[ 9 : Demons ]

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He remembered when she smiled.
When she laughed.
When she baked a cake for him every two weeks.
After she received the news about her friends and family all dying in the same flaming building, she stopped doing what she did.
She didn't smile.
She didn't laugh at his stupid jokes.
She stopped baking.
It shattered him.
[ ... ]
"So, what you are saying is that you need our help to solve a problem that you clearly started..." Lovino tried wrapping his head around this nonsense.
"For the fifth time, yes!" Gilbert was losing his toleration.
"Okay, we'll help." Lovino shrugged, he ran upstairs to Antonio's room and kicked the door open.
"It's not a relationship!" The demon screeched from downstairs.
"Believe what you want! It's a fucking relationship!" The Italian snapped back.
Antonio yawned and stretched, he opened his eyes and smiled at Lovino.
"Get up, we're in a hurry." He rolled his eyes.
The Spaniard slowly got up and slipped on a hoodie. He casually walked downstairs.
"What's the situation?" He asked, pouring cereal in a bowl.
"Gilbert McProblemStarter is having some relationship trouble with his Austrian boyfriend." Lovino said.
"It wasn't my fault-"
"That's what you said when you called me, 'I messed shit up and now I need your help' were your exact words." He completely ignored the demon.
"...Let me explain!"
"Ah huh,"
Lovino sighed, "I can't believe we're ditching school for this... You do understand that finals are this week? Do you? Because you should."
"Quit your whining! It's not like you're going to die. Actually, there is a chance that you could die but don't worry because those chances are very very low." Gilbert spread out his demon wings.
They were black with many thin, neon blue stripes decorating the ends. His eyes glowed neon blue and very dark grey ram-like horns rested in his silver hair.
"I'm so glad I'm not a demon..." Lovino muttered under his breath.
"Hey! I can hear you!" Gilbert's pointed ears twitched.
Antonio made coffee, he smiled and gave Lovino a hot cup.
"Be careful," he warned.
The Italian burned his mouth, "fuckfuckfuckfuck..." He hissed.
The Spaniard chuckled, "I warned you." He instantly burned his mouth and cussed to himself.
"Hypocrite..." Lovino smirked.
Gilbert sat up and opened the door, "Get your ass together, we need to go." He said, his expression turning serious.
Antonio and Lovino unfolded their wings, Lovino winced as his wings unfolded.
"Don't kill yourself trying to unfold your wings." Gilbert laughed.
The Italian punched him in the jaw.
They all flew over to the school, Lovino almost falling down many times during the flight.
The demon landed on the windowsill to the classroom that was above Roderich's.
The Austrian stared at his test, twiddling with his pencil. Gilbert looked at Roderich upside down, he noticed him and scowled.
The demon blew a kiss but Lovino hopped on him and they both went falling. Gilbert caught his balance and flew in place, "wHAT THE HELL?!"
"You said this was a serious matter." Lovino folded his arms.
"Yeah, wait 15 minutes and something will happen."
"Why didn't you get me 15 minutes ago?!" He huffed.
"Because we'd be late if I did, Featherbrain." Gilbert sighed in annoyance.
Lovino grabbed his neck and started strangling him in midair. The demon managed to grab the angel's neck, they both choked each other.
"Why are you fighting?" Antonio asked, he was perched on a windowsill across from the fight.
"He dissed us!" The angel growled.
"He strangled me!" The demon snarled.
The sky suddenly turned grey, black clouds rolled in, red lighting struck and thunder that was twice as loud boomed.
"oh shit." Gilbert whispered, he dashed over to the window where Roderich's classroom was.
He looked at the clock, 5 minutes to 12.
Thunder boomed and Lovino gripped on to Antonio, he looked down at him, surprised.
"This is bad, this is really really bad..." Gilbert paced on the windowsill, biting his nails.
The thunder boomed again, Lovino covered his ears and whimpered.
"Make it stop make it stop make it-"
Antonio held him close.
He petted his hair, "It's okay. Everything will be okay." The Spaniard smiled.
"We need to get Roderich out of here now!" Gilbert crashed through the window.
To the humans, it was a bird who crashed in and flew out through the door.
To Roderich and about two other angels who were in the classroom, it was Gilbert in his demon form crashing through the window.
The Austrian's face turned bright red, enraged. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" He screamed.
"Well, darling," the demon smirked.
"Unless you want to release your inner demon-angel energy, I suggest you take my hand and jump out this window with me." Gilbert reached for Roderich's hand.
He rolled his eyes and grabbed his hand.
"What is this for?" Roderich asked.
"Something very important, gory, if you haven't of listened to me is taking place." The demon winked and pulled the Austrian out the window with him.
