[ 4 : Heat Haze Daze ]

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He watched his city go up in flames.
What did he have left?
He fell to his knees, tears streaming down his face.
He screamed, the heavens must have heard him.
Because a miracle stepped in front of him.
[ ... ]
Lovino sprinted over to Antonio's house, he cleared his throat and knocked on the door.
Antonio opened the door, he looked like he just came out of the shower.
"I... I'm here, um... I'm here to, I check..." Lovino felt hot tears form in his eyes.
"I'm here to check on you because I care about you!" He choked.
Antonio stared down at him, he smiled and pulled him in.
The Spaniard sat down on the couch with the Italian.
"How long do you plan on staying?" He asked.
"I don't know, my grandpa will probably be back by eight"
Lovino rested his head on Antonio's shoulder, Antonio noticed that he had bags under his beautiful olive eyes. As much as he didn't want to, Lovino fell asleep.
[ D R E A M ]
Antonio and Lovino were sitting on the hill again, Antonio petting the same cat.
The cat ran off again, Antonio sat up to chase after it but Lovino grabbed his arm.
"I think we should go," he ran off with Antonio into the city.
The two were running in the city, slightly off the sidewalk.
Suddenly, people screamed and pointed up towards the sky.
A dozen beams fell from a construction site up in a skyscraper.
Lovino watched as one of the beams fell and impaled Antonio in front of his very eyes.
Tears quickly swelled up in Lovino's eyes, his heart shattered into a million pieces once again.
This was even more terrifying than the last time.
The cat sat on the other side of the street, it's stare felt like a taunt to Lovino, he cursed at the cat.
The red silhouette that Lovino saw last time looked exactly like him grinned at him.
"Bet you wish you were asleep, but it's not a dream." He laughed.
The world spun around Lovino, was this really not a dream? What did he did in order to get all of this grief? Why did this happen to Antonio? Why did this happen to him? Everything blurred and blackened.
Lovino could of sworn he saw a dark smile on Antonio's face right before he faded.
[ R E A L I T Y ]
The Italian screamed, he scared the shit out of Antonio.
"Are you okay?!" He panicked.
"P-Please, stop! D-Don't die again!" Lovino cried.
The Spaniard tried calming him down by cradling him in his arms.
"It's okay, I'm right here and I won't be moving for a long time." He kissed Lovino's forehead.
"I-I'm just worried, that y-you won't be there when I wake up..." Lovino's eyes were wide, he looked distressed and tired.
"What happened?" Antonio asked, serious.
"I'm being serious, you have to tell me what happened. What is going on in your dreams that makes you wake up like this?"
Lovino looked at Antonio straight in the eyes, his gorgeous olive eyes were empty and sad.
The Spaniard ran his hand through the Italian's dark caramel hair. Lovino sucked up his fear and explained.
"I've been having a bunch of dreams, it started the same every time... then, then..." He broke down mid-sentence.
Antonio stared at him sympathetically, "I don't want you to leave me... I don't want you to die," Lovino sobbed.
"Why do the nicest things break so easily?" He remembered when he was young, Lovino once had a bouquet of beautiful roses he was going to give his step-mother when she came back. When he came back the next day they were wilted. He remembered his birth mother's smile, she was fascinating and lovely. But his mother was also very delicate, she was sickly, those great times ended quickly when she died in the hospital room in front of him and Feliciano.
Lovino will never, ever forget that memory, it was forever burned into his mind. He thought about it almost all the time, and it hurt so much.
"You're the only thing I have left..." Lovino whispered.
"If you leave me I'll break, for sure." He smiled sadly.
"You won't leave my side, right?"
Antonio smiled at Lovino, "I will never leave your side, even if the world crumbles at my feet, even if my feathers fall off, even if I grow old and die. My love for you will stay strong."
Lovino grabbed Antonio's collar and crashed his lips into his.
It was more than just sparks, it was like the heavens praised and congratulated both of them.
Of course they've kissed before but this was different, this was more than a quick peck on the lips or forehead.
Once their lips separated, Antonio laughed.
"What's so funny?" Lovino tilted his head in confusion.
"It's just, I'm suppose to be the one surprise-kissing you and you're suppose to be punching me in the face." He chuckled.
"Well, I'm suppose to be the sane one but look at me now, I'm a huge mess."
Lovino looked up.
"You're a perfect angel."
The Italian blushed, "Shut up!" He laughed and pushed the off the couch Spaniard.
"God, you're such a homo..." Lovino chuckled.
"Oh! I'm the homo, okay!" Antonio smirked.
"Well, I didn't mean it like that!"
"Of course you didn't"
Lovino threw a couch pillow at Antonio.
The Spaniard pulled him down and he fell on top of him, they both laughed. Lovino rested his head of Antonio's chest, he listened to his smooth breathing and his even heartbeat.
They stayed like that for a couple minutes, "Antonio..." Lovino broke the silence.
"Yes," the Spaniard kept his eyes on the ceiling.
"I love you." Lovino sighed.
"I love you too." Antonio smiled.
"It's too quiet, I can't stand it." Lovino sat up, he turned his personal radio on.
The Italian kept skipping songs until a familiar song came on.
"Wait wait wait!" Antonio grabbed Lovino's phone and turned the volume up.
He grabbed Lovino's hand and squeezed it tight. Antonio then put his other hand on Lovino's waist, he winced at his touch.
"Your hands are so damn cold." He shivered.
It was a slow song, Lovino couldn't stand those.
He flipped Antonio over and grabbed the phone, the Italian smirked at the next song.
They both looked at each other and smiled.
Sometimes you gotta bleeding know
Antonio even sang along, "That you're alive and got a soul!"
But it takes someone to come around!
"And show you how!"
Lovino and Antonio laughed and both sang, "She's the tear in my heart!"
I'm alive!
"She's the tear in my heart!"
I'm on fire!
"She's the tear in my heart!"
Take me higher!
"Then I've ever been!"
Lovino almost fell over laughing. He couldn't remember the last time he laughed this time, felt this lively.
The songs on the radio are okay,
"But my taste in music is your face!"
Lovino ended up falling over, Antonio grabbed him and pulled him up.
The ending of the song was coming closer, the upbeat tune got slower.
My heart is my armor,
She's the tear in my heart, she's a carver,
She's a butcher with a smile, cut me farther...
Lovino and Antonio's faces got close.
"Then I've ever... been."
Mrs. Carriedo kicked open the door, her hands were occupied with grocery bags.
"Are. You. SERIOUS?!" Lovino and Mrs. Carriedo both screamed, the reasons were both completely different.

Hey guys! So I couldn't find the right video for the Heat Haze on Wattpad because it wasn't there so I'm just gonna put two links down here, one link has the original and the other has the one I prefer:
1) http://youtu.be/9E57LEjf6pw
2) http://youtu.be/Q8ZAqh7GRPg
The link will probably not automatically work so don't panic. Just copy the link and put it in the search engine, not that hard. Also I didn't write it EXACTLY like the song because I didn't feel like copying every lyric and writing it into the chapter. That takes too long, too much work, too much time, very little hours in a day. Also the song that came on was originally going to be a sappy slow song, but Tear In My Heart by Twenty One Pilots came on and I LOVE that song so much.

Your perfect imperfections [An angel!Spamano fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now