Ally's POV

(Still Flashback)

"Where's your boyfriend? He should've been here by now." A voice says, jarring me from my drugged sleep.

I don't open my eyes, but I sit, listening to my surroundings, and checking for injuries. I feel ropes around my arms, above my elbows, holding me to a chair, and there's pain in my legs, arms, and well, basically everywhere.

Fingers grab my face, making my eyes open, and I find myself staring into the face of Moriarty. I sniff. Chlorine, and a new suit. I sniff again. And too much cologne. I make a disgusted face, and leave it there to show how I disapprove.

He smiles, saying, "I was just making sure you were alive, so it wouldn't be boring if he came in, and found you dead."

I roll my eyes, and say, "You should probably just kill me now. He won't even care."

Moriarty laughs, then replies, "Oh, but he does. I've been watching him. I know he does."

Really? Does he really? Then, I hear a door close, and I jump, a bit frightened by the noise.

Sherlock appears from behind a curtain, his scarf a brilliant blue from the moonlight shining through the skylight. I almost cry in relief, but decide to keep that to myself. He sees me, then flicks his eyes back to Moriarty, leaving me feeling suspicious. He is going to save me right?

Moriarty says, "I got your text. I met you here.

Sherlock shoots back, "You know what I want."

Moriarty smiles, shaking his head, saying, "Enlighten me."

Sherlock rolls his eyes, then says, "I need her. For-for my cases."

"Is that all you need her for?"

"Yes. Now do you want this flash drive?" He says, holding it out to him.

"Oh, the secret plans? No. I already have them."

Sherlock tosses the flash drive at my feet, then Moriarty's eyes widen as he says, "Oh, a trade? How will you trade with me, since I already have that?"

"Hand her over and I'll give you this." Sherlock says, holding up an object he pulled out of his pocket.

It''s a phone? But it's not his, so the question is...who's is it, and why did he have it?

"Oh yes, I will take that."

Sherlock tosses it to Moriarty, and he catches it, gracefully. I hear Moriarty leave, and Sherlock rushes over to me, untying the ropes.

I say, laughing to keep my mind off the pain, "Took you long enough!"

He asks, ignoring my comment, "Did he hurt you?"

"I've got bruises and lots of pain, but with some drugs, I'll be just...peachy."

He laughs, then picks me up, holding me close.

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