The two fell down five stories until Kiku swooped and caught them, they landed on the wet grass.
"Thanks for your help, Antonio and Lovino!" Gilbert said sarcastically.
The Italian flipped him off, "Fuck you. I could of actually finished the finals." He complained.
The black clouds seemed to get closer to the five. Kiku almost had a panic attack knowing what was happening.
"You all should get into a church." He flew off.
"I'm sorry but we can't go into churches, at least I know I can't." The demon flickered his tail.
"I know where we can go!" He lit up.
Gilbert picked Roderich up.
"I can fly myself!" The Austrian kicked and squirmed.
"No you can't." The demon grinned and flew off, Lovino and Antonio followed.
They ended up at the doorstep of a huge, modern house. Gilbert dropped Roderich and knocked.
An American with golden blonde hair and ocean blue eyes opened the door, he smiled and let everyone in. It was pouring outside.
"So, who are you?" Lovino asked, drying his hair with a towel.
"I'm Alfred, one of Gilbert's demon friends." He smirked, his eyes flashed fiery red.
"Oh great! Another hellspawn near me, and I thought Gilbert was enough!" The angel complained out loud.
"Be nice." Antonio said.
"So, why did you come? Need help with something?" Alfred questioned, trying to get Lovino's complaint off his mind.
"Mr. Edelstein over here is a demon-angel hybrid." Gilbert pointed at Roderich.
The demon's eyes widened, "Oh."
He rubbed the back of his neck, "That's why the red lightning was everywhere." Alfred mumbled.
"Arthur dear! Be social and get in on the talk we're having. It's kind of important!" Alfred called.
A Brit walked down the marble stairs, he had light blonde hair and peridot colored eyes.
He rubbed his eye, "I just woke up, what the bloody hell do you need now?"
"It's about a demon-angel hybrid, Arthur~" Alfred sang.
The Brit gasped, he ran down the rest of the stairs and over to Roderich.
"Are you the hybrid? Oh my lord, I've been reading about things like you for so long! What do you do? *gasp* Do you have both angel and demon wings?!" Arthur seemed too excited about Roderich, he looked like he was going to take him and dissect him.
Roderich shuddered at the thought, "Wait... 'thing'?" The Austrian didn't know if he should be offended or let it slide.
Meanwhile on the other side of the room, Lovino got bored and eventually fell asleep on Antonio's shoulder. The Spaniard got tired and snoozed off, using the wall as a pillow.
"REALLY?!" Arthur screamed.
Antonio and Lovino both sprung up, they yawned and listened to the conversation.
"Well of course." Roderich said.
Gilbert fake yawned and swung his arm around Roderich's shoulder. He winked at him.
"You're hopeless." The Austrian pretended that his heart wasn't beating out of his chest.
"Do you have anything to eat?" Lovino asked.
"Um, we have bread, burgers, soda, Arthur's homemade scones, but I don't advise eating those-"
The Brit smacked Alfred on the neck.
"Cupcakes, leftover pizza, turkey, pininis, alcohol-"
"That's all I need." The Italian sat up and walked into the kitchen.
He came back with a bottle of wine, Antonio's face furrowed in concern.
"Are you sure you can-"
"Shut up! I know what I'm doing with myself..." Lovino popped the cork and took a swig.
"Are you okay?" Gilbert asked.
"why do you ask?" Lovino took another swig.
Alfred stared at him.
"I'm just going to let this fix itself when it goes too far."
Antonio was laughing too hard at this.
"WHaT ARE yOU LAUGhINg aT AsSHOLe?!" The Italian screeched.
Roderich didn't notice Arthur extracting a blood sample from him and examining it.
"Wait, what are you doing?!" The Austrian fell out of his chair.
"Just some... things," Arthur jotted down notes.
Alfred's eyes flashed red, the Brit passed out on the floor.
"Now that he's not in the way, what's the real problem?" He grinned.
"Do the thing." Gilbert looked at Roderich.
"What thing?" He raised an eyebrow.
"The thing." The demon punched him in the arm.
"Ow, and I don't know what you're referring to."
"So you are basically telling me to pull that curl of yours?"
Roderich finally got it, "No."
"WHYYY?" Gilbert whined.
"I'm not doing it."
Alfred rolled his eyes, Lovino was just about done with his second bottle.
"Lovi, I think you should stop..." Antonio threw away the bottles.
"WhAT dID YoU SAy AbOUt POtaTOEs?"
"I REmEmBER WHeN I TriED My VEry FIRsT POtaTOE, iT WaS 1779..."
"Lovino you're sixteen."
"DONT SASS ME! WHY AM I SCREAMING?! HOW DO YOU TURN OFF CAPS LOCK?!" The Italian suddenly passed out on the Spaniard's shoulder.

Hi, I don't know what happened on the last part of the chapter to be honest.
Sorry for making this too long.
It's going to get really gory next chapter.
Also angels are demons mature faster than humans, so if Lovino was 16 he'd have the same alcohol tolerance as a 25 year old.
I really have nothing else to say.

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