[ 6 : Daze End ]

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He woke up in a room.
A... hospital room?
No, everything was so white.
This couldn't be real life, he was suppose to be dead... right?
He looked to his side, a note and a bouquet of flowers laid on his bedstand. He read the note and dropped the flowers.
This had to be a dream...
[ ... ]
The next day was a school day.
Lovino woke up at home, he groaned.
"WHYYYYY MEEEE?!" He yelled, waking up Feliciano in the process.
"What?" Feli looked a little dazed, he had tear tracks on his face.
Lovino examined the tear tracks silently, "I'm just not going to say anything about the tear tracks on your face." He hopped out of bed.
Feliciano ran his hand down his face, he sighed.
The two got to school early, Feli spotted Ludwig standing in the entry way, his heart took over his head. He opened the door in the middle of the street, jumped out and ran over to Ludwig.
Feliciano leaped into his arms.
Lovino walked up to Feliciano and pulled his curl, Feli held his breath and automatically turned red.
"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry-"
" 'sorry' isn't going to save your ass this time! You could of gotten hit by a car trying to pull that shit off!"
Lovino let go of his curl, "I swear if you pull off something like that again, I'll kill you before the car does."
Antonio smiled at Lovino, he calmed down and smiled back.
"What happened?" He asked.
"Oh, you know. My stupid brother jumped out of the car in the middle of the goddamn street and runs over to his German boyfriend, stuff like that."
The Spaniard laughed, "You sound so nonchalant about it."
"Because I am, I don't know if I care anymore."
"Well you should! That's your only brother out there, falling in love, getting in trouble. You should be there for him!"
The Italian looked at him, "Do you have a brother?"
"Single child, not getting any brothers or sisters anytime soon." Even though he was an only child for his whole life, Antonio could point out any sibling. Even if they looked like opposites.
"You're such a nerd." Lovino chuckled.
School eventually ended, Francis walked home with Gilbert now. The Spaniard waiting outside for the Italian.
"God, I'm exhausted..." Lovino yawned.
"Has he been having those dreams again?" Antonio thought to himself.
The two ended up at the lonely hill with the single tree, the painful thoughts hit Lovino but he shrugged them off.
"Oh!" Antonio smiled.
"Kitty!" He picked up a collarless black cat.
The Italian tried saying something, he stood silent.
"This can't be happening! This can't be happening!" He panicked.
"So, what do you plan on doing during the summer?" Antonio asked.
"I, um, I'm staying home..."
The two talked, it was going to happen.
This wasn't a dream.
The cat ran off, Antonio ran after it.
Lovino couldn't stop it now, he ran after Antonio.
The cat swiftly ran across the street, he had enough of those stupid, horrible dreams.
Lovino grabbed Antonio's hand, he pushed him back into the sidewalk and leaped backwards into the street.
The Italian smiled darkly.
"Fuck you, cat."
A truck hit Lovino.
Antonio could only stare, he broke down on the floor and screamed.
Blood splattered everywhere.
Bones crackled.
The Spaniard could only scream in terror.
The world seemed to spin endlessly, he blacked out.
[ ... ]
Gilbert sighed sadly.
"What happened?" Ludwig asked.
"The daze happened, again..."
Ludwig stared, horrified.
The daze happened more than once, Gilbert was an expert. He tries preventing the daze, but it can't stop happening.
Ludwig was struck by the daze, it was when he was choked by a madman. Luckily, Feliciano and Gilbert were there to stop it.
Roderich heard everything, his pupils shrunk when he heard the word, 'daze'.
"Who did it happen to?!" Roderich punched a wall.
Gilbert's words pierced through both Roderich and Ludwig's hearts.
"Lovino Vargas."
[ ... ]
Antonio woke up in a hospital bed.
"Ah!" He screamed shortly.
The Spaniard suddenly remembered everything, he placed his hand on his mouth.
"Lovi...no..." Antonio's voice was scratchy.
He jumped out of bed and ran out into the massive hallway.
Lovino was the only thing on his mind right now.
Not the security.
Not the doctors.
Not the nurses.
Not the trouble he'll be getting into.
Not even his own injuries.
Antonio heard a nurse talking to another nurse in a room, "Vargas is in 204."
"204." Antonio looked at the room number, 198.
He ran forwards until he stopped at room 204.
Antonio slammed open the door.
