
Lovino covered himself in his wings again.
Antonio stuck his hands in the slits of Lovino's wings, he hugged his chest from behind.
The Italian sighed and folded his wings, "Remind me to never talk to your friends again." He huffed.
"They aren't that bad sometimes." Antonio nuzzled Lovino's neck.
"You're really weird." Lovino chuckled.
"Do I hear a chuckle???" Antonio grinned.
"I really hate you."
"And I really love you."
"You're stupid."
"And you're perfect."
"You're a pain."
"And you're my only."
Lovino grabbed Antonio from behind, he threw the Spaniard onto the grass in front of him.
"Ow, I'm not going to ask why you did that..." Antonio smiled.
"You don't really need to," Lovino stared at the stars with him.
The two talked and watched the night process. Lovino grew tired, he ruffled Antonio's hair to try to keep awake.
It didn't really work but it was worth a try.
[ D R E A M ]
"I love you," the weather was nice and warm, it was the end of Spring. Summer was going to start in a week and everything will be perfect once Lovino and Antonio get out of that hell hole his parents call 'school'.
"I love you too," the two smiled.
They sat on the lonely hill with the single tree.
Antonio was petting a black cat that crawled into his lap.
"I'll probably hate the summer heat, I always do." Lovino said.
"Yeah..." Antonio whispered.
He muttered something dark under his breath, Lovino couldn't hear.
The cat suddenly jumped out of a his arms.
The Spaniard ran after it, Lovino ran after him.
The cat ran into the street, Antonio ran after it.
Antonio didn't notice the truck coming his way.
Lovino's eyes went wide, he screamed.
But it was already too late.
The truck hit Antonio.
Blood splattered everywhere.
It was utterly terrifying to watch.
The cat sat on the other side of the street, looking at Lovino.
He saw a dark red silhouette in the corner of his eye that mouthed some words.
"What you say is exactly what you're going to get."
[ R E A L I T Y ]
Lovino woke up in his own bed, screaming.
He checked his phone, it was 12:35 o'clock in the morning.
It was Sunday so everyone was probably gone by now.
He called Antonio, "Hola!" the Spaniard answered.
Lovino sighed in relief, he hung up and got out of bed.
Meanwhile, Antonio was at Francis' house with Gilbert.
His phone dinged.
Lovino : Hi
Antonio smiled.
The Italian's phone dinged.
Stupid Spaniard : Hello ;)
Lovino : I was just checking on you
Stupid Spaniard : Aw
Lovino : stfu
Gilbert smirked at Antonio.
"It's him, isn't it?" He said.
"What? No, pshhh..."
Francis and Gilbert looked Antonio.
"Yeah, it's him." The Spaniard sighed in defeat.
"We need to focus on the Roderich thing, what do we do in order to stay alive?" Gilbert changed the subject.
Francis raised his hand, "What about we just, not bother him. That sounds like a good idea, no?" He suggested.
"But there's one problem standing in the way,"
Antonio looked at Gilbert.
"He." Antonio pointed at him.
"He likes Roderich."
Gilbert let out a short, offended gasp.
"Fiiine, I'll just look like I'm not interested in him."
The French man and the Spaniard gave each other the same look and laughed.
"You're not going to leave him alone, I know that."
"I will!"
"No you won't." Francis and Antonio said simultaneously.
"Whatever," He rolled his eyes.
Gilbert rode his bike home, he had to pick up Ludwig from the park first. Gilbert stopped at the park that his brother was hanging out at.
"Hey! Luddy! We have to go!" He called.
Ludwig was talking to Feliciano again, he acted different around this Italian. He's usually silent but around Feliciano, he talked a lot.
"Oi! Wrap it up!" Gilbert called.
[ ... ]
The two walked by a café that Roderich worked at, Gilbert hyperventilated and sweat.
"Are you okay?" Ludwig asked.
"Y-Yeah, I'm fine..." Gilbert couldn't take his mind and eyes off the shop, off of Roderich.
"You don't look too well, are you sure you're okay?"
Gilbert looked at his brother with wide eyes, "Ja! I'm fine! Really!"
"Um... Gil,"
"You're having a little nosebleed there..." Ludwig pointed out the blood streaming down from Gilbert's nose.
He quickly wiped it off with the back of his hand.
Lovino bumped into Gilbert and Ludwig.
He looked up, fear in his eyes. Lovino quickly shook away the horrible, horrible thoughts coursing through his mind.
"Have you seen Antonio anywhere?" He stuttered.
"No, why-"
Lovino ran away.
"What was that about?" Ludwig asked.
Gilbert shrugged, they both walked home.

Hi! Lovino's dream might remind you of something and that is the Heat Haze Daze song that originated from KagePro. In the singer's perspective, the person is having dreams about the person he loves is violently dying every time the he has a dream. I don't know if what I said is pretty accurate but the song/video sure looks like it. I swear, I'm not a weeb.

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