"Just a few more minutes, Ally, then I'll be done, okay?" Sherlock says, clearly engrossed in something he's looking at under the microscope.

I say, looking around his lab, "Yeah, okay." This is the first time I've actually been in here long enough to look around, but I'm not really surprised or anything. I spot his violin case, and ask, "Hey, you mind if I play your violin for a little bit?"

"Go ahead. I've never heard you play before."

I take the violin out of the case, and put rosin on the bow, saying, "It's our little secret, okay?"

"Alright. After this, we can go look at cakes, babe."

I smile, and ask, "Did you just say 'babe'?" He doesn't answer. I put the bow on the strings, and play a song I didn't even know that I remembered. My fingers glide across the strings to every note, making me sound as if I've practiced for hours.

Molly bursts in the lab, causing me to almost drop Sherlock's violin. Sherlock doesn't even flinch, he just says, "Good morning, Molly. Any news?"

She says, seeming confident for once, "None, except for the fact that you have a new friend, and haven't introduced us."

Sherlock begins to say something, but Molly asks, randomly, "Were you playing your violin earlier? I thought I heard music."

I say, causing Molly to turn around to see me, "That was me. I, uh, I can play."

Sherlock says, "Pretty well, too."

I giggle, then continue, "I'm Alliana, but you can call me 'Ally.'" She shakes my hand, and I notice the slight tremors in her hand.

Sherlock asks, "Molly, how's...life?"

She just nods, and says, "Yes."

I say, "Okay, Sherlock, I'm gonna' go walk and have a chat with Molly. Text me when you're done." I walk over to the table where Sherlock's sitting, and grab my phone, only to have his hand grab mine. I cup my hand around his chin, making him look up at me, and say, "You behave, okay? No mixing toxic chemicals, or exploding into the Hulk."

He chuckles, and says, "That's the last time we're watching that!"

I kiss him on his hair, then walk out with Molly. I ask, "So Molly, what's really on your mind? You look stressed."

She sighs, then says, "Okay, I'll tell you...as long as you don't tell Sherlock."

I knit my eyebrows, but I reply, "Okay...cross my two hearts and hope to regenerate."

She asks, confused, "What?"

I say, completely changing the subject, "Okay, what do you want to tell me?"

She says, "I...I like Sherlock. I've just never been able to tell him. That's why I'm so stressed out. I see you and him being all friendly and whatever, but I just...I just can't figure out a way to tell him." She must finally see my face, because she says, "What?"

I say, gingerly, "Oh, um, I, um, well...he's, um, he has a girlfriend." She looks confused. I continue, "Well, Molly, I'm a...Sherlock's, um..." I hold up my hand, so she can see the ring.

All she can bring herself to say is "oh".

I say, "Oh, Molly, I am so, so, so sorry, I" My phone dings, interrupting me.

Molly says, "Just go. Go with him...If he's happy, I'm happy. But I want an invitation to the wedding."

I say, nodding, "Of course. You were already on the list. Sherlock made sure of it." She smiles. I turn, only to bump into Sherlock.

"Ready to go?" He asks.

I slip my hand into his, and say, "Let's bounce."

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