Sherlock's POV

"Okay so, I have to what?" I ask Ally, who's holding our baby boy, Louis.

Ally looks at me strangely, then says, "Just take care of him, while I go on this trip for the weekend. I'll be back by Monday, I promise."

She kisses me on the lips. Annaliese runs down the hallway, suitcase trailing behind her, and says, "Bye daddy, bye Louis!"

I plead with Ally, "Please don't leave me! I've got a case!"

"Well, just don't leave him anywhere, and please don't let him touch the dead body, alright? I left some guide notes on the table, in case you need them."

I raise a brow at her, and she says, after laughing, "You'll be okay, Sherley, I know you will. Protect him with your life."

Anna hugs my leg, saying, "Love you, daddy!" She has grown so big! I feel like it was just yesterday when I first held her in my arms.

Ally hands Louis over to me, then says to me, "I love you, Mister Holmes. Behave while I'm gone, will you?"

I smile, looking down into her beautiful brown eyes. Why was she bullied when she was younger; she's gorgeous. She's also a bit of a weirdo, which is also why I love her so much.

She looks up at me, saying, "I gotta' go." She kisses Louis on the forehead, then gives me one more kiss before she starts to walk down the steps, Anna in tow.

I blurt, "I love you too!"

I hear her laugh, then the door closes. I say to Louis, fully knowing that he cannot understand me, "Okay, you're the one who needs to behave. We're going to a crime scene, and you can't touch the body, alright?"

He just looks up at me with his giant blue eyes, and makes random noises, reaching up to my face. He grabs my nose, and I yelp in pain. He's a strong little man, that's what he is.

"Okay Mister...Allons-y!" I say, heading downstairs, ready to leave.


"So, obviously this woman was stabbed to death, seeing the pools of blood and no imprints around the throat. She was possibly killed by a lover, or maybe a rapist, I don't really see much about the killer right now." I say, making sure I don't drop Louis while making deductions.

He seems to be very intrigued by a piece of my hair at the moment. He'll pull it, and I'll flinch in pain, not wanting to cry out, and look weak in front of these people. I promised to take care of him, and I will.

I see Anderson staring at me, and I decide to ignore it, hoping he'll do the same. He doesn't.

"Why do you have a baby?" He asks, acting like a smart arse.

I walk over to him, stepping over the cold, dead corpse (get the reference?), and say, "It's my child, and I was entrusted with him. Problem?"

He just looks at me as if he was going to say something else, but Louis smacks him in the head. I stifle a laugh, then look at Louis, and whisper, "Louis, you are so going to be me."

He laughs, a cute little sound, then I turn to Lestrade to ask, "Where's Molly?"

Lestrade replies, "She's in the lab. We're about to head over there with the body, anyway."

"Great. I'll get a head start. I need to ask her something."

I start walking in a different direction before anyone can say anything else.

When I get to the hospital, I walk up to the lab, and practically scare Molly just by not making any noise at all. I'm surprised Louis could be quiet in that amount of time.

"Molly, I have a favor to ask." I say, following her around the lab, with Louis still in my arms.

She asks, sweetly, "What do you need?"

"Can you make bulletproof baby clothes?"

"That's a weird favor, but yes I can. And they might be a bit heavy, just to warn you."

I mutter, "The baby's heavy anyway."

Louis looks at me, then hits me right on my cheekbone. I make a face, and Molly laughs, saying, "He's definitely sassy like you, Sherlock."

She adds, "Anything else you need Sherlock?"

I remember what I'm going to have to tell Ally when she gets back home on Monday. I'm trying to 'tie up loose ends' as she would say. I also am attempting to make a plan.

"Actually, Molly, there is one thing I have especially for you to do..."

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