[ 8 : Mom ]

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He woke up with blood on his hands.
"What..." He couldn't remember anything.
He suddenly remembered his friends family and her.
Her beautiful face.
Her smile.
Her eyes widening at the sight of blood on the floor.
He regret remembering. Remembering the horrible, horrible things he'd just did.
"What did I do?"
[ ... ]
It's been a month.
Nothing much happened in that month.
Lovino got little better.
Antonio happily knocked on the door.
Feliciano opened the door and smiled, he let him in.
Antonio ran up the stairs and jumped on top of Lovino.
"I missed doing that!" He laughed.
"Yeah..." Lovino wheezed in pain.
He didn't heal all the way.
"So, how are you doing?" Antonio looked like a dog who's owner just came back from vacation.
"Uh, I'm healing?"
"You say that like you don't know."
Lovino shrugged, "Because I don't,"
The Spaniard lit up, "That's fine." He smiled.
The Italian was starting to agree that Antonio's smile and optimistic personality were his favorite parts about him. And his floofy hair.
Sure, Feliciano also smiled and had a pretty optimistic personality. But he was also kind of stupid and agreed with his heart more than he did with his head, which could be fucking irritating most of the time.
[ ... ]
It was getting warmer, school would be officially out for summer in the coming Friday.
Lovino tapped his finger on his desk. The clock ticked.
The teacher's words turned into mumbling.
He tried staying awake.
The bell suddenly rang and everyone rushed out the door.
Lovino saw Antonio waiting outside of the door.
He packed his stuff and met him outside.
"Three more days!" The Spaniard cheerfully said.
"Yeah..." The Italian was less excited about summer.
Summer was his mother's favorite season. She loved the beach, the fresh air, the cloudless sky and the tasty, cold treats. Her golden blonde hair matched the brightness of the gleaming, yellow sun, his mother was also skinny so she got colder easier (fact: really skinny people are easily cold. So they wear a lot of black).
Lovino stared at the sidewalk.
He didn't pay attention to what Antonio said.
"Lovi?" He snapped him back into reality.
"You dazed off a little there." Antonio smiled.
The two reached the Spaniard's house.
They went over to the roof of his house and sat there, talking.
"Have you ever tried Brazilian chocolates?! My mom once came home with them, they're the best!" Antonio lit up.
Antonio's words blurred together, it was hard for Lovino to think after the accident.
"Lovino? Lovinoooo! Are you in there?"
"I'm here! I'm fine!"
The Spaniard looked at the Italian, he chucked.
"You're so silly," he ruffled his hair.
Lovino couldn't keep up with the conversation. He just gazed up to the sky, thinking about nothing.
His eyes didn't seem to have that light that Antonio knew.
He looked at him sadly.
Antonio hugged Lovino, "What's on your mind? You don't look like yourself."
"I... Mom..." The Italian barely said anything.
He kept his eyes on the sky. Antonio's pupils shrunk, he remembered what Lovino once said.
"My mother was very lovely. She adored the summertime... I did too,"
He barely talked about his mother, when he did, he became sad.
"I'm so sorry Lovino..." Tears stung Antonio's eyes.
They formed in Lovino's eyes too.
"I...miss her..."
He slipped out of Antonio's grip, he fell off the roof.
The Spaniard flew down to catch him.
Antonio grabbed Lovino's foot right before his head hit the ground.
He floated down to the ground and carried Lovino in his arms.
"Let me fall..." He whispered.
"I'll never let you fall, even if it meant me falling."
"Please kill me... I want to be with mom..."
Antonio's eyes widened, his hands shook.
"Don't say that!" He yelled.
"Don't say that!" He sobbed.
"Take me where mom is..."
Feliciano walked in on that last part.
"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" He slapped him.
Lovino didn't react.
He looked at Antonio with dead eyes and slightly smiled.
He blacked out.
Antonio's instinct was to call Gilbert.
"Hello?" He answered.
"Can you come over to Feliciano's house please?"
Gilbert came over with Kiku and Yao just in case.
