I wake up, next to Sherlock, who is reading a book.

I say, "What are you" but I'm interrupted by a soft knock at the door.

Sherlock whispers, "It's probably Annaliese." He then says, louder but yet still softly, "Come on in, Annaliese."

The door opens, and our two and a half year old little girl walks in, clad in her pajamas, and holding her teddy bear, Harry.

She says, her blue eyes gleaming at us, "Harry say 'I not pretty'. Me not pretty?"

Sherlock says, "Oh, come here, sweetheart."

She walks toward our bed, then Sherlock lifts her up, and sets her in the bed between us.

I say, "Is Harry in a bad mood, because he's absolutely rude, and oh so very wrong."

Sherlock says, smiling, "You're more that pretty. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Well, besides your mum."

I look at him strangely, and he asks, innocently, "What?" I roll my eyes, and he adds, "Ally, you are beautiful. No matter what you or others think about yourself."

I get up, saying, "Okay, I'm going to get food."

Annaliese says, putting her arms up in the air, "Foo!"

I pick her up, and carry her to the kitchen. Sherlock follows, wrapped in his sheet, and laughs at Annaliese, who's making faces at him. I love my little family.


(Flashback-the day after meeting Sherlock)

I wake up, not remembering where I am. I look at my phone, and see my reminder to go to school. 8:30am!? I'm going to be late!?

I pull my clothes on, and rush out the door. I wave down a cabbie, and tell them where I need to go. We pull up to the school faster than I thought, and I practically fall out of the cab, trying to get all of my things together.

Running up the steps, I straighten my shirt, and pull my fluffy hair up into a messy bun. I get to my class right as the doors are closing. I sit down, and answer to my name being called for roll.

Then I hear that same voice say, "Interesting. You never told me your last name."

I stare down at my lap, with wide-eyes. "That cannot be who I think it is." I whisper to myself. I pull out a book, and hold it up, so my eyes are peeking out, and I look towards the Professor's desk.

Instead of my professor sitting there, I see the man that is called 'Sherlock' is rifling through the desk drawers now. No one is really paying attention. I cough rather loudly, and Sherlock looks up at me.

He says, "Come here, Alliana."

I stand up, and walk down the row. I pass two giggling girls, and hear one of them say, "He's kinda' hot though." I roll my eyes at that joke, then hear my phone 'ding', making me flinch. I take it out, and look at the text. It reads, "Can't find Sherlock. Have you seen him?-John."

I'm standing at the desk, and Sherlock says, "He'll find me. Don't text back."

I put my phone away, and whisper, "What're you doing here?"

He whispers back, "Got a case. Also, you should come with me. I can tell that none of these people really want to be here, and neither do you. They also don't seem to like you, either."

I look at him, then say, quite loudly, "Ohkay, fine! I'll leave! Finish class without me! I don't want to be in this stupid class anyway!" I stomp off, grabbing my stuff, and walk out the door.

I see him, out of the corner of my eye, and watch his slight confusion change to a smirk, but he quickly hides it. He looks towards me, then says something to the class, and they laugh.

He says, and I see a hint of redness in his cheeks, "Oh, shut up! Free day if you're teacher's not back in fifteen minutes."

They watch him leave, and I'm almost knocked over by him opening the door. I pull him into a hug, knowing that the class can see us. The two girls are correct. He's quite hot, actually, but they can't have him.

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