"Lovino-" he died on the inside at the sight of the Italian he loved so much in a hospital bed, barely breathing.
The Spaniard cried silently. The only thing he could do is contact Lovino's family.
Feliciano picked up, "Yes?"
Antonio swallowed hard, "Lo-Lovino is... Lovino is hospitalized."
Feli dropped his phone. He dropped to the floor entirely.
Ludwig knocked on his door, the door opened.
"Feliciano!" He ran over to the Italian and shook him.
Feliciano's eyes were wide, his breathing became uneven. Feli put the phone to his ear, "Is this true...?"
The phone hung up. Feliciano fell into Ludwig's arms, "Tell me this isn't happening..." He mumbled.
"PLEASE LUDWIG!" Feli screamed.
"This can't be happened. Lovino was perfectly fine! Why would he be hospitalized?!" He thought of the horrible things that might of happened.
An attack from humans again?
He fell?
He actually got hit by a plane this time?
Feliciano gasped, "An attack from a demon or another angel?"
Why would another angel attack him?!
What would a demon have against Lovino?!
The only demon he has ever encountered was Gilbert and his mother who both had no reason to attack him.
"I can bring you to the hospital room that Lovino is in," Ludwig whispered.
Feliciano held on to him, "Please..."
The two disappeared and reappeared in Lovino's hospital room, 204.
Feli looked at Antonio with despair, the slightest shift or change in breath would get that Spaniard on the edge of his chair.
It's been two weeks now.
"How is he doing?" Antonio would always ask the nurse or doctor.
They wouldn't respond, they'd just look at him sadly.
Antonio had panick attacks in the middle of the night, about Lovino not waking up, about Antonio never being able to love again, about not being mentally stable after what had happened.
Gilbert, Elizabeta, Roderich and Ludwig would visit sometimes. But they usually didn't have the time to sit and wait.
And as much as it pained them, neither did Feliciano or the rest of the Vargas family.
Feli finally got the courage to ask Antonio what happened.
"He's been having these... dreams, dreams about sitting on the same hill during the same day with me petting the same cat... it was all fine until I would apparently die in front of him in horrible, horrible ways..." Antonio fought back tears.
"Then one day, when I least expected it... he snapped and jumped in front of a truck."
"It was probably to protect me... if he hadn't done it, I would have been dumb enough to run in front of it..."
Tears swelled up in Antonio's eyes.
"It's my fault," he cried.
[ D R E A M ]
"Heh, don't cry..." Lovino chuckled, he could see everything that was happening.
"I'm fine. It's just a scratch," he added.
Minutes passed.
Then hours.
It had already been another day.
"Stop crying, I'll be fine. I will wake up, then we can go and be happy like you wanted..." Lovino could only watch Antonio cry.
It hurt him because he knew he couldn't do anything about it.
The world started to fade into black again.
"I love-"
[ R E A L I T Y ]
It's been 5 weeks.
Antonio stared lifelessly at the wall, "He's not waking up..." He whispered.
A spark of miracle started in his heart when Lovino shifted in his bed.
His eyes fluttered open.
"Hello bastard..." Lovino managed to smile.
"You scared the hell out me for over a month." Antonio chuckled.
All the Spaniard wanted to do was hug the Italian, pick him up, kiss him.
But he couldn't.
"So, how long am I stuck here?" Lovino tried to stretch his arms but twitched in pain and silently cursed to himself.
"I honestly don't know, we can always convince the nurses that Elizabeta can take care of us. Because she can-"
"She'd make a better docter to be honest." The Italian blurted out in front of the nurses.
One nurse shot a glare at him, he just smirked and went on with Antonio.

Hi guys!
If your crying then I'm gonna tell ya,
I warned you.
I really did.
You just didn't read the last authors note, didn't you?
I knew it.
Now you eat it >:)
(Also, even though he is a human, Ludwig still has a little bit of demon in him since his whole family are purebred demons)
(And I kind of made up most of the daze thing by myself because I didn't know what else to put there honestly, I think the Kagerou Daze happens once and that's when the world restarts. Idk, I'd only know if I read the manga, which I didn't and the anime didn't have much on how the daze happened or what causes it so don't blame me)

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