[ 12 : Summer ]

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Why was his heart so heavy in his chest?
He coughed blood, it stained the floor.
The guards cleaned it up whenever he slept, which nowadays, was a lot.
He dreamed about her every night.
Her beautiful smile.
Her laugh.
Her love towards him.
She stared out the window, her eyes blank and dead.
"Where did you go wrong?"
[ ... ]
It was the middle of summer and it hasn't been this hot in years.
Lovino knocked on Antonio's door.
The Spaniard opened the door, he was in a tank-top and shorts.
"Hello." He smiled.
Lovino stared, he started to sweat.
"Oh fuck, uh... hi, can I stay at your house because my air conditioner broke." The Italian lied.
He really came because he wanted to see Antonio again, he always did, he felt empty without Antonio.
"Okay." The Spaniard smiled again, that stupid, innocent smile, it was going to drive Lovino insane.
They sat on the couch in front of 5 electric fans, eating drippy popsicles. They would sit on the roof but it was burning hot.
"It's so fucking hot!" Lovino complained, he used his wings to fan himself.
"Mhmm." Antonio nodded, hot weather made him really tired, so he slept for most of the summer.
Lovino and Antonio finished the box of popsicles, they started devouring ice cream.
Let me rephrase that, they started devouring melted ice cream.
The Italian shoved three ice packs in his shirt, those melted too.
Antonio fell asleep on Lovino, he put a very large bucket in the middle of the room and filled it with ice water.
The Italian cooled off in the bucket for about 5 minutes until the water started to boil.
"SHIT!" Lovino jumped out of the bucket.
He groaned in frustration and searched the house for more fans and things to do.
Lovino spotted 3 more fans and an acoustic guitar, he plugged in the fans and strummed the guitar.
He started a random tune and ended up with a song he once heard.
Come with me,
my love.
To the sea, the sea of love.
Lovino didn't notice Antonio awake and listening, hell, he didn't even notice him singing along.
"I, wanna tell you..."
"How much,"
The Italian sighed and smiled.
"I love you,"
The Spaniard hummed along.
Do you remember,
when we met?
It was the day, I knew you were my pair.
I, wanna tell you...
"How much, I love you-"
Antonio laughed.
"H-How long have you been awake?!" Lovino turned entirely red in embarrassment.
"I told you that you had a beautiful voice, why do you keep denying it?" Antonio looked at him with those stunning green eyes.
Lovino screamed into a pillow.
"It's a nice guitar, I used to use it but I stopped this year."
"Don't talk to me." He grumbled.
Antonio moved behind Lovino, he wrapped his arms around him. Antonio smacked the pillow out of his hands.
"It is really hot,"
"No shit." The Italian rolled his eyes.
He felt the Spaniard's hot breath on his neck.
"Okay, I can't stay mad at you." He smiled.
Gilbert called, Antonio picked up the phone.
"Hola!" He smiled.
"Hey, wanna go to the beach tomorrow? I'm burning over here and most people are going on vacation so that leaves me alone with literally no one. Even Ludwig is going to Switzerland with Feliciano and my mom and dad are leaving me alone to go on a month-long trip to Germany. So you wanna go? You can bring your boyfriend."
"Yeah sure!" Antonio hung up and picked Lovino up.
"We're going to the beach tomorrow~" he chirped.
"Oh that's great." Lovino rolled his eyes, he personally didn't like the beach, getting unreasonably wet was the last thing he wanted to do.
[ ... ]
The next day Antonio picked Lovino up, "Have fun!" Feliciano waved.
They arrived at the beach near Gilbert's house, it wasn't like the local beach.
The local beach was full of annoying little kids and perverted teenagers looking for bikini babes. This beach was a beach reserved for high-class demons and angels, most of them are snobby but some of them are nice, some.
It was owned by Gilbert's uncle, who was glad to see him and his friends.
"Hey Uncle Luci." The demon grinned.
"Who's he?" Lovino asked Elizabeta.
"He's Gilbert's Uncle Lucifer, 'Luci' to keep it short."
The Italian swallowed hard, Antonio put a hand on his shoulder.
"It's fine! Gilbert's uncle is really fun and loving for someone with no children or wife." The Spaniard gave him a 'it's not like he's not going to kill you or anything' smile.
Gilbert, Elizabeta, Lovino, Francis, and Antonio all had a great time at the beach.
Lovino sat at the edge of the waves, he backed up whenever the waves got closer.
"What's wrong?" Antonio asked, he stuck out his hand.
"It's nothing. I'm just not fond of water."
Antonio grabbed Lovino's arm, he pulled him up and ran into the waves.
"Don't don't don't don't!" He got covered in refreshing salt water.
The Italian growled, he pushed the Spaniard into the water.
"Don't pull off anything like that-" Antonio grabbed Lovino's leg and dragged him farther in the water.
Gilbert laughed at him, Elizabeta shoved his face in the water.
The demon raised his head and eyed Roderich at the entrance.
His eyes widened in happiness, he ran over to Roderich and hugged him.
"Yes! I'm here like you asked. Is it really a big deal?!" He rolled his eyes but felt his cheeks burning red.
Gilbert smirked and picked the Austrian up, he sprinted over to the ocean and slammed him into the deeper part of the water.
"Nice...." Elizabeta high-fived him.
Antonio and Lovino were even deeper, the water was waist-high for Antonio but Lovino had to hold onto him.
"I don't understand why we had to go this far." The Italian mumbled.
The Spaniard chuckled, "Because if we were any closer to the shore then Francis would throw sea shells at us."
Lovino looked back and saw the crazy, homosexual French man throwing sea shells at Gilbert, Elizabeta, and Roderich.
Both Antonio and Lovino got run over by a surfer.
"OI! WHATS THE BIG IDEA?!" The Italian screamed.
"Oh. Sorry dude," Alfred apologized.
"He's here too?! Who else? Ivan, Arthur, Kiku, and Yao?!"
"Yes." Kiku popped out of the water.
"Hello friends!" Ivan smiled, his scarf was still on, which confused Lovino because it was fucking 105 degrees outside right now and they were in the ocean.
Yao popped out of the water behind Kiku and Arthur glared at Lovino from behind Alfred.
"ARTHUR!" Francis grinned, he chucked a sea shell right at him and he fell off the surf board.
"What is it that you want, Frog?" The Brit frowned.
"How many times have we seen these people? Jesus Christ!" The Italian yelled.
[ ... ]
Everyone dried off and stayed the night at Uncle Lucifer's beach house. The thing was huge and fancy, just like the rest of Gilbert's goddamn family.
Alfred devoured 3 whole barbecue ribs and was still having more, the Italian stared uneasily at him.
"Is your stomach a black hole?" He asked sarcastically.
The American laughed, his obnoxious laugh was probably worse than Antonio's constant smiling.
"Demons just have a bigger appetite." He winked at Gilbert, who was finishing his second box of mega-sized chicken wings.
"You hellspawns are fucking pigs..." Lovino muttered under his breath.
He looked up at the Spaniard, who smiled.

I'm ending this book at Chapter 15 but I have something really emotional I want to put in before I forget it! *sounds of frustration*
Also the song that Lovino was singing is, Sea Of Love by Cat Power. My god, that song is the best and the most romantic. I almost cry every time I listen to it because it reminds me of Zombiestuck: Sea Of Love, if you didn't read Homestuck or if you didn't get to the part where you meet the alpha kids (and how gay Jake and Dirk are) then I don't recommend watching it. Also if you don't like gore but if you are reading my fanfics, you should probably stop now cause all of my writing has gore.

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