"What's the situa- ooohhh..." Gilbert and Kiku recognized the problem.
"Yeah, that'll go away in a couple days of something. Just keep him away from sharp objects, high places such as roofs and tall buildings, and make sure you give him food and water because he's not getting it himself." Kiku explained.
"Also take out everything that could kill him, like walls. You don't need those, do you?" The demon added.
"Okay, thank you."
"He just suffering from thing like nightmare, bad thought and dehydration. Something like that." Yao said before leaving.
"Now that we got that settled!" Antonio looked behind him to see Lovino was gone.
"Uh... Feliciano, where's Lovino?" He asked.
"He's right-" Feli looked next to him to see nothing.
[ ... ]
Lovino sat on the roof, the black stray cat purred and sat on his lap. He pushed it off the roof and it fell in the bushes.
The cat yowled.
"Did you here that?" Antonio asked from inside.
Lovino rolled his eyes, his dull, lifeless eyes. He jumped off the roof, landed on his feet and walked inside.
"Hello." He sighed.
"Oh! We thought we lost you Lovino." The Spaniard smiled, he picked up a sponge and turned on the faucet.
"Do you think you could get the dishes for me?" Antonio asked.
Lovino's mind flashed for a split second.
"Lovi, dear. Would you mind getting the dishes for mommy?" She smiled.
"Of course!" The Italian trotted over to the dinner table that had a bunch of dirty plates.
He handed them to his mother, "Here you go!"
"Thank you~" she kissed him on the cheek and he giggled.
"Y-Yeah sure..." He nearly dropped the plates.
"Thank you~" Antonio kissed him on the forehead.
Lovino collapsed on the couch and almost screamed out loud. He covered his face with a pillow and screeched.
"Are you okay?" The Spaniard asked, he didn't get a reply, just a low-pitched growl.
Antonio sat next to Lovino, he looked away.
"Don't touch me." He snarled, voice muffled in the pillow.
Antonio fake swooned, he fell on Lovino's lap.
"OH MY GOD! GET OFF OF ME!" He tried to move him but it was really no use.
The Spaniard laughed.
Lovino rolled Antonio off.
"You're a huge piece of shit, you know that. Right?"
"All I heard was 'I love you Toni~'." He smiled.
"Fuck you. I'm hungry can you make me food?"
"Please...?" The Spaniard pouted.
Lovino sighed, his patience was wearing thin, "Please."
Antonio sat up and made Lovino a stuffed tomato, kind of like a stuffed potato, but potatoes remind Lovino of Ludwig and he hates Ludwig.
"Thanks..." He murmured under his breath.
The Spaniard got really comfortable on the couch, a little too comfortable, he spread out his wings.
"Fold your wings please, that shit is everywhere."
"Mmm... But I'm comfortable where I am..." He fell asleep in two seconds flat.
Lovino sighed.
Why was Antonio so cute when he slept- No! Stop!
"You can get up now," Lovino poked him.
Antonio didn't move an inch, he folded his wings though, which was great for Lovino because they were pressing against his face and slowly moving him off the couch.
"What do you think you would do if you had to move away?" He asked, knowing that Antonio was asleep and probably wouldn't hear.
"...stay...here..." The Spaniard said in his sleep.
"What if I died?" The thought of either of them dying made The Italian shudder.
Lovino's heart skipped a beat.
"Does he love me that much?" He thought, Lovino looked Antonio he smiled and went on with the questions.
"Favorite fruit?"
"Well of course." Lovino mentally facepalmed.
"I'm such a dumbass." He said.
A chuckle escaped from Antonio, "Yeah...you are..."
"SHUT UP!" Lovino hit him.
The Spaniard woke up laughing.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" The Italian screamed.

Hey guys! Sorry for advertising, but I have two ask blogs on Tumblr and they're both pretty empty. One ask blog is askmurderousmattie {an ask blog for murderer!aph canada} and femaletomato [an ask blog for nyo!aph romano]
Please visit and ask I need something to draw
((Oh my god I just imagine the majority of my writing in Japanese and all I hear rn is just "okasan.okasan.okasan.okasan."

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